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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58745776

As always:
>sneed hedgies
I am ready for MOASS
Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.083 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~74.6 million shares of ~351: 21% total held by Jun. 5, 2024
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 422.147B, 76P = 5.555B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 403.708B, 71P = 5.686B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 406.590B, 73P = 5.570B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q1 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
I sure hope MOASS is soon. That tweet upset a lot of redditors and after the assassination attempt on former and future President Trump, well it seems no one is truly safe these days. Another dilution and one might just decide they've had enough and take matters into their own hands
People joke about RC "buying all the stocks" if there's a squeeze. I'm sure a lot of people will get itchy fingers if a bunch of literal retards buy up all the public military and intelligence company stocks (all ran by feds anyways.)
With the events of [REDACTED] I am hoping reddit unloads to cause a bit of chaos, a lot of those [REDACTED] are insane in the membrane, armed with tens of millions of dollars, god only knows what damage they would cause.
I just want to buy a motorcycle
Jannies have been banning anyone speaking about the event. I just finished a ban sentence. Fuck you jannies.

Anyways, now that Ryan Cohen is explicitly picking a side (it was super fucking obvious from his Carl Icahn connection, Pulte, and RC brother) that means he is weeding out the weak and MOASS is probably right before Election Day.

July 19 seems to be about the next run up cycle and if it happens I predict that GME will NOT dilute. If they don't dilute that means the past two were to get matchings TSOs.

GME 425 million
BBBY 428 million
Chewy 418 million
They were going to kill [REDACTED] to stop me from starting my own Electronic Flower Boutique. We flip digitial tulips.
With [REDACTED] now [REDACTED] MOASS is sure to be [REDACTED] on [REDCATED] date, it was always going to be a Wednesday.
FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE

Watamelon a blessed
Based baker
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After MOASS I will dedicate myself to licking Japanese anus for the rest of my life.
Mr Sulu thanks you for this service to his countrymen
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A noble goal. I might have to take up that career path.
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I want a Miata and im gonna wagmi thanks to the power bestowed upon me by picrel numericals
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>Price anchoring in last thread
Today I will remind them.
is KOSS still a side play? any anons with bets on it?
Both from 1pbtid’s too. Kek. The pool fudders are back.
BBBY thread has info on the KOSS play, not much in this thread for it.
Market opens soon...

And nooow... the end is neeaaaaaaar~
The Wedge has ended
We are now in no man's land
Moon is closer now

(Back from a free holiday for some reason)
RC Benchod Ryan Chobani isn’t going to do anything about the shorts is he? He hasn’t got the cojones.

TZero was all a lie. We’re literally waiting on funki pop fundamentals
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Need some sort of catalyst to really fuel this thing though, or else it'll be a repeat of May and June. I choose to interpret the DFV fire emoji as lighting the fuse.
No I just cba to post on my computer since I have to wait 8 minutes. Someone posts in my ISP range on mobile because never have to wait. Truly wonder who.
Will be something I miss when I move once moass. Whoever you are, Idahoan bizrali, I salute you
RC going to buy after tds dip.
Implications of the bag kekkers being gone all weekend?
They were busy with controlling the narrative elsewhere.
you said the nono word. Now Janny is mad. See you in 3 days :(
there was more interesting stuff happening on 4chan that is more interesting than mocking you for not taking your meds
can't wait to see orange hitler pick up a fat bag of gme this week
The link between the two entities is beyond clear at this point....I was 3 day banned about 15 minutes after I posted his name
Alright I'll standby to see if it happens.
That would cause a massive ramp. All his people would buy gme.
Am I still here?
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Bart's Fart & Shart" (or "Sneed's Feed & Sheed"), where "fart" and "shart" both end in the sound "-art", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Bart. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Farduck and Sharduck".
Maybe im numb but it doesnt feel like its this week yet. Closer but not yet. I still think end of september/early october
>DJT +47%
Kek baggies guess you redditors didn't like that last Cohen tweet
I am expecting a massive drop come open because of [REDACTED] getting [REDACTED], the lower the the price goes, the more chance DFV has to fuck around with [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] when [REDACTED] causes a dilation of the stock to boost [REDACTED] Never would have guessed [REDACTED] getting [REDACTED] would have done this, but here we are, [REDACTED]
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> -.4% is legitimately the best fud (((they))) have
you are fucking pathetic dude
This looks like a jojo pose
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
Most based poster
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Volume is fucking gone.
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And it's ready for (You).
>no hype
>no volume
>no sales
>no profit
>75 million extra shares




