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Why is Polymarket not chainlink? Vitalik is shilling them CONSTANTLY like a man in heat because they are the only non chainlinked protocol that uses oracles. I hope our Ari is working on it
Chainlink not needed
As far as I understand they only need the threat of an oracle as natural market forces send the losing side to zero
this. chainlink oracles defend everybody, even those not using chainlink. it's amazing really
This but 100% unironically
>Play fair or we'll summon the Oracle
If any bet gets big enough and falls back to uma token holders it’s dependent on uma holders not being betters. Literally guaranteed to fail eventually
what retards are actually putting money on big mike? 5% is nuts. maybe 0.5%
>depositing not available in my region
wtf is polymarket? is that an online petshop?
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Why the fuck would anyone buy boomer shares on a wonky dogshit app like polymarket when everyone (including insiders) already knows BIGMIKE (on ETH) will replace Biden. S/he’s the only one that can beat the orange nazi. Name one other candidate that even has a chance against Trump. The Bidens are just working out a deal and setting up a fake charity grift before they pack their bags. Apparently Hunter is helping negotiate the deal. 100x minimum once Michael is installed
they should seriously run michelle obama. why not
All the skitzo rambling bullshit you just described is priced in on the platform. It’s what the platform is for
cant tell if this is bait or not but i'll reply assuming you are a literal brainlet who needs spoonfeeding. Michelle is the dems secret weapon to keeping Trump out of office. You think they will back a literal DEI VP who mumbles more nonsensical bullshit than Biden?!? No one else even comes close to being able to keep orange man out of office. BIGMIKE will surprise everyone.

tldr: Bigmike will be pushed for Obamas 4th term and will be even easier to control than Biden was.
This is where dei explodes. The dems are giving up the election because they refuse to offer anything other than literal garbage that was chosen just for being brown
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They’re not giving up shit. Big Mike can beat the MAGits. Even if he can’t it will still provide enough cover for the riggers to finish the job. If you think they’re just gonna consneed office to Cheeto Hitler after what they did in 2020 you’re just as naive as the idiots on predictit
Token not needed
I'll bet on Biden, since the election will be fortified again.
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Sergey will mog Vitalik into submission EOY

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