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dough making day edition / appreciating the early archive addition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

previous thread: >>58707529
why was it achieved so early?
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crypto = dying
real estate = topped
stocks = overinflated

our time is now
When are Bayhorse and Blue Lagoon finally going to recover? You guys told me they were going to the Moon. I've lost so much money...
You just need to keep shoveling the money into it anon. It's like a car, you gotta put everything you have into it if you want the HP to show
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we don't talk about bayhorse no no no
we don't talk about bayyhooorrse
Picked up a 2.5g pamp at the local pawn shop yesterday for $200. I'm already up.

I like this game.
Theres a 20oz bar of silver at my local antique store, how do I know it's silver all the way through and not just plated?
get a neodymium magnet. see if it sticks at all. if it doesn't stick and the bar weighs the right amount, it should be good
Revised Pirate Sample will be coming shortly, will include raised /pmg/ text on the flag again
I haven't been around for the full developments of this. Did you contract a company to do this? What are the minimum order?
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Hey friends, I'm trying to test a theory that this image will cause central bankers to spontaneously combust. If anyone can confirm this, would you let me know? Thanks!
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based stack fren
love the crusader
We've used Osborne Coinage ever since the Wagmi round. Minimum order I believe is 100 for silver rounds
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Nice stack, jealous of the Garand
Are you a burgerclap? Order yours from the CMP today!
One day when I satisfy their membership and verification requirements and definitely not in the financial cards right now. But yours is nice, looking forward to trying one out next time I'm out shooting with some people
Silver bros....it's over....

New to investing in general. Realistically, no SHTF bullshit, why should I stack?
I know you’re obsessed with tribalism and tradition here but c’mon bruh buy something new or at least upload a picture of something different

That’s not how RV works. Weird troll.

>Why should I stack?
To be your own bank.
To hold real money in your hands.
To stick it to the juice
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The current global financial and economic situation is a massive bubble created by the upheaval + bureaucratic bloat of the World Wars. We may not perceive it so acutely for the same reason a fish doesn't consciously "perceive" water, but by any objective measure the bubble absolutely defies logic and HAS to burst.

For all of human history until about a century ago, gold and silver WERE (if we're honest, they still are) money. The US government toyed around with this notion via a series of actions starting around 1913, creating the Federal Reserve (S), confiscating gold, and finally decoupling the US dollar FROM gold in an unprecedented experiment. Since then the purchasing of the dollar has plummeted. Everyone senses it, but no one can do anything about it. The Federal Reserve skull fucks every American (and by proxy, every single human) via inflation - a tax over which you have no control, instituted by people for whom you cannot vote, which increases exponentially all the time while your wages stagnate, all the more so since Covid. A burger that cost $2 in 2018 and now costs $6 or more isn't some amusing American anecdote- it's the latest in a series of screamingly loud signs that something truly fucked up is happening.

There is NO system in which is makes sense for a country to have 34 TRILLION DOLLARS in national debt. There's no system where it makes sense for the economy to be "strong" yet people are struggling, have less wealth than their parents, and have NO hope of ever achieving home ownership. There's no system where it makes sense that Fed banks can be fined millions, then arbitrarily print themselves the millions required to pay those fines without having to ask permission from anyone or have any oversight whatsoever. None where it makes sense for a country to have printed more money in five years than it did in the preceeding 250ish years. It's difficult to convey the scale of the clownery at work here - again, the fish in water analogy.
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It's almost like you're being tested to see just how much insanity you're willing to ignore via cognitive dissonance.

Even if you assume the least dramatic possible scenario - that somehow this bubble isn't a bubble, that it never collapses, that inflation continues to increase while wages stay the same (BECAUSE IT JUST CAN OKAY??), that every single American will be priced out of home ownership without any social backlash or consequence, that we can import an infinite number of third world welfare recipients paid for by a shrinking pool of tax cattle with plummetting birth rates - even if you assume this can gets kicked down the road, forever - silver would still be useful as it defies inflation and maintains value over time.

There's lots of signs that that isn't the case, however - small clues and circumstances that the powers that be artifically supress the true value of silver for their own purposes. If silver's price were increasing in proportion to other commodities over the decades, like lumber or steel or grain or whatever, it would be worth hundreds, maybe thousands. It SHOULD be worth thousands. It seems to be suppressed even more than gold, hence our fixation on it.

I know it's hard to picture SHTF in the sense that everyone will be wearing leather and fighting mutants, but paradigm shifts come in many flavors. For example, hiatory has consistently shown that the world's reserve currency will fail and switch to a new currency once every century. Guess how long the US dollar has been the world reserve currency? It all becomes too conspicuous to ignore.

