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File: nvda.png (46 KB, 964x609)
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Should I buy into nvidia with everything I got ?
File: nvidia.png (163 KB, 2256x1145)
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163 KB PNG
Best moment to do so. I have an old NVIDIA GPU in my PC and going to need a new one soon. That is one solid data point to consider.
on fundamentals: yes
on technicals: fuck no
which way, anon?
FOMO: The Thread
Starring OP
Thing is, it's weird. It ain't 2004 anymore. Investors don't just dump and move on, they double down and ask for more.
NVDA could keep fucking going due to demand and there isn't anything to replace the Ai hype yet... so.... why not?
But would it outpace OP's interest rate? Lmao.
Posemesh will be NVDA of the crypto
please, those nvidia employees need exit liquidity
It'll keep running until october at least.
Those are the most retarded lines I've ever seen and I'm not being facetious.
Rare merchant.

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