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I started stealing cars and now I don't worry anymore about my finances and my bleeding shitcoins
I also did this, Selling sucks but it pays well.
tell us more how do you make profit? what cars are the easiest to steal?
>what cars are the easiest to steal?

>he's never heard of the kiaboys
This >>58730257 you haven't heard you can steal worst korea cars with a fucking usb?
I wonder if anyone here is dumb enough to fall for this larp and start stealing cars.
Basically I drive the car in a place where I can work and start removing parts, I sell them online.
It's very easy to steal cars nowadays, since everyone is using remote controls which can be easily hacked

they bought chainlink, they will steal cars as well
At the expense of your soul.
I only steal cars to rich people, which have no soul, so my soul is not affected.
Even better if the car still has some "riding with Biden" sticker attached
Ahhh, a life of crime. Is this financial advice?
biz - business & crime
>A group of disillusioned individuals, fed up with a system they feel has wronged them, turn to grand theft auto. Starting with simple car thefts, they quickly evolve into a sophisticated ring targeting high-end vehicles. They justify their actions as "repossessing" from the wealthy what society has denied them.
> Hath walked in my statutes, and hath kept my judgments, to deal truly; he is just, he shall surely live, saith the Lord God.

> But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.

>The soul that sins, dies.

Spin it however you want. I’ve stollen also and if I had the chance to undo it, I would. You are permanently damaging your eternal soul. I love you. I’m not attacking you.
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Oh and by the way, if you repent honestly and call on the name of Jesus (the soul that did not trespass) he will save you. He beat the game bros and you know what he chose as his reward?


Christ is King.
I will repent later, for now I prefer to steal cars
Not worth it if you can avoid a life of crime and make it somehow, as the chances go way up you’ll get separated from your loved ones.
If they were dumb enough to buy LINK then they are sufficiently dumb to commit grand larceny.
In return youll have to worry about your bleeding anus once the cops catch up to you.
I live in a blue state, cops can't do shit, kek
There were anons dumb enough to fall for the indoor shrimp farming meme. One anon got evicted and sued for installing a 20K gallon tank in his apartment
>chop shop
I wonder if parts I buy online nowadays are all sourced from this activity
thanks for your support Anon
>Link fuddy
>has to steal cars like a broke nigger
kek pottery.
I bought chainlink as well
What if you die tomorrow?

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