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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

previous thread:
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>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
BBBY Chads are making moves.

>TLDR: Plan Administrator is seeking to claw back $89,206,062.48 from 207 Defendants, with initial pretrial conference on August 8, 2024, plus an additional $38,364,792.00 from a separate adversary case (no current court date), for a grand total of $127,570,854.48.

>Since the Plan Administrator anticipates another 100-200 Avoidance Actions, that has potentially to clawback an additional $100+ million back to the estate.

Kek paid stockbashers, your demise is nigh and you will not survive

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>So, what's Bill's angle here? It's unbelievable his shitcoin adventure was a serious undertaking. He would've understood exactly what he was getting into and it was oddly spontaneous.

>Well, why Solana specifically? What was Bill trying to convey by "apeing into Solana"? Sol means Sun, but the precise translation of Solana is the sunny side of a mountain or valley.

>Ryan Cohen used the Sun as an endgame symbol in the Teddy books. On the final page in Teddy and the Stock Stand the Sun is setting behind the valley. Teddy and the boys are going to bed one last time before waking up to the best stock stand in the world. In other words, this is the moment before GameStop makes a major announcement, like the acquisition of Butterfly.

>pulte isn't just pumping shitcoins to gain clout with richfag celebrities, he's sending a cryptic message about BBBYQ
this better not fizzle out into some qanon tier retardation like the 2020 election aftermath on /pol/. for instance larry cheng appears to be out of touch and useless like a boomer, living comfortably in extreme wealth almost like royalty, posting self-absorbed pseudo-wisdom about venture capital day in and day out without a care in the world for retail investors who got ripped off. we have yet to see the fruits of whatever ryan cohen thought he was doing with GME and BBBY.
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Rc said himself:

“someone tell the government to stop shooting down my balloons”

The system is in the process of offloading as much toxic garbage onto less well connected institutions, pensions, 401ks, retail and retirement funds of all different kinds before they allow this and gme to blow. Also a system where only a single private company, DTC, has a ledger that knows how many shares are circulating (vs how many are actually issued) is obviously a fucking scam so they are creating narratives to “reasonably” explain away how hedge funds can sell shares that don’t exist when a high school computer science student could trivially create a database query to detect fake shares with ease. They are going to throw Ken, Doug and the crooks under the bus and they need plausible deniability for the bigger fish because the reality is the entire system is a scam designed to steal money from the working class directly. And there needs to be some explanation ready to describe how hedge funds could print fake shares and bonds and etfs and options “without anybody else knowing about” when we all know everyone (the big firms) all know this shady shit was going down and profited heavily from it, see the Bernie madoff case.

Until these matters are sorted out, and big players have their ducks in a row they will continue to clog up the courts. Until chapter 11 is officially a wrap we are on hold.

Now they are really fucking with you kek.
that rug really tied the room together man
This. Larry Chink and jewish RC are living like kings. They are cringe overachievers with no sense of morality or ideology and will NEVER do anything to tip the boat that is the choking usury of the jewish financial system.
In fact these kinds of workaholics believe nobody else deserves to make money and they will pull up the ladder bc you're not a jew or a chink who "works" 14 hours a day
Chapter 11 already ended. The plan administrator has repeatedly corrected you all on this point. What are you waiting for at this point?
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We fucking won!! ONLY THE YOUNG
Closer to 1 than to 0 years since then lol
If the chapter 11 has ended, then why are there still dates for the currently ongoing chapter 11 case for bed bath and beyond?
You are speaking to a paid thinker. He can't "think" outside of the scope of his script. Start small. Try asking if it did/didn't have any breakfast.
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I can't wait to receive a settlement payment from jpmorgan because of the fraud they committed by colluding with the board of bed bath and beyond to sabotage the company and drive it to bankruptcy.


Do you mean Hudson bay?

They appear to have literally been part of a group of companies exposed to archegos and collectively sworn to silence about it.