literal penis n co id
it writes itself
Woha, thats going to be a lot of crying billionaires.
change his name to Harvey and i might take him more seriously
I will be being this website post moass.
You misspelled "Arthur".
If he triggers an actual MOASS I'll fucking donate to him
u wot m8?
That would be great. The seethe would be unrivaled. Redditors after holding for 3 years get butthurt and sell. Then maga chuds buy in, trigger Moass and instantly become giga rich.
all joking aside no one's holding this after learning RC is a tr**p supporter right
It is bit being allowed out the channel
I can accept massive dilutions. But I will not stand with supporting the troops. Fuck them golems.
I'm buying more faggot
>Ape ID

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>hi Ape
Buying more. Gme will get some sweet government contracts later.
every post you post I'll buy that many shares at my next payday. Starting now, the count is 4.
I saw what happened in the last thread with all the deleted posts - it's insane. Why are jannies trying to control the narrative so hard?
Crazy how to keep GME in the channel they rug the entire market
setting up a script now, you better not be lying. I'll make sure you see all the ID's I'm posting from and I expect an update
>gme turns into a military surplus store that also sells DJT flags and tshirts
based, wagmi, etc
What did kek mean by this?
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You’re scaring it. Let it get out of the wedge first.
did you forget the OP?
>temporary alliance with jews
and by extension - their best shabbos goys
Is this the fabled.. long ladder attack?
i guess those bitching about RC's tweets didnt and are too pussy to sell.
Every GameStop should sell guns and ammo.
They either grow up or grow poor. They chose the former.
+1, for a total of 5. I'll post proof you troll

As if you could write a script to track that lmfao

good luck anon, I'm just gonna count pbtid and sum them all together using my abacus

It was always going to be green. We closed 1 dollar above maxpain. Redditors seething won't affect the price.
There’s a reason education sucks in this country. And there's a reason it will never get better. It’s because the owners of this country don’t want that. I’m talking about the real owners. The wealthy business interests that control everything and make all the important decisions in this country.

Forget the politicians. They’re irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have the freedom of choice. You don’t. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own the corporations. They’ve long since paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, the City Halls. They’ve got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies so they control all the news and information you get to hear.

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a well-educated population of citizens capable of critical thinking. That’s against their interests. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table capable enough to realize this system that threw them overboard 30 years ago. They want obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept the increasingly shitty jobs with lower pay, longer hours, and a pension that disappears the moment they come to collect it.

It’s a Big Club. And you ain't in it. You and I are not in the Big Club. It’s the same Big Club that uses the media to beat you over the head everyday telling you what to believe, what to think, and what to buy.

The table is tilted. The game is rigged. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good, honest, hardworking people continue to elect these rich cocksuckers that don’t give a fuck about them.

– George Carlin
honestly I lied idk if I can get around the bots and I don't wanna pay for gold
as long as you don't use the api more than once per second, you can just use the official 4chan api. but anyway +6, for a total of 11. fuck this is gonna add up quick but i'm not a pussy i'll fookin do ett lad

when I post proof you better not fucking dox me, what's an acceptable level of proof for you?

if I post I buy 127 shares, I don't want your ass yo be able to track my broker account and then phish them outta the account into your DRS'd CSGO account.

Let's theorise how I post proof of the buy, and what my punishment is if i even buy 1 less than what I said

(btw my payday is August 1st)
Be an absolute boss don and don't post shit. You'll know you did it. Fuck those dogshit clowns and their proof. What fucking proof do they show? They don't prove fucking shit.
honestly it's not like I'm gonna really hold you to it in any meaningful way, end of the day you could just HTML edit a screenshot and I'd have no way of knowing. Didn't know that about the API call
>August 1st
enjoy buying 0.0001 share
I've not tried abusing it since I actually want to carry on using it. YMMV
>0 thank fuck, +0, 11 total.