The people in charge are clever and it's possible they will find a creative way to kick the can down the road for a few more generations. Silver may not end up being that useful to me, or my kids, or even my GRANDKIDS, but eventually- and it might not be that long after all - there WILL come a time when someone will be thankful I swam against the tide and hoarded all this shit.
You can really ramble on without saying anything new just like a politician. Ever think about holding office? Impressive.
hurry up mailman
silver ends the fed
Which mint did the Aputannia?
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Great post, screencapped.
is this actually a decent price or are there much better places to get these domestically than apmex?
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Their ponzi wont last
if only i could say the same for your fuckawful memes
A coin company called Ranger Industries, they were a middle man who didn't own any of their own equipment and increased the manufacturing price 30% after the pre-sale happened. I'm glad they sent me actual silver
do you have any ideas for what might be after apurrand?
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Cliff High's emotional algo software is pointing to something huge happening on Monday and Tuesday next week lads, he thinks it could be something kicking off in Chinas financial system which then ends up hitting us in september/october
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Why do people pay unbelievable premiums for this shit?
They're neat to look at and a small handful doesn't hurt
>Sun Square Chiron
>Mars Conjunction Uranus
>Moon Quintile Pluto
>Moon Opposition Uranus
>Moon Opposition Mars

oh ya, it's woo time
most people do not buy copper bullion in any appreciable amount
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there better be something big next week with all the hype this woo woo has gotten kek
thats hot
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Any other trans girls like to stack?
Just bought a bunch of silver jewelry before weighing it. Is an average of 0.7 return a reasonable hit to take? I mean with silver at $1/g, bought a piece worth $28 of silver today, after weighing it's really worth $20. That's before tacking on the price of craftsmanship etc, just raw material. Same for all the other pieces. 0.7 return. Should I quit now before I lose more money, or will it appreciate over time, negating the loss?
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41% of them died today, sad
cursed image
don't know why people get these, pennies are free.
hang on to it but stop tryin to stack with jewelry. just get some buffalo rounds kid
Yeah, I think I'll stick with stacking bars now. I've learnt my lesson.
Jewelry is a losing proposition if you're going for weight. It's also the most likely to be faked, so unless you're acid testing each piece, you can get fully fucked.

If you like the idea of having silver items in addition to bullion, comb estate sales for sterling items like bowls, cups, silverware, plates, serving utensils, etc. It is possible to acquire items for under the melt value of the items, and these things are rarely faked.
I bought some because I liked the design or to give away, like Christmas-themed ones sent with cards. In some cases they are Cu versions of Ag rounds, and the hope is to sell as a set if I ever do. But no, I haven't bought any historic commemoratives for example.
Anybody know why Milei is trying to dollarize the Argentinean economy? Why isn't he using this chance to back the currency with gold and silver?
Because a bayonette to the rectum is a hell of a way to die.
NPC faggot learn to recognize when someone is just stroking their own egos and not saying anything of value.
>Posts memes about metal
>Doesn't actually own metals

Pathetic. What is with this anon??
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>Be attention seeking faggot.
>Live on 4chan.
>Get gifted a piece of silver by granddad who secretly hates you for being a blight on the family.
>Posts picture to receive hate to confirm existence.
>Stave off joining the ACKening for another week.

Negative attention seeker seeks negative attention; go figure.
>learn to recognize when someone is just stroking their own egos and not saying anything of value.

Nice projection bro
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Sup fags
havn't stopped by in a while
how are things holding up?
silver and gold have incrased in price lately shoul di buy now or wait a few months for a dip?
the slimy bankers keep trying to tamp it down but can never do much these days
now's the time to buy
just don't go all in immediately like a dummy
I finished my first tube of various coins and rounds
>finished my first tube of various coins and rounds
Nice! Keep up the good work.
Thank goodness Dick Allgire and his Future Forecasting Group are complete retards. They and Clif High all cross promote one another on the Q boomer network. I don't know how they can't be shills because of all the bad investment advice/predictions they give. Their error rate is insanely high.
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new joan of arc coin from monument metals arrived. i love it. it's the first good joan of arc coin I've seen (technically a round though, not a coin)
here's an overpriced piece of shit joan of arc coin for comparison... no thanks
I like that
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Still stacking while doing degenerate stuff with my purchases
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I'm glad the few gold we have in the family came to me and not my brother.
He would have sold it in a minute for a bigmac.
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based. these indians are from my grandfather
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I'm not very knowledgeable on US coins because you have a bazillions denominations and variants for each.
But the indian is a cool one for sure.
Your pic reminds me of a competition some grocers had selling bananas. Each tried to outdo eachother in price until one started just giving them away. The other grocer bested him by taping pennies to the bananas. God bless capitalism.
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>he doesn't listen to Running Wild while stacking his dubloons
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Gib dubloons.
That's the cheese used by many of the best ny style pizza shops. They don't really sell it in stores, but you can order it from suppliers.
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like how the tomatoes they use come in number 10 cans and not bullshit 28oz. same same, but easier to vacuum seal cheese than tomatoes
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Crypto baggies are seething hard.
there is no need for crypto bros and stackers to fight
Idk why people shit on Germania mint.
This shit is fire.
they're still upset about the limited rune options available
They're overpriced. I love Germania bars and buy a [current year] "5 Mark" round at least once. Even their 1toz bars are great, but I tend to buy GEC and PG&G when it comes to 1toz individual order bars.
If Germania made 4toz bars though I'd price out a case and prep a wire transfer when I've saved more.
They charge a lot.
Their generic logo-stamped bars are unworthy of that premium.
Their art rounds (and coins) are often sublime works of art.
So metalheads hate on the boring bars, but those who see the art are okay with it.
Coloring (not gilded) appeals to a particular set demographic.
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Yeah honestly, l really don't care that much about their bars. All generic silver is generic silver to me but their colorized ultra high relief coins are where they really shine.
I fucking regret not pre ordering the Fafnir back a couple years ago.
yeah some of their stuff is good for sure
did you pay around this price for that?
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I paid around $300 for pic related, 2 ounces of silver. It ebays for well over $1000. Numismatic pieces can be good buys
Gold is going to go through the fucking roof bros.
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A weapon to surpass metal gear
snake? snake?
Idiot got shot with a BB gun
was this assassination attempt the "woo woo" clif high was talking about on july 15, just a couple days early?
>All this TDS.

