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I am a paid shill for Chainlink unironically AMA

I can attach proof emails but will need to blur some shit
i don't want to buy this shit
Can you post proof but blur your genitals?
Serious questions only, i can post the initial email they reached out to me with but i wont post names or they will know who i am and might get in trouble

But long story short we are incentivised to make legit shill posts on social media including 4chan
u suck at ur job loser
OK unblur your genitals if you like
Can you post proof emails?
yeah well why buy Chainlink if you can have Kenis. no team dumping, actual working stuff and so on. sold my last link bag a few days ago for keeeniiis
How much they pay you?
Also proof
>we are incentivised to make legit shill posts on social media including 4chan
No shit, everyone with a brain can tell this

Do share the email
It's all vaporware smoke and mirrors because one dominant crypto has had the nda and partnerships for a while now and nobody's really sure who.

t.dont ask.
> go to advocate application page
> apply
> post generic email response here
apparently it's taking this retard over 2 hours to do this and then blur out his details lmao
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please share more
Are you using the money from shilling for your transition surgery?
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Paid fudder here, I am also hired by chainlink labs to fud in order to incentivize the conspiratorial schizo demographic into buying through reverse psychology.
LMAO. Still waiting for your email, fudcuck
How’s life after 30?
dump what you know about shilling operations. does the team run bots or are they paying people individually?
Apologies fellas, this thread was used as nagotiation.
I told one of the guys that ill leak the details potentially damaging how they operate, since they didint make me sign an nda but he offered me a couple k bonus in crypto.
So good deal. I promised not to reveal anything for the rest of the year so maybe next year lads

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