yeah fuck it, i aint postin shit apart from my ssn, address, and password for CS GO:

fuck u, july 19th-23rd is run up date, we'll be back to crabtown by August 1st

captcha: fuck me

verification required
I probably won't even feel like doing that lol. We'll just keep carrying this through the threads today IG.
+5, 16, sounds good
I wish these threads weren't so slow it just feels awkward now talking back and forth
agreed, brb, better do some actual work today.
+1, 17
>official 4chan api
Where is there documentation for this?
Had to wait for chewy to catch up before breaking out of the wedge. Here it comes.
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Oh, nvm, found it
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
it's going up tho
are you employed?
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Where's chart anon? Is a bull flag forming?
Damn, seeing 66k in OI for 30C expiring is making me jacked. Someone definitely knows something
When the jihad begins
Remember who was with you
The Wedge is all now
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God was right about the Jews, George Carlin always was a tosser, Jesus is in the bread
I'm sick with some kind of flu or something :(
It's covid get your 9th booster or you're going to die
who's to say it's not just part of some hedging strategy
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Ok, now fellas, what's cooler than being cool
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Lend me some sugar, I am your neighbor
Where the fuck is everyone?
Waiting on the big ooo
Watching as well slowly inch beyond max pain. If we dip down again I have money waiting in the wings to buy more shares.
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Waiting patiently. Not a whole lot going on right now.
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What's upcrab?
Serving ban sentances for discussing Ryan Cohen CEO of GameStop tweeting [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] which is funny because [REDACTED] met with [REDACTED] quite recently which could be a signal of the [REDACTED] swan . Really [REDACTED] the almonds.
A miserable pile of claws
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MOASS starts once /GME/ has degenerated into r/Superstonk. So now.
It appears so my good man
how did gamestop become the most stable stock in my portfolio?
Throat fucking every baggot ITT
DFV loading up again with weeklies.
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So GME is now the future of the entire website

because everything is fake and gay and GME is exposing the gambit

not much crab, I'm dad
Let it fucking go
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so he's expecting it to pop this week? that's crazy
Interesting. Even if it isn’t him that’s a lot of cash on what are essentially FDs.
And now they are rage shorting
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Still Holding.
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what do you even call this
Fibonacci squeequence
Internalisation gone wrong
The Tendieman Calls
kek dumbfuck baggies
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The stock demands to go up
The cellar door with gravy.
The Towers
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Have we ever had a sustained upcrab for this long?
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The don
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This trust me bro on reddit might be right
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It was always going to be Wednesday
Options trap
We’re going to get so many digits and WAGMI so hard it’s going to be unreal
sweet buying weeklies now
pump it
the gif that will define a generation
Bought a pack from GameStop. Serialized 8/15. Hope yous like it.
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Forgot to add img
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I beg to differ. DFV isn’t the only one that figured out the algo.
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It’s really quiet in here.
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>they do it for free
Yeah I served one from Saturday into Sunday right off a 3 day bagger too
Wrong anon
You shouldn't do this, but some people change their MAC address slightly then reset their modem, changing their IP. Then they clear their cookies so they can post again. Please do not do this.
We all got banned. Jannies are part time reddit mods
Cam on gmestop!
I guess most GME bros are banned cause we are going OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and no replies.

>A thing that affects the stock is not meaningful because politics and potato

Fucking jannies
I have spectrum. Even if I unplug for 24 hours I still don’t get a new IP from the pool. Mobile is a different story, but they just ban my pass. So I just serve them
You should also not clear your cookies and put your phone in airplane mode for 3 seconds.

Definitely don't do that.
His post got auto deleted for being downvoted to shit when I went looking for it. Also posts in r/india and says shalom. Probably a pajeet shill lol
GME and CHWY are synchronizing agaain
>Even if I unplug for 24 hours I still don’t get a new IP from the pool
Don't do this, but you will be issued a new IP if your ISP detects a new router. You don't rent your router from your ISP, do you?
>they just ban my pass
Just post anonymously brah
Oh no that's terrible.
moon soona?
this is gonna be the merger target isn't it? The movements line up in too obvious a way
Not really like him to buy weeklies he likes LEAPs and farther dated options
The god damn systems are turned on. The entire internet in all of the discussion zones like here, reddit, probably some other gay platforms, they got the T-Dawg filters on.

