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>Kenis Unchained is a distributed computation platform to run heavy workloads such as 3D rendering or training AI models on a decentralized network.

>Timeleap's Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) is a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to integrate blockchain technology into their operations.

>GhostFS is a distributed remote storage backend that enables developers to analyze large data sets efficiently within a distributed network. (Used in an EU funded projected called the Human Intracerebral EEG Platform (HIP))

>HSM, soon to be released, is a hardware security module that enables developers to store and manage cryptographic keys in a secure environment.

>Tachyon (formerly known as Clio) is a programming language targeting distributed systems. (Clio has almost 1k GH stars)
Kenis...world?? Big if true.....
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Old tech, people have been doing this for years already.
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I've been doing your mum for years already. Doesn't mean it's a bad idea. The execution is simply superior. That's why she keeps slobbering on my Kenis.
Dev is a street shitter. End of story.
stinky baggie detected, opinion rejected
Guys I've got the secret for getting rich. Don't buy early projects that have literal genius tier founders who don't sleep at night and have millions in tokens but haven't sold them and instead focus on executing maximum value for customers...

Instead buy billion mcap projects with holders who got in at 15c, with thousands of remote employees paid in the native token which is dumped immediately to pay for marketing and onboarding, while actual company revenue is sucked up and sent to VCs instead of giving back to token holders.

You may call me a cuck but I have already spoken to the ceos of the major crypto projects in Brussels and they're already telling me I've got the right idea. This is not financial advice but you'd be smart to listen.

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