It's OK troon, take a look at that picture, you are looking at your next president, and there is nothing you can do about it. Seethe and dilate, and gaze into inevitability.
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So funny nogunz keep saying this.
Even on a distant microphone not tuned to pick up gunshots, it sounded very much like a genuine handgun. The crowd reacted to it as a firearm and the shooter was quickly killed as though he was an armed threat.
Guy behind him died, so pretty good BB gun.
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Where can I get a bb gun that spills brain matter?
If you see the price, it means no one is buying at this price. It's true for anything.
>It ebays for well over $1000.
How many sold?
they're selling
There are some 50-33 cal air rifles that'll shoot you dead. Not at that range though.
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would you a coomer coin?
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Never, kooks or death.

5 more years and the case is filled, plus a golden ounce of kook
5 years to buy 6 silver coins
can’t expect a coomer goon to appreciate the slow burn
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I just posed a silly question I don't have that coin
It was an AR style rifle
remember guys gold and silver always rises in times of crisis and this is a time of crisi
I bough 1 ounce Britannia IMO the most beatiful Gold Coin
I always wanted on but could never justify the price and 30 Silver Krüger coins just because they where the cheapest i could find
I spent a total of 3000 on PM right now and you should do the same
I found out about this just now and bought 3000 worth of Gold and Silver
I thought i got lucky earlier this year when out of Nowhere my little stack just rose like nothing i habe seen before but now where all gonna be rich
Keith isn’t a stacker he’s some sort of JIDF nutcase. The most he owns is 4-5 silver eagles and a few silver rounds that remain in plastic flips because he can’t touch them directly.
Wow - colorizing, antiquing, and the wider-angle view really made that one pop!
Nice shot, too.
probably the same reason that if you're addicted to crack (or whatever argentines were smoking to make their economy so retarded), you wean yourself off with something less awful for you but still bad (US dollar) instead of doing what's best for you right away (national currency backed by hard asset)

You can look at completed sold listings and see that they sell for appreciably more than $1000 each. Most high premium pieces won't see such gains but that particular coomercoin was a great buy.
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So he couldn't conceal it to get close and it still sounded real on the mic and had enough energy to kill a bystander and injure another further proving it was a legitimate firearm.
i have a bunch of maples on my desk right now
are they even chucks?
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In discussing precious metals, people need to have a sophisticated understanding of what money IS. I’ll try to give a slow walkup, but before you ask for source you can go watch Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets of Money if you haven’t already, or if you want to get deep in the weeds, you can read Mises, or if you just want the bottom line you can Trust Me Bro.
>Money is a category of tools
Before we talk about money, let’s talk about another category of tools, hammers. What makes something a hammer? It has a heavy part and a handle and you can hit stuff with it, and within this criteria is a variety of hammers that all have their unique features and particular uses. Beyond the classic claw hammer for driving or removing nails, there’s giant sledge hammers, tiny jewelry hammers, or even wooden or rubber mallets. But what else can be used as a hammer? You can use your socket wrench as a hammer, or the battery on your drill, or even a jagged rock. While these things can be used as hammers – they have some or all of the characteristics of a hammer after all – they’re less good at being hammers because using them as hammers could break them, break what you’re working on, or injure your hand. So, we understand that something is a hammer if it has hammer-like qualities, it can be used for hammer purposes, and hammers innately have value because of what you can DO with them.
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>So what makes something a money?
Most of you will already be familiar with the basic characteristics of money: portable, durable, divisible, fungible, store of value, and a unit of account. The more of these traits something has, the better a money it is, but who decided that these are the traits that makes something a money? No one did. Just like with the hammer, these traits emerged from some need for something to be done, and a tool was discovered to make doing that thing easier.
>If money is a tool, what is its job?
Think about hammers again. If there were no hammers, what could you NOT do? You couldn’t drive nails, you couldn’t smash rocks, etc. If there were no monies, what would the world be like? We’d be in some sort of barter world of course, but what would that look like? What things would be missing?
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>In a barter economy, the brain surgeon starves
Imagine we opened a magic portal to a world where there are no monies whatsoever, then we found a brain surgeon and threw him in. After the initial shock, he’d eventually get hungry. Being a brain surgeon, he probably doesn’t know how to hunt, not that he has the tools to hunt to begin with, nor does he know how to create the tools for hunting. He also doesn’t know how to identify wild edible plants, he doesn’t have seeds to plant crops, nor does he have time to wait for crops to grow – he’s hungry NOW. This unfortunate brain surgeon’s only option is to find another person with food and trade for it. This is the point where the brain surgeon discovers how truly screwed he is in this universe because he’s only good at one thing: brain surgery. In order to get food in a barter economy, he has to find someone who has food, who needs brain surgery, and who has enough food or other goods to trade for one whole brain surgery all at once. The brain surgeon is screwed here not because he happens to be a city slicker or because he’s incompetent or useless – he’s actually very competent – but the only thing he’s competent at is too valuable to be traded for daily necessities. He can’t casually trade “just a little bit of brain surgery” for anything, his work requires an all or nothing commitment from him with hours and hours of hard concentration and life or death consequences. He has a remarkable power to save lives, but no one who needs it can trade for it.
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>Why can’t he just make an agreement with someone who will give him a portion of their food periodically until they’ve returned enough value to pay for the surgery?
If this is you, then congratulations, you’ve just taken the same first steps our ancestors did to inventing money. That’s right, contracts, agreements, and promises are a kind of money. These days we call it “debt,” or “credit,” but it’s all the same. But remember how you can use a rock as a hammer – it’s not a very good hammer because you could break what you’re working on or injure yourself by using it. Suppose the brain surgeon finds someone who needs his services and comes to an agreement with him: if the surgery is a success, the patient will feed the brain surgeon with food from his farm for one year. That’s great, except what if the patient then dies of natural causes, not related to the surgery? Then what if the patient’s family kicks the brain surgeon off the farm? That agreement he made was non-transferable; he can’t go to anyone else and recount the story of how he extended a dying man’s life by a few months and expect anyone else to feed him for that. Most of the value of the agreement was hypothetical food that’s still in the ground, and all that was lost when the patient’s family reneged on the deal.
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>Get to the point already
The invention of money changed the world as much as the invention of agriculture, the printing press, the steam engine, or the internet. A strong money enables the division of value across many parties and across time and space. The invention of money is what enabled people to become specialized, and this specialization created an abundance that allowed world-spanning empires to be built. The discovery of what makes a good money came from generations of people facing real problems of resource scarcity. The first solution was culture, which allowed enough in-group trust for people to work together, but the invention of money allowed complete strangers to transact and cooperate in ways that were simply impossible before. Just like how a hammer is valuable because it IS a hammer, money is valuable because it IS money, and what makes something a good money is specific set of criteria, of which only precious metals fully satisfy.
>A quick point about Gresham’s Law
Gresham’s Law applies to any category of tools, not just monies. When the apprentice shows up to the job site without their tools, do you give them your favorite hammer you’ve used for years? No, you give him the one with the splintery handle with the head falling off because “it’s still a hammer.” Gresham’s Law applies any time when superior tools and inferior tools are interchangeable. When you visited your friend’s house in middle school to play Smash Bros, did he give you his Wavebird? No, you got the Mad Catz with cheeto dust. It’s still a controller, it has all the same buttons. When Caesar’s tax man comes, do you give him your shiny coins, or the shitty dull-looking coins? The dull coins make him go away just as well as the shinies, so you keep the shinies. Money is a kind of tool, so understand that Gresham's Law applies to all other tools as well.

