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I never thought our domestic shrimp farming DIY forum would lead to this. It started innocently enough—sharing tips on aquaculture and homemade shrimp feed. But things took a bizarre turn.
A group of strange individuals appeared, pushing a white cube as the solution to all our problems—not just shrimp-related, but financial too. They insisted this cube was the key to unimaginable wealth and enlightenment. Before long, we were chanting about the cube while neglecting our shrimp tanks.
Somehow, they convinced us to join their cult on a remote island for the "ultimate transformation" — summoning the Giant Sergay, supposedly an ancient deity of prosperity. They promised unparalleled financial gains and spiritual awakening if we succeeded, all through the cube's power.
Now I'm standing on this beach, surrounded by 1600 naked incel neckbeards. As we chant and perform cult ceremonies, a chilling realization hits me. Have we been utterly deceived? Is this Giant Fat Fuck real, or are we part of an elaborate scam?

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