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A member of LINU is basically bribing all twitter crypto influencers. What are the implications?
That they’re desperate, appear desperate, and every baggie is praying to dump on the first wave of newcomers that finally takes the bait
Linu ain’t bribing shit, the coin is too bullish to need to. People are seeing what’s up. Yeah, I know it’s down. But it was down twice before, and bounced back strong each time. With how long it’s been, the work that’s been put in, it’s only a matter of time before homies bounce back again. Don’t miss the Casinu release or you’ll rope, fuddies.

>inb4 Mike the kike diddles kids or Emilia cast a spell to give me erectile dysfunction and my wife left me
Fuck Ryan. He sold the top, lingered for a while to dissipate suspicion and now is fully gone kek. Vermin. Fuck the viking pfp guy too, fuck the glasses cunt, fuck all the team that slurped our liquidity and abandoned the project after the listings. Fuck you all. Whoever thinks they're still holding is demented.
Another -20%
Implications are that it will rug soon.
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Not one of us sold, I'm one of the biggest hodlers in the community and I'll post here what I first posted in response to all the fud way back when
lol ok. why did ryan just leave then? He used to put in the work 24/7 and now he (and his gang of rats) just vanished because what, he wants a lil break? Fucking retard, he cashed out and left you hanging like the cuck you are. There's only a few people actually working on it now and all of them are new - mike, dom, linu to lambo, rabbi, etc...
Ryan hasn't sold, retards

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