Then they show up out of nowhere (I wonder who introduced them to the board) and death spiral the company.

So the board turned down $400m for baby and then did a death spiral deal with an actor that apparently was part of a network of companies that seemed to have a long time interest in bbby's failure.

At this point, I don't think there's any way Hudson bay is a good actor. I wonder if we'll see anything between Jpm and Hudson bay comes out via discovery.
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guys he sat on the fucking couch
where's my fucking money???
why is nobody alexander zarac'ing jake2b
oh wait...
They're still pulling skeletons out of the closet on the fraud case.
Yeah same. I'm thinking of buying different stocks in the basket with the settlement money
kek imagine trusting this illiterate jew and fat silverspoon dipshit
I can't believe I lost all my fucking money on this stupid rug and bath company.....

stupid rugcoin...
kek Class 9 bathniggers
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Expect delays.

Chapter 11 has not resolved and is still ongoing.
I bought 10k between .07-.13 and sold 3/4 at .23-.30 and rolled it into gme. Made a profit and might even get a wildcard out of it.
I think it should be discussed the connection of KOSS and AMC to the basket, it’s time all the stocks come into play here
It’s linked to KOSS & AMC, buying either of those 2 is prime real estate for when BBBYQ comes out of chapter 11
Just bought 500 KOSS waiting for BBBY to light this rocket BBBYQ/KOSS siblings like GME/AMC are linked
>the basket
>the basket

Hey basket tards, is it just me or does this CONNECT HUDSON BAY TO THE BASKET?
I am a firm trustee in there being over 100 stock combinations in this basket, some so deep the aren’t discovered yet, once the merger for KOSS, BBBY & GME goes through should mean some big spikes on the hidden stocks.
Where's the delay fag at

Hard mineral did a ban bet and now a new user called Lizzil for shizzil popped up with the exact same writing style
Stop silofagging, you glow
I watched the live stream last night and Peruvian Bull said, Ian Carroll knows an entity that would give him information but only if he signs a Non-disclosure Agreement. Why would any entity want to give a outsider, insider information where the person is just speculating on the topic?
Koss and AMC pusher calling me a glowie kek
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Sneed. We won months ago!!
Holy shit not a single line of this tweet aged well
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Nothing about it has been tested yet. We all know the courts are being clogged to delay as long as possible. Until chapter 11 is officially over, we are on hold.
The first line is simply 64D nigger babble
>Cory Rhodes initials backwards are RC!
Insiders are buying
A grown man who calls himself PP and slapped another man with a dildo didnt get to ask a venture capitalist a question...ok?
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JPM coordinating with the former board to commit system fraud to bankrupt the company isn’t good…. More and more coming out that crazy fraud is being uncovered.

Pitchbook listed the company as sold in January 2023, 1 month after RC offered 400m to buy the company.

Until the chapter 11 has officially concluded we can’t test all the dd of the past few years. And as more and more documents come out it looks like JPM will get hit with serious fraud.
Our conversation isnt about wether or not the bbby thesis is right. What does any of why you just said have to do with what I said here:
and what that faggot Alex said here:
He was claiming we won in April due to reasons X Y and Z outlined in his tweet - all of it was wrong.
That gymnastics shit works on X and not on intelligent people.

Alex was a faggot before he coopted the community.
He will continue to be a faggot after moass.
Good time to remind everyone

Liking Alex and Pulte are not requirements to hold the stock
Sucking Jake off on twitter as if he has been right one time is not a requirement to hold the stock
Being a Qfag is not a requirement to hold the stock

BBBY Stock discussion started here on 4chan and then the community was stolen by Alex.
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>Holy shit not a single line of this tweet aged well

You are assuming that there is a very strict immediate timeline. He isn’t wrong because his statement isn’t that we won right then and there, it’s that we won and we have to wait for the courts to do their thing.

>He was claiming we won in April due to reasons X Y and Z outlined in his tweet - all of it was wrong.