Very interesting read Anon i can see you put a lot of effort into your little essay here but you dont fully explain as to why only PM satisfy all categorys to be classifed as good money in your own words
Theoratically speaking why couldnt you use various grains like for example rice as a form of Money?
It was used in japan medieval japan for example which was a highly devoloped society
Infact commody money was used in several places throughout history and makes even more sense in a way than using gold or silver
conmoditys like grain are if stored properly long lasting easily dividable and have an obvious use which every can agree on unlike gold or silver which their value is much more abstract in the sense that they are only usefull because they are rare
If society ever collapses grains would probably become the main currnecy and only after the world has become a more stable place gold and silver would make their rise again as the main currency
You're absolutely right that grain is a very good money, and it meets all of the criteria for money almost perfectly, with the major exception being durability. Grain can be stored safely for years, but gold can be stored for millennia. I would point out that the earliest known gold refining happened in ancient Egypt, but mining and refining gold and silver didn't happen in East Asia until around 500 BC (I think??)
Another difference is that precious metals are much more value dense, or in other words more portable, and that makes a big difference when you're facing logistical challenges across huge distances - it's easier to carry a coin pouch than haul a cart FULL of grain. But even that could be seen as a difference of use-case, like the difference between a ball-peen hammer and a rubber mallet. To better understand the difference between precious metals and grains, you could look at the discussion that happen here about the challenges and drawbacks of stacking copper instead of gold or silver, since copper is also a money and its characteristics place it somewhere between silver and grain as money in terms of portability and durability. Just take the challenges of copper stacking and expand that, and you have grain stacking.

Also speaking of silver in Asia, I like to think that silver refining being a relatively late development there is why they use chopsticks, because it makes no sense to carve wooden forks if the wood is going to rot and you're just going to throw it away anyway. And you definitely wouldn't waste time making cutlery out of iron. Silverware is silver because it lasts and it's self-cleaning. Lacking silver, you use disposable wooden sticks.
>Another difference is that precious metals are much more value dense
thats actually a good point i havent considered but also easily solved via banknotes like the chinese had which you could than trade in at a local bank in exchange for the ammount of grain it would be valued at but that would rewuire a sophisticated society and central goverment which could handle such a process so it most likely wont happen
So i can see the problems with using grain as acurrency
Lets say the avarage person goes to the marketplace in a society where fiat has been completly vamished and we would regress to a state where we had to trade for goods even the most simple purchases like a new pair of pants or a shirt would be a nightmare to handle if you had to carry with you a gargantuan sack of grain everywhere but at the same time a full on gold coin mifght be overkilling it just a bit
i think Silver or copper would become the most widely used items for everyday purchases and gold would be reserved for only high end items like entire houses or cars
You have different hammers for different hammer jobs, and you have different monies for different money jobs. The main point I'm trying make is that money is valuable because it's a tool that does the money job. Some monies work better than others in some situations and some monies are just generally better in most situations, but a big part of what makes them valuable is the fact that they are money. Sometimes the best money for the situation is grain, sometimes silver, sometimes it's PROMISES, which is a kind of money we call credit. Sometimes those promises are relayed as electronic messages and recorded on a bank ledger. It's a different kind of money suited for a different situation.