I don't feel safe saying anyones names anymore. They got the fucking prisms on all our computers, you show the wrong POV online and you are getting documented to be dealt with later. Even typing this message is a risk.
>he thinks there’s only one merger
It’s the 2021 fractal… look at the spikes between Jan-March 21 again and then look back at the current chart.
i really thought DJT pumping would bring us along with it. i also thought dfv returning would end this. at this point until i see shares starting to trade in the thousands, nothing will surprise me.
>didn't sell at 70
>mad as fuck
Me too bro, wagmi
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Trust me!
>any good place to stay in Mumbai? Must be VERY cheap!
>Account created May 18th, 2024

Yep! Definitely buying a TON of OTM options here on this guys good word!
Al gaps must close. You have been warned.
what was the tweet?
Which gap are you referring to? You come here and warn me of that every other week
It’s back at my average, /biz/. Where the FUCK is Keith the Cat?
What the fuck is wrong with you? How is your cost average not sub 20 by now
some of us have been buying for the last 3 years
Wow Kek.
6 red minutes candles in a row gary are you seeing this shit
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Gary is a little busy right now
why did it dump baggie bros
I'm so ruined
no idea but damn that one candle just now was a little interesting

kek it fucking figures that fudgepacker is probably getting bent over as we speak
you know why faggot
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he is not a cat
Simple. After selling for 100% return, I bought back in when it was $25-26 a month ago.
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literally whostdve
I sold. I'm sorry. I guess my hands are not as diamond as yours. I simply cannot continue to support a tone-deaf billionaire CEO who endorses a convicted fascist child rapist.
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Yes I have finally found one. I hope all you onions fags sell everything because the CEO tweeted about your arch nemesis, and then GME moons.

When this happens, promise me you will kill yourself?
Ryan dumped shares and bailed out the shorts. Then, he divided his shareholder base. What exactly is he playing at?
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>Just straight up lying
ryan has been closing each individual short out by hand that's why it's taken this long
Monday RRP: 413.280B, 65P = 6.358B per (roughly)

The Lord of The Squeeze: The Two Prequels
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The Forerunners
Terminator was one of my favorite pinball machines. while the stock continues chugging gonna post some historic pinball dev.
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sound about rite
Will only winners be allowed to hold this stock at the finish line? Will there be more tests?
I just don't see how GME can moon at this rate. Ryan Cohen was supposed to make the company profitable, but all he can do is close down stores and dilute on shareholders. Who is going to FOMO into GME when the board dilutes on any upward price movement? We need every shareholder we can get to lock up the float. How is that going to happen with Ryan Cohen alienating his shareholder base?
Damn you’re pretty retarded to come and complain then.. and double retarded for buying back in above 25. I would’ve given you kudos if you bought under 20 again
based. did exactly the same. average before may/june was $18. double stack now plus have taken cash, average 26.07
Ignore everything you've been told and write a poem about beautiful Scandinavian women
sell at next runupp then ???
why are shill so retarded ?
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BASED, just did this for another board lol
Nigger when would I have bought under $20 again? The lowest it went in the past month was $22 (same price I initially bought before selling at $44)
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Still Holding! x4
I'm just so disillusioned and demoralized right now. I'm reevaluating the GME play based on the quality of its holders. Are GME holders still reasonable and diligent and mentally sound? Or are they just unthinking sycophants that are prevented from questioning Ryan Cohen's judgement and state of mind? I only bought GME to make money. I didn't sign on to fellate RC over his every tweet.
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Poompa time
>plan trusters are we wagmi?
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>Please sell because orange man bad
Where do these shills think they are?
Besides, I'm not on Team Red or Blue.
I'm on Team Green.
Because at the end of the day, the one with the money controls the politicians.
Is this bait
You should buy stock in companies where insiders are selling en masse like nvda and amazon, that seems more your pace. Post about it in the stock market general, I'm sure they'll respond quickly.
I trust in Kek, he delivers so many fucked up wins in the world, just marvel at his wonders, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and by the looks of it [REDACTED], it’s a given MOASS is priced into this timeline, things going to get silly and I am here for it
I don't understand how you can criticize insiders selling when GameStop literally just increased the outstanding shares by 40%. Plus NVDA and AMZN provide actual goods/services that industries rely on.
got like 230 hour in rise sunbreak. today i finished every single follower quest and got a headdress.
You seem desperate.
This slow daily climbing is a lot better than bullshit crabbing.
Bigger than you know.
You sound too sane, unbroken by Wu Tangnomics, you will serve best to leave this place and never return…. Shareholders here, seen things, such horrors no mere meme coin investor should have to stomache.
Awful pick dude, you could have picked someone else someone bedder

kek so say i have some shares in shitty revolut i could swing them in the next run up? and buy back in following the map that was laid before us? don't worry i have shares that are drs which i will never touch