It cannot be wrong because chapter 11 is still ongoing and we don’t know how it’s all going to play out but the evidence that shareholders will be made whole is IMMENSE, but you know and you’re here to poison sentiment and demoralize. As of June 11 the total debt left is 250m, after these upcoming clawbacks Carl Icahn and rc ventures can easily pay off the rest and issue new equity which is the point you are out of a job.
I dont converse with people like you. You can never be wrong and will publicly embarrass yourself to convince yourself youre right.
I dont give a single fuck about your sentiment or morale you dumb fucking nigger.
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Ooooo little seethy weethy is raging. What you mean to say is that I cannot be wrong YET, as the chapter 11 process is still ongoing.
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Exactly. We fucking won!! Now we're just waiting for the legal system to catch up and issue our cash+equity. We aren't wrong, we're just early. Jacked to the tits! I need to call my mom.
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Ah yes, WWE champion Cory Rhodes.
Why you trying to prevent KOSS entering the chat? It’s related to BBBYQ ‘s chapter 11, keep up, it’s a 3:1 merger for level 3 BBBY chads
Post hand
It is amazing, as soon as one certain stock gets mentioned and suddenly gets siloniggered into oblivbion by shills, you glow in the dark niggers ain't going to win you know that don't you, soon as BBBY, KOSS and the rest of the basket emerge you slimeballs are done, I am talking owned, You can not silo the subject anymore KOSS is the fuse to light fuse on BBBY, it's all worked out.
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Your same tactics were being used by the dogshit Anon and that shit was shut down real fast when people started kekking dougshit, so I’ll have to come up with a succinct and clever way to shutdown your obvious bs. RC has his name all over gme (ceo obviously) and is still all over dockets for bbby. Get a better script.
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>dogshit Anon
I'm not allowed to post my comics anymore because of bans lol.
You seem to be misreading me anon, RC's name is all over Apple, you will bare witness to the greatest shuffling of all time and it is thanks to the chapter 11 of BBBY you will taste glory, if you do not have BBBY bonds you are going to be in for a bad time.
Ah Bill pulte. The little rich kid whos grandpa built shitty houses with mexican immigrants used government subsidies after the 07 crash to buy his own stock to pump the company up before selling it. The fact that yall actually believe a jew is friends with that goyim is hilarious. Dude responded to one tweet and was nice enough to pose for some photos with the little fucker and yall still act like he is somehow connected. Blows my mind. Pultes lawyer is the same lawyer for steven cohen. Pulte worked at the same hedgefund as mitt romneys nephew. Oh the amount of dirt i have on that fuck
Or how about that time john stewart liebowitz convinced all you retards it was bernie madoff who created payment for order flow on his show “the problem” LOL

Larry Liebowitz was an executive at the brokerage firm Charles Schwab, and he was instrumental in the company's decision to adopt payment for order flow (PFOF) in the early 2000s.
According to a report by The New York Times, Charles Schwab began using PFOF in 2001, under the leadership of then-CEO David Pottruck. Larry Liebowitz, who was serving as the company's chief technology officer at the time, played a key role in implementing the system. The company believed that PFOF would enable it to offer customers lower commission
rates while still generating revenue.

Larry Liebowitz was in charge of the Payment for Order Flow (PFOF) program at Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities during his tenure as head of the firm's market-making unit. The PFOF program was a significant source of revenue for the firm, as it allowed the firm to receive payments from market makers for executing their clients' orders.

Larry Liebowitz did work for Bernard Madoff's firm, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities. He was the head of the firm's market-making unit from 2003 to 2008. However, it should be noted that Liebowitz was not involved in Madoff's Ponzi scheme, which was uncovered in
2008. In fact, Liebowitz was one of the employees who cooperated with the authorities during the investigation of Madoff's fraud.

