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File: mines.jpg (42 KB, 357x680)
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I've been noticing gambling or payables a lot here, will the picrel ever truly works out? Of all the time I'm playing, I'm losing money over and over and I feel like this shit is rigged. Any explanations? Anyone made a profit with these gambling games?
The fuck? Stay away from these bro. I'm telling you.
Are you retarded? It's not free money.
They could literally rig every single game (which they obviously do) and nobody would ever notice because you can't prove it. Of course, all the idiots follow the same way of thinking: "dude, they are a casino and therefore the probability of winning is already on their side, why would they cheat?"

There is a reason Stake is banned in half the countries around the world, if not more. If you are going to set your money on fire, at least do it live in a real casino.
Real casino is equally worse. Its blatantly rigged just like how stake is.
I just want to win once in any game no matter how little the profit is and leave. I would not let the house win.
Seems like they are vvery obvious at rigging shit.

Dude that's my stance as well. I literally doubled my money and all. They literally wiped out all my deposit in a series of games with series of losses. Completely fucking rigged. I'm my case and in most cases, the house will win no matter what.
Bunch of greedy mfs the stake and literally every casino is.
You think you could do that? These suckers will increase your greed and STEAL from you.
step 1: collect and save free daily rewards
step 2: play blackjack with a blackjack chart (or be a degen and play risky)
step 3: cash out

it's literally that simple. not gonna be life-changing money but it's free money. i started doing it on a bunch of casinos like 6 months ago and i've cashed out a couple hundred.
it's not worth playing at all when you have much better odds and payouts in the shitcoin casino
is that you, bossmanjack?
Atleast you can socialize at a real casino
He’s in prison retard
ironic, because you're the one calling me a retard, when you're the one that can't even get an obvious joke.
>Im losing my money gambling
>How could this be happening to me?
I won 6k on stake from 50 bucks. It was on mines, with 3 mines.
I was briefly positive on shuffle but I'm down like ~$100 now
I fucking love gambling

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