>obligatory jannies tongue my anus
moass after election confirmed
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>increased outstanding shares by 40%
>stock price increased from $10 to $27
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Anon use this one that anon made.
Did anyone else see that flash down to 25 and back up again?
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Don't forget GameStop adding $3 billion in cash to their reserves. Seems like all of this has been a good thing and the only people salty about it are hedgies and hedgie simps.
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Much better
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Strange that all the shills are suddenly gone. It's as if a certain topic requires their attention elsewhere. That alone convinces me that it's correct to discuss that topic here even if it's not /GME/ related.
Because it pisses off all the correct people. Fuck em
I just bought 25 more GME and 100 SPXS
u r a tard
What’s the topic?
>shills on emergency duty elsewhere because of weekend (((thing)))
>no BBBY talk
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Yeah it is odd. I wonder where they all went. Are they no longer threatened by GME? Are we no longer over the target?
I’ve attempted discussing THAT in THAT thread, it didn’t go so well, why is that?
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Someone's Twitter post. But ONLY that singular post. Every other Twitter post is alright and even encouraged to discuss as long as it derails the thread
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>Closed at $27
Good shit
Then what do you want to discuss chief…
How about gme? No towel stock and no dividing political circus bullshit.
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But I enjoy the political circus especially if it drives all the niggers elsewhere. Even more so if it convinces reddit to sell all their GME 2 weeks before MOASS. It's extremely funny that a group of people would give up their one chance to finally get back at ((the rich)) just for that warm fuzzy feeling of conforming with their imaginary group
Hell yeah nigga, Reddit selling just before MOASS would be a hilarious Kansas city shuffle
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I enjoy how much inexplicable seethe bbby causes. I’ve never in my life seen people go out of their way to educate themselves on a topic they hate to see discussed somewhere all so that they can engage in discussion of that topic.
Boy if a computer DIDN'T write that, oof
You can do whatever you want, but if I sold and it DIDN’T do the same as 2021 I’d kill myself. Of course those shares aren’t real anyway so all you’re swinging is IOUs. I’d only be comfortable swinging a portion
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Most of that talk is "people" complaining about that talk to slide the talking with talk about how annoying the talk is. Savvy?
Brother you bath niggers take it upon yourself to educate everyone and you're going to act surprised when people use what you've said against you? It's literally you're right or wrong but that isn't enough for you guys. You always have to bring that shit into the gme thread.
Case SI v. BED BATH & BEYOND CORPORATION, 1:22-cv-02541, (D.D.C. May 14, 2024)

ECF No. 115: Ryan Cohen Deposition on or before July 18, 2024.


Docket 3345: An update to the personal injury lawsuit. Court hearing July 23, 2024 2:30PM.

Docket 3318: Initial pretrial conference for the Avoidance Actions. Court hearing on August 8, 2024 10:00AM.



Case 20230930-DK-Butterfly-1, Inc., et al. v. Edelman, et al., No. 652164/2024 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Apr. 26, 2024): Defendants’ deadline to move, answer, or otherwise respond to the Complaint is extended to August 9, 2024.



Will finally be able to see ryan forced to give straight answers to questions instead of silly tweets I am unironically so excited for this.
“I plead the 5th your honor”
I think it's going to be a lot of REDACTED. And the lawsuit will dismiss
He’s going to say kek BBBaggies and kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
Digits is percent chance of moass Tuesday, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal.
This is why I’m now going 75% GME 25% SPXS