Upon further research, I have found that Larry Liebowitz and Bernie Madoff were both members of a panel that advised the SEC on market structure issues in 2005.
According to a Reuters article from
December 2005, Larry Liebowitz was one of the members of the SEC's Equity Market Structure Advisory Committee, which was tasked with providing recommendations to the SEC on market structure issues. Bernie Madoff was also a member of this committee.
And nobody ever talks about how pultes dad sold land to kenneth griffin in boca either. Its just too much at this point how played some of yall are.
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kek seethies
The shills pick on Pulte because he is tasked with engaging the shareholders while the lawsuits get settled. Interacting with strangers form the internet is not an easy task and he is pulling it off wonderfully. So long as you are smart enough to know that Pulte can't just come out and then spill the beans on what is going on behind the scenes you understand that his engagement will obviously look like grifting and be spun by the hedgies to be exactly that.
The hedgies are seething uncontrollably because they want to get their lawyers involved so bad however they literally can't bring in childrens books and cryptic tweets as evidence.
They see everything we do and they are red-in-the-face SEETHING over BBBY in particular.
GME will never get this, GME was the distraction play BBBY was the crown jewel
I think GME is very very real. BBBY is the hill the shorts died on. They went ALL-IN last ditch effort and I think they will be on the hook for every last share they sold at $0.04. They were desperate to get people to sell thinking it would go to zero and they probably created a problem literally bigger than GME at those prices.
DFV probably owns a huge chunk of BBBY shares, might be what one of the hidden videos is about for sure
>for sure
Kek baggies
The reason the shills and hedgies are so ass-blasted by BBBY because their shares are no longer sitting in their account at .0001 cents each. They were removed by court order that is in the middle of a fraud investigation and the shorts are unable to close their positions even if they wanted to. They are basically getting walked down to the hangman's noose and their only hope is to receive a phone call at the last minute from the governor to stay the execution. If even so much as a single penny is returned to shareholders then the naked short position is actualized in the real world. It is no longer just a bogus bookkeeping entry but an ACTUAL claim on a very limited pool of resources.
Shorts are well aware that all of this is going on. They were greedy and did not close out their position when they had the chance. Now it is starting to dawn on them their mistake, and they realize it as they are getting strapped in to the electric chair on the cusp of experiencing a trade that exposes them to potentially INFINITE losses.
I say this periodically, but if I were them I would be liquidating my margin accounts and taking ALL of my money out of that broker account and buying gold to bury in the back yard. Shorts will be the FIRST to get liquidated in the PM as soon as the brokers catch wind that BBBY shares will be returned. They won't even get the courtesy of a margin call. It will be instantaneous infinite losses and a complete liquidation with lawyers knocking on their doors months later getting sued for recovery.
You glow, NGMI
>60,000 BBBY shares owner
Shine bright like a diamond fucker
>Now it is starting to dawn on them their mistake, and they realize it as they are getting strapped in to the electric chair on the cusp of experiencing a trade that exposes them to potentially INFINITE losses.

AMC/BBBY/KOSS to the moon
total GME death
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Shills, your response?
Everyone too busy looking at GME to see what BBBY&KOSS doing, Get fucked GME
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Now that is something I don't believe in the slightest.
Kais used to be annoying but when you understand him as the comic relief of this whole thing it's actually pretty funny.
Comfiness level: MAXIMUM
Where is everyone? Why is no one talking about what just happened? Shilly as fuck in here.
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>why is no one talking about what just happened?
sounds like no one knows what the fuck happened then
what happened?
Spoon feeding time is over, check SEC
>just happened
I would rather you kill yourself
Glow brighter
guys, why I'd nobody talking about what JUST happened! I'm not going to mention what JUST happened though, spoonfeeding time is over! It is a MYSTERY that JUST happened, I don't understand why NOONE is discussing it! Glow much???
Exactly, its so fucking obvious! Glad someone here is human.
kill yourself faggot
I don't see new shit in sec edgar for bbby or dk-butterfly so 16pbtid faggot can die
When BBBY moons, you will have my permission to die you inorganic glow fiend.
>checked the sec for bbby / dk-butterfly
you couldn't handle 1/8th of my stack you dumb bitch
Maybe that dumb faggot is talking about this, it was mentioned in the gme thread. Something about sec coping about naked shorts.
I am $500k into BBBY, and I have a NDA preventing me from talking about the real moves behind the camera, but everything is linked to KOSS just as is GME and Lego, you don't even see it you think control + f is going to highlight this? I will give you one clue Jemall, Naked.
Jesus Christ you are pathetic.
shoot yourself in the fucking face retard
You sound just like the compromised BBBY board trying to lure Ryan Cohen over
that was pretty funny
guys, we won!!
i have the definitive proof of that, i'll be done compiling and formatting a series of posts explaining how everything went, i should be able to release it in approximately two weeks
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You didn't go all in on dougshit? I can notice his posting style from a mile away
Bless the maker its coming, we got our dates to keep an eye out for.

