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Asking again for help learning how to trade. I'm in dire straits and I could use some knowledge from a friendly /biz/ anon. I know you exist and you want to help. I'm not the typical jerkass 4chan poster, though I have been here a long time. I try to help others in my own way, ig. I don't denigrate anyone. I am not racist. I believe in financial freedom. That's all I seek. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. That's humanity's #1 survival tactic: cooperation. We wouldn't be where we are right now without cooperation. I could use help learning about platforms and lingo ie what is a shitcoin, what is a memecoins, etc
Thank you so much and good luck in all your trading!
>I am not racist
you should not only be as racist as possible, you should also become antisemitic.
Being antisemitic has saved me many times in this market, only with the powers of antisemitism I was able to avoid jewish scams like bancor, celsius, FTX and many others.
not being antisemitic can cost you your entire networth.
buy low, sell high.
Trading is a meme. It is gambling for rich people. You will lose everything.
I keep hearing this yet maybe if you are making thousands of dollars off of crypto
*Yet many of you are making thousands of dollars off of crypto
>what is a shitcoin
Everything that isn't bitcoin
Some people make thousands at the casino. Many more lose everything. It's not worth the risk. Anyone here telling you they have a guaranteed/foolproof way to earn money in crypto is a liar and a scammer.
That's unfortunate because I figured from the way you guys talk about crypto, at least some of you had figured it out. I don't mind the risk. I've risked things my whole fucking life. I hate being ignorant. It disgusts me. I've been doing my own independent research but it's slow, slow, slow. I just want to look at the numbers. I'm autistic and very much all about the minute. If I see a trend, I'm going to CAPITALIZE on it. I mean, isn't that what we're supposed to be doing here? Capitalizing on opportunities? That's all I want, a chance to do that. Prove my worth, at least to myself. I thought that was /biz/, for fucks sake
>That's unfortunate because I figured from the way you guys talk about crypto, at least some of you had figured it out.
When it comes to trading and TA type shit, just remember that no one really knows anything. Remember that quote about Socrates? That he was the wisest man because he knew that he knew nothing? That's got to be the wisest trader. Most hedge fund managers and "pro traders" can't actually outperform the market trading, and if they did, it was most likely just luck rather than any genius on their part. As far as I know, every TA method has been shown to not outperform just buying and holding for the same time period after trading fees are accounted for as well. Holding for the long term is what differentiates gamblers (traders), from investors.
you want to learn the shitcoin trade son? launch your own coin right now and you will learn how things work from the best teacher... personal experience.
>only with the powers of antisemitism I was able to avoid jewish scams like bancor, celsius, FTX and many others
I avoided them by not being retarded.
>I am not r
well here is you problem

nobody cares here unless you raise the real flag
Ah, this is good knowledge to have. Thank you!
Man, I don't have any hatred for anyone. All colors have done right by me. Ask color have done wrong by me. I don't differentiate based on your genetics. I treat you in how you treat others, period. I've never even known a racially Jewish person so why tf would I hate what I don't know. That's foolish af

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