And another thing. Since money enables specialization, like we saw with the brain surgeon, then an economy full of highly specialized people is going to have a huge demand for a strong, reliable money. If trust breaks down, then promise-type money breaks down and can no longer function as money. If promise-type money can't function as money, then it loses its value, like a hammer without a head. But if people still need money to survive because they're all specialized, they will demand some other money, which is one of the reasons I think we're going to see a huge demand for silver as a money when all the bad debt, aka false promises, fall apart.
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>kooks or death.
nah my chucks are locked away with the rest of my stack
My laptop died taking all my pictures and everything I have that is backed up is on memory cards. I bought a new laptop but it doesn't have a port for memory cards.
USB sd card reader
Has anyone ever used Onegold? Storage is an issue for me as I'm a comfy sort of homeless. I like the idea of building up to an ounce of gold a bit at a time, but stacked metals in someone else's vault doesn't sit well with me. Even a bank safe deposit box sort of defeats the purpose.
if you don't hold it you don't own it
What kind of retard is willing to get their head blasted in order to shoot a former President at a political rally with a BB? Its just a prank bro?
Supposedly they do physical delivery via APMEX. Was just curious if anyone else had used the service. It'd be a whole other level of paranoia for me waiting for it to arrive.
you don't need to be buying gold if you're homeless
It's a comfy kind of homeless. Drive a truck over the road, get in once a month or so to check the mail, sleep on the couch of a family member or friend, go back to work. Right now my stack is a few silver coins I've picked out of my change over the years, and it's in a jar at a sibling's house. If I had a bigger stack, that might be too much temptation to not have under my eye.
even so if you don't hold it you don't own it. I'm sure you're not spending much money per month and making plenty but a huge component to stacking is that you actually get to physically own the asset. I would suggest more traditional investing. The financial system is not going to collapse in a few years until you save a lot of money and get tired of not having your own space.
Jewelry? You can always have it on you
>you don't need to be buying gold if you're homeless

If you are homeless there is only one thing you need to be doing especially right now.
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lol peter
What do we think about gold tiddies
Vaulted gold is a scam, 1oz of gold is a small coin. Just buy the coin and carry it around
>bank safe deposit box
That's not what those are for. You get a safe deposit box if more than one person needs semi-supervised access to an item. Like jewelry disbursed to several people through a trust, or extra copies of legal documents. The bank isn't there to protect your privacy or hold it against legal seizure.

Gold vs the S&P isn't that bad honestly. As long as you're not paying 3%+ premiums like a total idiot.
I was happy to hear some banks no longer offer safe deposit box services. At least they wont be able to steal boomers and naive peoples stuff now.
Yeah I think places that still offer it discourage non-lawyers from opening new accounts. They're still useful, but it's super niche.
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Not bad for $37
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Just got my first big boy graduate job after years of living in student poverty. I have £912 budgeted for saving: this is *after* employer-matched pension and stock options so I'm looking for a hedge against my employer going bust. It's a huge defense contractor, so to be honest I think if it goes bust so has the Bongistani state and I'll need a stack.
Silver seems the best to buy, am I right in saying that? It seems to be some kind of monotonic Bart Simpson curve, rather than Gold/GBP which is kind of at a peak right now.
Anyway, I think I want to stack £600 per month or so (the rest in an emergency fund). That works out as 3 kg per 2 months, from gold.co.uk (seems boomery. better ways?)
where'd you score that anon?
>Not bad for $37
in a row? topkek, anon. I hope the crackhead that stole all that for beer money feels good about his decision.
What a gorgeous pile of cheapies, you got some really nice coins in there. Approximately what was the yield of silver, somewhere over 7ozt asw? On top of that they probably carry an aggregate numismatic premium bringing the value to at least twice the base spot price, it's funny how some stackers would rather spend that $37 on a single ASE.
Liking those Swiss Francs in there. Very nice haul fren! :)
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not bad at all
More worried about illegal seizure, some truck stops are hella sketchy.
Online auction
Was an estate collection sale I think
Haven’t done that math as of yet
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We have a little price action here
How do I get in on purchasing one?
Bro it's an ounce. Just tape it to your balls.
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loks like its my lucky day topday
i just got a call that my order of 30 silver coins got cancelled due to a shortage and a listing error on their side so i thought to invest the 1000 i would have spent and go nuts and bought another gold coin for 2000 at around 13am and now the price for gold just suddenly spiked by 50 cents per gramm
The Assasination was the best thing that could have happend to me i tell ya
don't care much for the bu finish on the new morgans and peace. worse than eagles, wtf
im a trucker too. just lock your doors, get a dog, and never stop in mephis.
are you in tn? you could go hang out with steve if you're bored
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>25% premium
No. Wrong. If you're going to buy silver on cuck island it needs to be from artisinal sources.
>artisinal sources
like what; spoons? pre-'20 shillings?
sure. i'll pretty much buy any rounds made by posters here
Ehh, lm kinda burnt out on memecoins.
Ever since boomer rock coin came out l stopped buying.
spice it up a notch higher than those or target it slightly more toward people who'd buy other meme coins. if you can include the ss agents around him, make them apus or something
Pretty much.
18% margin if you buy used (~23 vs ~28). not the worst thing in the world but obviously gold would be better if it wasn't currently ATH.
Your absolute max premium should be in the low single digits. Neither gold nor silver is stopping any time soon.
...wouldn't inflict this lifestyle on a dog, though.
>one day, a formerly well-to-do housewife will plead with me to go ass-to-mouth with her daughter of questionable age in exchange for this silver coin with an image of a racist cartoon frog etched on it
What a time to be alive
Crazy. And I'm over here just wanting a loyal wife to stack together w/ me. Someday I'll find one, I have hope.
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>1:80 GSR
3.5 ounces of 999.9 fine for $22
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Forgot picture
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Whats the best way to buy gold/silver without it being traced to you?
Cash at your local coin shop. They're only required to report transactions over a certain dollar amount.
do you know the amount by chance? also what about buying with crypto?
I think it's $10,000? But there could also be state level requirements. Your LCS would definitely know, and I'd definitely recommend visiting them at least once even if you're not ready to buy something yet. For crypto, I don't know.
The other guy gave you shit advice. They will ask for your ID. Go to coin shows. That's what they're for
Crypto is a tracking enhancer unless you're paying the local alt-government in xmr for a dead drop.
There's no law that requires you to present an ID to buy precious metals. It's transactions over a certain dollar amount that get reported in order to "catch money laundering." But instead of arguing with retards on the internet, you can take a couple minutes to visit or even just call your local coin shop and ask THEM.
I’ve been buying Morgan dollars at my local coin shop. They are 38 a pop. Am I getting ripped off?
I can buy eagles for less
>38 a pop
Hate to see you get ripped off fren:
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This is what the dealer is required to fill out when "cash" (see line 32) transactions over $10k are made.
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Doesn't this go against the logic that gold protects against high inflation?
? Lower rates = higher inflation.
Its going up because the market smells the rat and the simulation is falling apart.
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The answer in one picture.
i'd like to buy some precious metals please
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Bros I don't see enough love for 2 oz silver art. Just got this beauty in and they are all lovely.
now that's pretty cool, anon. where'd you find that?
top signal
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Fuck your cultist filth
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What the actual fuck is wrong with this janny faggot. Theres more deleted posts in this thread than the rest of 4chan combined
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The sword was from R-whose-name-we-don't-say site, and the shield was from JMBullion.
Maybe it's a sign? We're the only schizos committing to a valid investment among the late stage clown world level 4 negro fatigue dystopia we currently rot in.