It had an ATH of $113,000 per share at the beginning of February 2009.
Big green rockets are the most fun but a slow crab up is nice too.
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stupid $27 stable stock.
Why not VXY then?
The accuracy on [REDACTED] gives me a major boner for the coming financial crisis.
Because I’ve already made up my mind. But I’ll probably throw a thousand at it thanks for the heads up
If it is true there is an almighty divinely-ordained crash awaiting post election, how else are we planning to position ourselves to guard against the worst of it? I mean, the hairs on the back of the neck did prick up considering the first prediction came nigh on 100% true
vision, even
Well whatever you do, don’t position yourself on imaginary internet money. It’s looking like this crash will put people in middle class lifestyles who have behaved like Karens the last 10 years in the poor house and it’ll be a humbling moment for them to come back to Jesus when their cars are repossessed and their homes are foreclosed on and they find themselves in the projects with very unkempt people (you know who I’m talking about)
Business and finance thread guys let's keep it blue board appropriate. How about that SOXL? Lol. Lmao even.
>worships kikes
every time
This is alarming.
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What the fuck
For them. We are destined to WAGMI and WANGTPT
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Aren't we already in a depression? I know the ((MSM)) won't even call it a recession but the numbers should indicate so. Unless you're telling me things are gonna get... worse
We will hit full on depression when we get the violent market correction caused by GME.
We're definitely in a recession because they played word games to redefine a recession so we aren't in one by the books. Funny thing is, I remember my dad complaining about how they redefined depressions in 2008 so we we 'only' went into a recession then and not a full blown depression.
MSM will call it a "tumble"
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We are SO fucking back.
“Stocks tumble in aftermath of hedge fund collapses”
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Oh boy that wutang album nft dividend really is hype, pleasrdao tweeting about gamestop shareholders? AND put some shit about gme stock in the site code? alright lemme check it out in a few weeks

few weeks later:

>78 years to unlock
>You're accelerating the countdown by paying eth
> year club, month club, week club, day club, house club

That level of grift was truly worse than the holocaust and amc bbby
they actually deserve to get punched in the head
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I'm alright with that.
>Due to the 2024 economic tumble everyone's 401k accounts are down 80%. That includes retirees. We're confident in a market correction. In a few years everything will be okay (for us). Contact the suicide hotline if you or a loved one is showing personality changes. And as always, forget gamestop!
I will never forgive them for taking the Wu Tang catalyst from me.
are you employed, or are you a neet?
I’m employed in the electric industry.
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Are we supposed to know what these esoteric nigger lines mean?
>hedgies are losing to anon that doesn't understand what a parabolic wagmi reversal looks like
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Right on schedule. Resistance is now support.
Somehow even more Jewish than Shkrelli.
>no, people giving you money does not make real life time go forward faster.
Didn’t pulte hype it too?
It was surreal as fuck to see the wutang theory get entertained while so much other shit was popping off at the same time. So sad they necromanced that plan to try and grift gme holders, right after Lauer's computer share account access request bullshit too.
i bought a motorcycle, didnt spend a single gme for it either
congrats, I hope it's a cool bike. I was looking at yamaha's the other day, but I just don't trust other drivers here enough to ride one.
PleasrDao also publicly admitted that their account, with the service checking robinhood holdings, was disabled by the service provider.
Two questions for you GME line geeks.

When do we MOASS?
What’s the make it stack?
How high is this going to?
at least 1
whats your ssn
Started today
Depends on your definition of "make it"
At least $17,000
[REDACTED] do not want [REDACTED] being discussed because it is [REDACTED] even though there it is [REDACTED] and white, he was not to kind in what he said about Gary [REDACTED] either
Please sir $17k would be very nice, spoonfeed me some hopium, why do you think that's achievable?
>When do we MOASS?
Approximately some time between soon and eventually
>What’s the make it stack?
Only you can decide this
>How high is this going to?
Theoretically, infinity
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>When do we MOASS?
>What’s the make it stack?
>How high is this going to?
understood have a nice day
>nigga thinks he can demand when he's infinity in the hole
lol I only use macd, moving averages and rsi. That’s all you need. Furthest I will go beyond that is Elliott wave.
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Sequel gonna be kino
I think he was selected precisely because kennoid said he doesn't want him.
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Great actor who played his role perfectly.
Why wouldn't Ken want him?
He can't buy him (because he's out of money)
>That’s all you need
Not if you're a hedgie.
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i made a watamelon just for you
He's worth 37 billion now
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Based. And that's a really cool behind the scenes video from back then.
No RKKG tweet, guess this week is nothing burger
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>Waiting on RKKG
>not waiting on CLINT
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just a heads up this guy also said that XRP will go to $10,000. plan accordingly
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Datebros? Eatin
Docketsisters? Eatin
Electionchads? Eatin
Icahnbasterds? Eatin
Plan trusters? Eatin
is that what they mean by "regulatory capture"?
Hope all your bans have expired frens
Don't trust the 7/17 shill I think he wants you to miss 7/18
I'm gambling on Lenari*s dd
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yes, the noose tightens...
kek Kenny he can't catch a break
kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
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pondering the chart...
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That's from 2021 btw.

