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Are we fucked or not?
They'll change the definition of recession back to what it's always been when orange hitler wins so they can blame it on him.
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totally. but it's always hard to wrap our heads around it.
when JPOW started hiking, he said he was targeting 6% unemployment.
it was explained to him, at the speed he's raised rates, if he hits 6%, he'll go straight to 10+%.
and allegedly, unemployment's at 4%, at the moment.
shit, things will probably limp on for at least another 6 months.
look at my picture. look at those unrealized losses on US treasuries. trillions.
the last 2 years has been bankers pumping their bags and playing hot potato.
2 years of stock market performance, just fraud.
and we're only just now starting to see foreclosures tick up.
at least can see consumer spending completely died about 2 months ago.
if we need to elect trump to have a scapegoat so we can finally have this overdue recession/depression, so be it
What about a recession AND a false flag to stoke nationalism so white men join the military to fight CHYNA?
So you are looking at a final meltup before interest rates lowered again? (same scenarios as every time since 00)

I just find it fucked up that unemployment going up is something positive. "Just lose your income so we can lose prices bro". Shits fucking retarded.

Anyway, so what is the peak price BTC before the crash? Im getting the fuck out all on cash the moment they lower rates.
Big time once the dems are out.
btc isn't crashing anytime soon lol.
according to your graph, is like get to febraury, and then things cool off like a tiny bit. and then like 12-18 months of just non-stop pain and suffering.

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