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The fraud that is being uncovered in these documents is incontrovertible, JPM is going to get fucked, baby was carved out a year and a half ago, and hedgies can barely even instruct the shills to fight against the obvious so they send in


To cause “chaos”, and be a satire troll. The more demoralized people are the higher the chances they sell the new equity earlier. Hedgies are seething hard because they’ve been told by the bigger fish (banks and sec and doj) that if they can’t convince people to sell they will be made an example of because this has all blown up too far and wide to not have to have “justice” to sell to the working class people. That is why hedgie wedgie is seethy weethy, ESPECIALLY because RC has nodded towards pulte and pulte has nodded towards bbby but also throws in plausible deniability which hedgie ledgie desperately tries to paint as a grifter.

Retail trusting RC is the biggest problem wallstreet has ever faced.
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kek stupid dumb fuck BBBaggies
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kek great meme
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Many lost hope in chapter 11, like a Phoenix we will soar brothers! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!
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mfw getting a paycheck from JPM
we fvcking vvon.
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Are there still people unironically denying that fraud has taken place?
Please tell me PP is not a Jew
I like his content but on the other hand all that NDA shit makes me kinda doubt the Peruvian Cuck.
>BBBY already priced in for billions in payouts
>ticker not active so do not need to worry about any dips or false prophet pumps
>KOSS primed for launch
>shills not in the bread
We are at peace BBBY we have done the heavy lifting glory to the BBBY, they sweat in court on Monday, final judgment Thursday
>verification required
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>BBBY thread
Pretty funny
Feels like I am the last man standing holding the weight of MOASS on my shoulders.
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>holding 60,000 bbby shares at $8.30
Whew lad
I am so WAGMI
>hedgies will drag themselves through the river nile to beg for my holdings.
You are a grown man calling another man "pp". You do this while knowing his real name. I hope you dont make it
>Final report of the commercial stock BBBY, third anon reporting. The other members of the thread Keith, 45, Niggerfaggot, Siloman, PP and CaptainCohen, are dead. Stock and Bonds destroyed. I should reach the moon in about six weeks. With a little luck, the MOASS will pick me up. This is M1Bz8sd/, last survivor of the BBBY General, signing off.

>Come on DFV
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It's not an NDA, it's a restraining order.
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Its ok, cantletgoanon. I told you and the others this would happen years ago, but everyone called me a shill. Best of luck with your next schizo venture, if you don't kys. I'll even bump the thread for ya, courtesy of my fat hedgie paycheck!
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What kind of mental illness is this? He sold after they refused to take his help.
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This tweet is the first time I've doubted we would be made whole.
extremely bullish, people will have sympathy for him
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Some of these redditors (or maybe just paid shills) are fucking insane and lack any form of sympathy or self-awareness. Not only an assassination attempt, but also 1 innocent person dead and a few injured.
I hope everyone on superstonk who says shit like "why would he say something so divisive" panick sells as soon as MOASS starts
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That's what the CIA does with politicians it dislikes, regardless of country.
End the FED
Dismantle the CIA
Make AIPAC register as a foreign entitiy
and 90% of the problems in the US and around the world disappear
too bad they missed the orange nigger lmao
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>Only the young
>Lists multiple old people
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Rc said himself:

“someone tell the government to stop shooting down my balloons”

The system is in the process of offloading as much toxic garbage onto less well connected institutions, pensions, 401ks, retail and retirement funds of all different kinds before they allow this and gme to blow. Also a system where only a single private company, DTC, has a ledger that knows how many shares are circulating (vs how many are actually issued) is obviously a fucking scam so they are creating narratives to “reasonably” explain away how hedge funds can sell shares that don’t exist when a high school computer science student could trivially create a database query to detect fake shares with ease. They are going to throw Ken, Doug and the crooks under the bus and they need plausible deniability for the bigger fish because the reality is the entire system is a scam designed to steal money from the working class directly. And there needs to be some explanation ready to describe how hedge funds could print fake shares and bonds and etfs and options “without anybody else knowing about” when we all know everyone (the big firms) all know this shady shit was going down and profited heavily from it, see the Bernie madoff case.

Until these matters are sorted out, and big players have their ducks in a row they will continue to clog up the courts. Until chapter 11 is officially a wrap we are on hold.

Also look at these two pics to understand the general theme of how new equity will be dished out:

Months after shit went crazy and RC sold, he offered $400m for baby.

Is there any reason he wouldn't have spent pennies on the dollar to buy all the bonds just a few months after that?
>Is there any reason he wouldn't have spent pennies on the dollar to buy all the bonds just a few months after that?

Checked. He absolutely bought most of the bonds up.

>This snippet of text messages confirms that the BBBY board not does truly know who owns their bonds, as in specific names. Keep in mind these text messages from 8/16/2022 Cohencide with Ryan Cohen's selling of BBBY stock on 8/16/2022 and 8/17/2022. At this point in time was he already holding BBBY bonds or did he start to amass his bond position after being forced to sell his stock due to the unfriendly actions of BBBY's board? I would also like to point out that Pulte did not announce his bond position in BBBY until 1/16/24 which drew the attention of the average retail investor to bonds only after his announcement. So back in August of 2022, what retail investor was buying bonds? The only two names that I can think of back then are Ryan Cohen and Jake "The Snake" Freeman.

>TLDR: Ryan Cohen can hold BBBY bonds and remain anonymous behind the trustee of the BBBY bonds to which the BBBY board, other investors, and the trustee itself, will have no evidence that he is holding them as the trustee represents the consolidated unknown bondholders

does bed bath and beyond still accept giftcards?
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Who was this?
Case SI v. BED BATH & BEYOND CORPORATION, 1:22-cv-02541, (D.D.C. May 14, 2024)

ECF No. 115: Ryan Cohen Deposition on or before July 18, 2024.


Docket 3345: An update to the personal injury lawsuit. Court hearing July 23, 2024 2:30PM.

Docket 3318: Initial pretrial conference for the Avoidance Actions. Court hearing on August 8, 2024 10:00AM.



Case 20230930-DK-Butterfly-1, Inc., et al. v. Edelman, et al., No. 652164/2024 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Apr. 26, 2024): Defendants’ deadline to move, answer, or otherwise respond to the Complaint is extended to August 9, 2024.




>I think it's going to be a lot of REDACTED and the lawsuit will dismiss
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M&A soon?
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Damn why did dougshit start spilling his spaghetti on Twitter right around the time of cancellation? Shouldn’t that be a time of celebration when an extremely over shorted stock was canceled?

