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File: 777 Stakeeyd.png (316 KB, 874x637)
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Did you Stakeeyd?
look at chart, stinky
ur investment = bad
simple as
i'll buy link at 7$
I thought the pool was closed?
Should I claim now when the price is low or wait until EoY?
wait till EoY, when the price is lower :^)
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I dont have to buy, get them for free
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yeah I only have 1k staked though.
Yup i'm poor
I have exactly 60k staked and when the pool opens up in December i'll have 62.592k staked.
Simple as.
Yes, about 1/3 your stake
>Poo id
Stinky in here
What are your rewards?
bout three fiddy
any way to sign up without a google or microsoft account?
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I sold at $19. Thanks for playing
Lmao the IRS is gonna fuck you stakers sideways. I wouldn't stake xrp even if I could
yea it sucks having a legitimate business off passive staking rewards while sitting around smoking weed and playing video games all day
> the government is going to come after your money!

sounds like a good problem to have. A better problem than missing out.
delicious cope
to lose my money? no. staking = scam. you'll lose money even with more chainshits.

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