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Oops they were lying about the job market
that's a good thing for money printing
We need 8% unemployment before anyone will do anything. Underemployment doesn’t count
>el no sabe how unemployment numbers work
Please explain
>while excluding government jobs
Sorry to hear about your economy chud, stand back while I legislate myself a raise and create fake jobs out of thin air with money that doesn't exist
But doesn't that just mean the jobs reports aren't negative but rather just lower? So jobs are being made and still net positive
This seems like doomer porn more than anything legitimate
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the science has to evolve before it is settled. not sure why that is so hard for trumptards to understand
Nobody cares, keep importing more wageslaves and turn the printers back on.
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You only get registered if you are actively looking for a job
There's 100 million in USA that are not looking for a job, be it homeless or housewife.
>but muh muh they're not looking for a job so they shouldn't count
Considering you are full of homeless people, it's people that gave up because there's no jobs other than fake postings and fake jobs for government shekels.

You have over 30% unemployment
just work at starbucks bro.
I swear they are counting the beaners on gibs as government jobs.
Here's a protip; they're still lying about the job numbers. We are unironically going to starve in the next ten years.
This. American citizens don't matter anymore. Good government fiscal policy doesn't matter anymore. 90% of the American underclass can die and get replaced by a Honduran or Indian or whoever comes across.
You brainlets don't understand that inflation and unemployment is only of secondary interest to the US and the FED. The main reason is to give the Dollar back legitimacy as the reserve currency of the world. Imagine you're holding a shitcoin and the dev keeps minting to support his lavish lifestyle. You would dump the shitcoin and never look back.
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Lol. Lmao even.
> US economy is rapidly slowing
I think the word they were looking for is “collapsing” not “quickly slowing down”
The department of commerce lies about every one of their statistics they publish. BLS lies about unemployment, BEA lies about GDP and the Census that collects the data used by both just fill in missing data because their surveys get low response rates. Seasonal and utility adjustments are some of the most jewish accounting principles ever conceived.
You really think the government would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?
this is same in almost all countries. housewives are not looking for a job therefore they are not unemployed. plus homeless people are homeless for a reason, when they look for jobs yes they are unemployed. but us has a good system, husbands support their home, homeless people don't get lots of benefits from the government, so there's no issue here, it's either fud or psyop.
That's a complete bullshit graph. Monetary expansion from 1913-1971 was a tiny fraction of the expansion since '71, and purchasing power has declined ~95% since '71
Interesting timing considering Bidens biggest campaign point is that he created more jobs than anyone before in his term

Then again everyone knew the numbers were cooked
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You're talking so much bullshit. Switzerland has less than 7%

You are extremely retarded. Fix your brain before you talk again.
Yes, you can lose 99% multiple times but OVERALL you can't. Stupid braindead 65 IQ nigger
sorry chud, your racism made the hard working immigrants look elsewhere, get ready for the biggest economic bust of your lifetime
Retard, look at your graph. There was no massive debasement between 1900-1913, nor did USD gain value in the 20s. The nearly 50% debasement of 1933 is absent and the decline in value since '71 is underrepresented by a factor of 3! >>58729704

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