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Genuinely wondering
yeah i make around $570 a week wfh doing it
Yes but how?
That's interesting. How has your path been so far? Did you get a consistent client on Upwork? And have you considered applying for any agency?
serious question, why is this place 10 years behind the curve on everything? it didn't used to be this way 5 years ago

There is no curve or progress anymore. The Bay Area is currently obsessed with AI, which is literally a gimmick technology with marginal utility.
no, AI takes care of most of it by now
it's funny because copywriting, seo, marketing, print on demand, etc. are all so formulaic and testable through automation they will be completely replaced (not cut the market, replace) by AI
People who frequent 4chan have been banned from everywhere else on the internet, and everything here is a fed honeypot so they’re running on old/bad info because they’re all unironically being set up for failure.
desu i just wanted to know if copywriting is great and something I could make good money on, simple as that
the same could be said for many white collar jobs and (they) know it but on the surface, they keep memeing AI to replace blue collar jobs, that just doesn't make realistic sense though, it'll be easier to automate information processing with AI tech than real world work until robotics catches up
>Is copywriting still worth it?
Not really. Monoculture is dead and will stay dead until creators nut up and take risks again.
To answer you question at least where im from (Germany) it's already been completely replaced by AI. The weird thing is that i didn't lost my job but became an editor of the sloppy results AI gives sometimes. My pay is still the same, my job is fundamentally different but we didn't get "replaced" per se. The funny thing is that i get more time now because these models they're using (fimbulvtr 2.0 and another one they made from gpt 3.5) are nearly perfect except for when they short circuit and hallucinate. But i still farm airdrops from unicorn.ai and watch anime while working because its an essentally easy job

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