i love jesus fight me faggot
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Gold is about to pop $2,500.
That's insanity. I remember when $1,700 felt really up there. $2,000 was unthinkable.
The US DXY is strong. Are we in an election fear bubble that will pop?
How are people spending so much on PM that it elevates prices to this degree?
We have record home prices, record costs of living, many people are un or under employed, there are illegals driving rent and car prices up while killing salaries ....
Yet PM can still move higher
When will da joos crash silver again I want to complete my beetle collection
>my beetle collection
i doubt that exists
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Distrust in the bubble popping. Maybe money printing? At this point it's impossible to define. I just stack.
Its central banks and rich fags buying a majority of gold right now, not ordinary people.
It's when every ordinary person buys PMs, that's when the price moons.
I stack too. Right now I'm compelled to stack cash to buy the dip.
I get the inflation and the distrust and the fear and this and that and BRICs and ...
It's also an election year. A year where the world goes crazy and reality is put on hold.
Y2K was and election year
Covid and George Floyd were an election year
Sandy Hook, The Colorado theatre shooting, and Trayvon Martin were all on an election year. 2008 financial crash ...
I agree. When they buy by the tonne, our ounce here and there don't do a damn thing. I've heard China has been buying at an increased rate. That'd be a good road to explore and to see if they're going to tap the brakes.
>In 2022 and 2023, global central banks purchased over 1,000 tons of gold annually, with emerging market central banks leading the way. In the first quarter of 2024, record-breaking central bank buying, particularly from China, India, and Turkey, continued to increase demand for gold.
The world stage seems so inflamed that this feels beyond "just an election year." I don't agree in waiting for a dip just because I plan to never sell unless it's for my goblin harem post-happening. As you say, China buying massively should be a red flag. The greatest red flag personally is how a successful assassin would ignite at least a major civil conflict far beyond the riots of yesteryear. I truly feel if that bullet connected the waves of disenfranchised would (rightfully) freak the fuck out.
Im stacking cash at the moment as well. Theres definitely FOMO that im fighting. Alot of people are chattering about rate cuts and I think this where the pump is coming from. I dont think the Fed is cutting rates anytime soon IMO. As the person I replied to said, just about everything is at ATH and consumable prices are rising. Theres going to be a period when people HAVE to sell and thats what im waiting for.
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That's a valid enough point; everything seems so gaddamn pumped. I'll still be DCA'ing monthly but will be saving up for major buys later.
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Post your treasure hoards
excellent. nice fastener inclusion
>The world stage seems so inflamed
I agree - but that's how it felt in Y2K and the Boston bombings and the 'Great' Recession and covid ...
A common factor is as you age you have more to lose so you're more invested.
I was afraid of Y2K as a teen, but it was exciting thinking about camping and gas masks (not sure how that factored into computers stopping ...)
I was afraid of covid (for a month) as a father I was now the crazy one storing up on canned goods, precious metals, and contingency plans for my family to exist
The media is the inflammation and I'm repulsed and can't listen to any more of their lies - on either side.
>Alot of people are chattering
I agree. It's a lot of noise and distraction.
I haven't even seen the rate increases do much damage.
I'm waiting for that 2008-2012 window where people were sober. They remembered what their hourly salary was and what they could afford.
Houses here have doubled in 4 years. Factor in interest rate increases and it's insane. By design.
It doesn't have to make sense. Just like a greasy pay here - buy now car lot.
You want a car? I'll give you a piece of shit and you'll pay far more than it's worth or that you can afford. You won't have many customers, but you'll find enough retarded and desperate customers to make it work.
That was an odd ramble and more apt for the housing market and probably some other retail sectors than PM
good points anon, I appreciate the read. However, one very important point that would have easily addressed >>58747479 is stock to flow. Lots of things that have perfectly fit the function of money in the past have been inflated away. Think shiny green rocks, beads, shells. A more primitive society without the means to produce these earlier forms of money could never inflate the supply above a few percentage points of the existing supply, but a society with more advanced society could mass produce them. Think of all the alchemists in the past trying to create gold out of more abundant elements. But gold has remained scarce making it nearly perfect money.
As to the other anon's question, grain farmers could create technology that would improve their grain yields over time, simultaneously making them the wealthiest people in the short term, while debasing and devaluing all money and hence making everyone much poorer in the long term.
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Have the premiums gone up for their bars in the past few years? The kilos I grabbed were some of the best deals at the time.
Based plastic capsule fren.
Silver is basically the last investment standing thats far from its ATH, dont see anything wrong with DCAing Silver or even Gold if someone doesnt have any.