Look what happens when you cut off the 2021 squeeze.
Very Dandy
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Two humps, just like recently.
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>what do they call this pattern?
bat signal?
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2021 vs. 2024
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always has been
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I copped a lil 50cc honda super cub, its so much fun. I can ride it without a motorcycle license where I live, but I need to get one so I can ride a larger class of bike. In the meantime I wanna use a bore up kit to make it around 88cc or so.
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>manually analyzing the numbers because not smart enough to compare data like this
>it's legit
>2nd peak in 2021 was on 12/28/20
>squeeze peaked on 1/28/21
>2nd peak in 2024 was on 6/6/24
>squeeze will peak on (insert hype date here)

My AC broke and it's 107f, replaced the capacitor now waiting for a replacement motor aaaaaa
If GME is running an algo, 7/24/24 is when it should start running next, with a peak on 8-7-24.
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>insert meme date here
>31 days between 12/28/20 and 1/28/21
Shit hits the fan in July 7th.
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can someone post the unedited emoji list?
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we are in the eyes looking left part.
>eyes looking left
>eyes looking at the left
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>next is a fire
>then an explosion
I'm beginning to get an erection
American flag and microphone was the event that just happened this past weekend.
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Weird timeline altering shit keeps happening Everytime I take shrooms or even just microdose
Orange man shot was my fault sorry GME is moassing this week
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Do not speak of the event that occurred lest ye face the wrath of the uncompensated.
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no.. I want to remain in the crab closet.. It is what I am used to.. I don't like change...
OOO It's not even 12 yet!
That's a good one.
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Yee eem yee MOASS is tomorrow
>27 in the overnight market
$30 EoW?
Non-stoppers WILL cope and rope after MOASS.
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Nah tomorrow will just be aggressively green. Moass HAS to happen on a Wednesday now, since this general has been saying it CANNOT happen on a Wednesday for two years
Have a feeling we go to $60
Can anyone suggest a strategy to sell just in case RC decides to dilute? What indicators do I look for. And what if there’s no ATM and this thing goes above 100?
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The strategy is to sell immediately and all in on bitcoin unless you're a bathnigger in which case all in on BBBY
The latest dilution was done at an average price of $28, so probably around there. It'll be difficult to time it precisely, so I recommend a limit sell order.
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calling all chedda heads a possible OOoOOoOOOOoo maybe sighted on the overnight channels. Set chedda levels to 5. Stay alert
at link it you mango
11:05 timestamp
>45.29% short volume.
>43.13% off exchange.
>The latest dilution was done at an average price of $28

thanks anon, but i recall we were heading to $60 and the dfv stream when the ATM was announced. again, that 28 price range u mentioned was correct. just hoping for a brainstorm on possible plays since i know this week will be fire.
stupid $27 stable coin
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My own plan is:
> Sell enough calls on wed-thu to exercise the 7/19 calls
> sell some of my tax-free shares in thu to have cash come Friday
> exercise and buy back in for gamer ramp
Target around $88
They're so ready to rug shitcon.
Just sell asap when it's announced and wait a few days for it to level out at a new average before buying back in. If the new pattern is now us pumping every two months with a scripted dump that can be easily timed and predicted then sign me the fuck up. It'll help me size up my stack for the true moass.
There's no way these threads are still this slow after this much hype and growth. Is everyone still banned because of that shit a few days ago or did all the hypefags from earlier actually fucking sell at a massive loss and run away? Because if so holy shit, I can't wait for the rage threads from weak handed retards that bought in at 30 and sold at 20 only to see it back at 30.
we've upcrabbed like 12% over the month. people are bored
Where's the website the confirms when RC starts dilutiing?
kek dumbfuck baggies
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> pic related
I got banned on sp for a post about how the labour government will use England with winning as a excuse for more immigration, thankfully it didn’t come home , I be back tomorrow
We're in /bant/ retard.
The former, lotsa people still receiving new bans due to mentionings about the weekend happenings.
>There's no way these threads are still this slow after this much hype and growth.
Bots and shills have be re-allocated to other boards for damage control and narrative deployment.
are that many people really getting banned for that? whats the rationale? off topic posting?

how can I talk aboot gme if none of my homies are here
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>how can I talk
Astral projection voicemails. Just be mindful what you let finger your chakras.
not sure, but I gotta admit its excessive and aggressive judging from what I read here
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