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We will never see 57k again.
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You won't trick me with your jewish tricks.
It's below 58k right now anon, 58k has been rejected.
damn, maybe I should have listened to the jews. Maybe they had my best interests in mind all along.
Have I been the bad guy all along?
post moar bottom signals
lol bukele is literally clamping down, arresting and stealing from nickel and dime narcos gangs to keep his BTC empire afloat. it's over
Imagine voting for Bukakai
we are so back
Based as fuck.
And rejected again,
hnnnng guyys! I'm RECOOVERING! huunnnggg!
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wait till we got over the 200d sma, anytime we have gotten close we get rejected back down.
Bobosisters what's going on
57? we will never see 53k again
For Christ sake that's the biggest bottom signal of this year my short is fucked
Don't jinx it you fucking retard

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