Or could it be because the stock was halted to prevent changes in ownership to preserve the NOLs? Kek the big fish (banks, intelligence services, doj) will hold this up in courts for as long as they can while big firms offload toxic positions onto innocent pension funds and then release the bomb.
Cellar boxing targets are supposed to sit in your account for $0.0001 per share when they go to zero.
Doug is like someone driving 120mph and sees a sign telling him to turn left at 15mph. There was no time to stop and reverse course. He knew he was in deep fucking shit and someone was saving the company despite Virtu being balls-deep naked short. He knows he is fucked.
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I have to go to the bathroom but dont want to miss it
bbbyq bump
>We in the Endgame now BBBYQ
State of the union chads where we at? As I understand it, ch.11 is progressing with dates scheduled well into September and possibly eoy. The RC p&d case is getting slowly tossed but are there any dates on this? There is a concurrent fraud investigation against the former board attempting to claw back damages. There is also the possibility that a friendly figure covertly owns a majority of the bonds and has for some time a la judge papa? Recently there was a name update on the bonds on etrade. So, to recap: bbby ch. 11, RC p&d case, former bbby board fraud case, and possibly even the gme/bcg case are things that one is potentially waiting on to be resolved in order to get paid somehow, someway. This is what expect delays anon is referring to in terms of potential lawfare. Of what this restitution could theoretically look like: return of bbby/butterfly shares to accounts to trade at market, a flat fraud settlement per share, equity at some ratio in a new entity, or some combination of the three? Not financial advice just comparing perspectives/understandings on the situation at hand.
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>GME tanking
>KOSS collard

Really does come down to us doesn't it towel chads, we are the last bastion of hope for MOASS. I wish there was more of us still, we hold for glory.
Tanking? Really you dumb bitch?
Found the shill, you smell of curry
>fudding gme saying it's tanking when it's up 2%
Fuck off yid
I carry the crux of BBBY in these halls you bloody bastards won’t deny me my millions, you glow and sparkle like homo
Don't say gme is tanking when it's up 3% then you dumb faggot
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Even the slightest hint of informational posts and our resident bad actor:


Is back.
>he doesn’t know
Nice try Rajesh you won’t stop me from making millions with my BBBY
>last bbby holder in the thread
>we will uno card him and call him the bad actor
Glowing like a sparkler on 4th of jooly
>most active member of this thread and largest majority shareholder
I bet you don't own any BBBY stock,
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BBBYQ chads welfare comfy check, WAGMI
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>every single time
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remember when bathniggers were proven right about everything and got their shares and money back?
kek fucking baggies
guys we're all buying buzzfeed stock with pulte today right?
Post shorts
>You won't
Every time my street shitting friend, you glow.
Post longs
>You won't
Every time my street shitting friend, you glow.
You are the one coming in here and shitting up the thread bloody bastard
>The RC p&d case is getting slowly tossed but are there any dates on this?
See >>58750836
July 18 for RC Deposition for the pump and dump lawsuit.

August 9 for former BBBY board to respond to fraud complaints
You are the one coming in here and shitting up the board bloody bastard
gme up 4.5% now ya faggot
GME is fake play you bloody bastard BBBY is real threat this has been detailed and well documented bastard bloody
kek dumbfuck baggies
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>gme up +5.93%
>39pbtid says it's tanking
I hope a tank runs you over
>GME crabbing
So this is what a GME moass looks like? Sorry bloody basterd I am waiting until my BBBYQ destroys this world and the next
>up crab and +5% gains is "tanking"
>keeps postings
>refuses to discuss BBBYQ happenings
>he does this for free
What did he mean by this?
>gme isn't a bbbyq happening
Get back to your containment thread
how about you both get back to your containment website fucking niggers
>single digits poster
Touch grass silonigger BBBY court case is almost done, and you are going to get rekt, BBBY will be out of bankruptcy and be selling towels by end of the week
did I do the thing in this thread yet?
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kek dumpfuck larp baggie
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>Get Gasd
Checked and keked
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I need to wait for a few more of you pajeets to come around so I can finish my statment.
We all gonna wagmi fren
bbbyq bump
Slow days between adjournments
WE WON!!!!
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>filthy stinking rich.
Trust me, two out of three doesn't cut it.
You’re god damn right, also, I am 45 now.
kamala sistas... our response?