You’ve got to consider that these are only the numbers they are public about, theres more moving under the radar

Its all connected in one way or another anon. I agree that idiots and desperate people are getting squeezed right now but its not like either group has enough capital/credit to keep these dealerships afloat for any significant amount of time. Once that cow is milked you’re going to see alot of cheap suddenly hit the market when heads are far enough under water and they realize they need air.
>They will ask for your ID.
Who the fuck told you that?
Gold front-runs systemic risk not so much inflation. Fed pivot to lowering rates signals banks are losing more money than they're comfortable printing and stonks are likely to take a downturn. Value stock ETFs track almost exactly with inflation.
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Old but gold
I've just never seen a vendor ask for a good price. Maybe you've got a line on a good vendor?
Check - thanks!
gave my niece and nephew gold for their birthdays (pic related) 1902/1904
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very nice gift
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here's my humble contribution
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In a chest as well. Nice. Here's mine. Stay piratey
Where is FUN in that sir
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crypto nerds will seethe
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I have over 100oz silver and want to start getting into gold. Where should I start? I don't want to buy a ton
100+yr old coins selling near bullion value imho
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I'm a fan of whatever your country's bullion is. In the US, that's either gold eagles or gold buffaloes. They're going to be the easiest to get/sell.
When I started buying gold, I got 1oz coins. Recently I've been getting the 1/4 oz. Even though the premium is higher than the ounce, it's nice to be able to spread out the cost of an ounce over a few purchases since spot has been so high.
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Two more tiny silver coins from the auction bag and a “civil war token” that might be worth some money
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Brings the total to 54 silver coins from one bag ($37.50) cheapies be praised!
was this one of those ebay auction bags? where'd you get these, anon?
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I'm in the US

>In the US, that's either gold eagles
Bruh that's $2,500 for 1 coin :(
I'm about to buy some silver rounds. Anyone know some places with decent deals running at the moment?
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a local online auction, with bad photos and a poor description. I recognized one large coin and suspected at least a few other silvers. Another anon mentioned the dark circled coin as a good one. bidding was very tepid.
gold will be $3000 spot soon enough
check the price of gold dingus
check the pastebin
glad i waited to put an order in. definitely picking this one up.

also very nice
>da-na-na-na da-na-na-na da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na
ooo that's a nifty lil dragon
Is buying 2 or 2½ Mexican gold pesos a good idea?
just calculate the premium and decide
I mean would it be easy to sell and trade with in America?
you could call some local shops and see if they would buy them
Good idea
20 franc pieces

Reminder that you will never, ever get the premium back.
That's the one to get a lot of. Post-production dragons from the Queen's Beasts series go for 3x original.
How durrable are 20 Franc coins? Are they able to be snapped in half?
What is the difference between the different minted coins? Is it just a matter of design? They seem to cost the same whether they're American Eagles, Canadian Leafs, African Buffaloo, or what have you.
go look up what dealers around you will pay for each coin. that's the best advice.
Got it. Thanks.
If you're talking about government mints, they have tax incentives in their native countries. Anywhere else they're just the base metal.
This is like some shit a grandma would collect.
As long as you're buying it for the art. You're never getting your money back out of this metal.
Based grandma.
All I got from my grandma was silverware :(
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Just came in today
There is another one 100 Austrian Krone coming in next week
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Absolutely Beautiful
The Britannia might be my favourite coin design wise but the premium on these was just to much to justify it but now i see why people love those so much
Gold doesn't "snap". It is extremely ductile.
I see. Thanks!
What do you guys think of using an evergreen tree to hide the precious metals?
People say burying them is not reliable because all it takes is to pass a metal detector over it.
One way to prevent that is to plant a tree ON TOP of the gold/silver since robbers/thieves are unlikely to pass a MD over it, and if they do, they still will need a lot of time and effort to chop the tree, break all the roots, and dig up the soil.
However, what about putting the precious metals ON TOP or INTO an evergreen tree or bush? No one would think of looking up into a random plant for precious metals, nor would they pass a MD over it, nor would they be able to if it's high over the ground. Moreover, if you have a big backyard with lots of trees, it would be a monumental task just to find which tree has the stack, and even then they would have to climb or spend a lot of time trying to pull it down.
Sounds good, right?
We still stacking phat stacks for goblin harems?
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I have 5 gold bullions in the third tree of the third row. Bet you never saw it coming, huh.
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Spot the gold bullion!
Oh you can't? Mmmm...
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you realise kids search those spaces just for fun and because they genuinly belive autists like you exists out there in the world right?
The only problem I see with this is how you retrieve it later. Any tool used to cut down a tree and remove its stump could damage what you buried. Unless you do it entirely by hand. And roots move the earth, your box isn't going to remain in the same spot. Roots might even push it upwards out from underground and now you have a very conspicuous treasure chest poking out of the dirt.

