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Only 84 days until our favorite chink gets released from Club Fed. What are the implications of his relief for crypto? Will his release kick start the bear market? Will he moon LUNC? Will the shitcoin gamblers inherit the earth?
funny that the US kikes always try to takeover potentially hostile sources of power, they tried with TikTok too
4 month sentence for tens of billions of dollars is fucking worth it. I bet a couple of exchange owners under investigation want the same sentence as him
that's 4, retard
Learn to count, nigger. 4 fingers times twenty plus 4 fingers again is 84
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How big is CZ's dick? Does anyone know?
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cz doesnt work for binance anymore :/
he never worked for them he owned them and he still does
The only thing I give a shit about is making money off of the event, and I'm already well positioned on the og sol token. Free money, basically.
So many CZ tokens though - how many jeets have the same idea?
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Where's the buck broken CZ token?
What token are you talking about?
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Do some research, biz has really gone down the shitter. I'm feeling generous though, for the good old times, pic related.
i just buy LUNC. That chart looks like ass
Lunc will go nowhere
Laying dormant waiting for the next big CZ thing, and guess what's coming. That the token survived months without any activity at this floor shows you how strong it is, smart money knows. At this mcap I'm fairly sure a 100x is easy when CZ gets released/pre-release hype.
Is there a plan or is this just wishful thinking?
Do I need to spoonfeed you inbreds this hard? Study the token, study the team, study the holders (and their wallets), if you know you know, if you don't, miss out on an automatic 100x, simple as.

Check the price action, it 100x previously, organically, due to his sentencing.
lol, ok
Lunc will burn 90% of token and go straight to $100
What team? This is community owned
Anything involving this chink will crash your assets.

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