>week old thread
The reason why JPM wanted to stay in the court after being paid off on the first day, they were literally teaming up with the old broad of directors.
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Well they got their wish and will be in the courts again come soon kek.
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Why did the first one get more retweets than the second one?
That'd be retarded. The second tweet is shown under the first. The second tweet doesn't make sense without the first.
*retarded to retweet the second tweet without the first one
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I literally have 11 emails in the past 4 days in my email from bed bath and beyond about their sales running out soon..

>be Overstock
>be insanely over shorted with naked shares 20 years ago
>be famous for fighting back against the crooks on wallstreet
>buy bbby ip
>obvious fuck you hedgies signal for anyone paying attention

Am I looking too much into it but seems like they are saying gme is on sale for a short while still, cause I assume RC legal proceedings will be held up until closer to the election but damn it’s got me wondering.
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I mean their twitter posted a butterfly on the pillow before they changed names during chapter 11 bankruptcy, so anything is possible.
I think you are right. Overstock showing up and buying BBBY IP was like watching the cavalry riding in. There was always more to this than on the surface.
smg fell off the catalog last night lmfao
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big stuff seems to be happening and then there's a whole bunch of nothing
This Croudstrike outage is to stop BBBYQ from coming back.
Wut do?
i think he meant to link to >>>/g/101469302
What would the BBBY share price need to reach in order to make up for the profit you could've made by trading GME options for the past 14 months? Do you feel it was a mistake to have invested into BBBY?

>"I didn't invest that much"
>"I'm okay with losing what I invested"
count as "Yes"s
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I've already forgotten about the money i put into BBBYQ. My cost basis was 70 cents per share. Besides, I'm green on my GME and I don't play options.
i'm not a picklenigger, options trading is a zero sum game, mostly benefiting the market maker. people who believe in MOASS aren't going to sell covered calls. options traders typically try to time the pumps with call options but GME has been trending down most of the time. you would have to time your trades perfectly to line up with DFV's pump and dumps.

it's extremely infuriating though if BBBYQ holders aren't going to get paid out after all these hints from RC and pulte. i didn't watch the atlanta event but someone said pulte said he talked to trump about what was happening to GME, so that makes sense if trump and kanye etc are involved since RC posted TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and RC replied to kanye's apology and pulte posted pics of kanye before the florida event. and trump is trying to fight short sellers in DJT.
elon musk has been tight-lipped about this stuff so it's ambiguous as to which side he is on but he said "i am become meme, destroyer of shorts" after the january 2021 pump and then replied to that with "and they keep coming back for more..." before BBBYQ shares were canceled in 2023. elon musk endorsed trump and said "Last time America had a candidate this tough was Theodore Roosevelt." which might be a nod to RC's teddy. pulte said "Only the young. It all comes full circle. Icahn. Elon. Ye. Trump. Cohen. P"
elon started buying twitter shares in january 2022 which was when RC started buying BBBY shares
pulte is invested in twitter/X and has praised elon and he wanted to take the PP's to spaceX if it wasn't for the airplane malfunction
>it's extremely infuriating though if BBBYQ holders aren't going to get paid out
It's actually very funny
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Not likely, you can't un liquidate a company.
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I guess it’s over then so we can be comfy cozy and the statistically significant number of paid stock bashers can finally move onto other shilling targets then right?

Or I wonder if one of the largest market fraud cases that’s being painstakingly exposed in the courts and will conclude with the fbi and doj raiding firms all over wallstreet would demand secrecy from those who have insider information about the wildly unusually amount of - still to this day - heavily redacted dockets in a chapter 11 case that seems to have hedge funds willing to delay the proceedings by neelay dassing the case and shidding and fardding in any discussion space centered around the company that was going to be purchased by Ryan Cohen in December 2022, was then listed as sold by pitchbook in January 2023, then was speed ran into bankruptcy in April. Sure is strange.

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