Also, what if you move, lose the house, die before it's uncovered, etc?

Personally I think your best bet if you really want to go this route is to dig a hole in your basement and bury it in the floor. Either that or encase it in a nondescript piece of wood and nail that to the ceiling in your attic. That would be equally as effective dissuading even a determined thief, without the trouble of being almost impossible to retrieve.
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looks really coolbut its just a letter opener
If there actually is a person out there who sells fullsized longswords out of pure silver i might actually buy one just beacause the idea is cool to me
It wont be worth its weight but its still nice to have for a collector
Anyone know somone who sells such a sword?
picrek is the Silver Knight Sword from Dark Souls if something like this exits IRL i buy it immediatly
I've always wanted a case of actual silver bullets but I know nothing about bullets or whether firing such a bullet would just destroy your fucking gun.
yeah i have no interest in a little baby sword. lame
i bought a 10oz pack of silver bullets once and they specifically say not to use in a gun lol
Sucks because if dracula or the wolfman breaks into my house at night the only thing I have is a gun that kills black people
Ok now i badly want a silver sword as well
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>just a letter opener
Not really.
It's just really cool.

If you want a sword, get a real one - not a toy from some edgy fantasy.
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started stackin' today with a £240 st. george half-sovereign. it's so cute!
UK specific: no VAT (20 fucking percent!!!!) when you buy legal UK tender in gold. you get hit with it buying silver though so if I wasn't a retard i wouldn't be buying it now. (i am though so i've got 10oz on the way just in case le boomer ratio falls). when you sell it (either metal) you get no capital gains tax on your profits either. this is offset by the royal mint's seigneurage on minting the things.
Based. Welcome to the club.
>want to buy gold
>don't want to pay jewish markup for minting or casting into ingots
what do?
markups only are a significant aspect at lower weights like 1 gramm bars or 1/4 ounce coins
The heavier the pice is you buy the less of a markup you will pay
Buy a 100 gramm bar of gold or 1 ounce goin they sell near spot value for gold
Thanks anon, will keep that in mind
Buy old sovereigns and 20 francs within 1% of spot.
buy ore and smelt it yourself
i think you'll find it's pretty difficult though
>buy ore and smelt it yourself
thats the dumbest thing ive heard allday
I wont be buying youre homemade gold because theris no way to proof that what youre selling me is actuall gold or not
Even if it was gold i would still have to determine the purity
the ammount of time it would take me to proff that youre actually selling me a legit gold bar i could have just bought one from a verifed seller and spare myself all the hassle
yeah that was kinda my point, brah
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Markups on gold are nothing compared to silver. Whatever premium you have to suffer doesn't matter; only the hard weight you are able to hold. Gold hurts less getting a hold of versus my beloved, gold's inbred zionist sex slave, silver.
yup, at the end of the day you just have to minimize premium as much as possible to add weight to your stack. shop around and find the best deal.

if you really detest premiums, some anons have had luck trolling ebay for stupid boomers selling sterling like it's junk metal though. you can try your hand at that.
What if you need to fight a little baby?
silber flail
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mad shout out to late night auction trolling spending too much money on near spot really obscure sterling coins. I have 10 20 Balboa chad coins because of this.
any news on those tubes we might have missed?
I need to finish my tube of gold Buffalos but I'm buying an 18k yellow gold Rolex Day-Date instead lol
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Sure, but not for shitty AI ones
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(skip to 4 minutes for the swords)
Is it still a good time to get into golds??
added it all up, 8.1681 ozt at full weight of coin (probably at least an ounce less accounting for wear and tear) will be posting up a couple of the better ones on the eBay some day.
catawiki is my place to go for silver and gold, i see people earlier in this thread asking about where to buy so this is just my tip
go to bullion and set the filter to no minimum price (if a minimum price is set it's usually too high) and don't forget about postage cost and buyers fee

new thread?
what are the limits again?
Its up

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made one for an anon on here but I haven't printed a single thing in months; burnout mostly.

the knurled twist lock containers like the one I posted are by far my favorite and likely what I would offer to anons. the sizing would be based around mm sizes rather than specific coins or rounds but I'll have both capsule and no capsule options.

no idea what pricing would be but if I can price it to at least make a little above break even I could see opening a small online store. color options, size options, etc.

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