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say something nice about the markets edition

https://pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (female)

>Stock market words:
>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

>Free chart:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>List of hedge fund holdings:

damn, biz went full crypto
Man I make the worst picks ever. I'm down quite a bit.

Also I sold my CRWD stocks. Down 4%overall. If it bounces back I'll feel a bit retarded for buying high selling low, but that seems like such a huge mistake they made. What do you guys think and where should I move the money? I was thinking Asml or ARM
i have never seen /smg/ so dead
I know it's technically Canadian, but it is in Argentina, but what are you guys thinking of that stock the other anon was shilling a while back, LAAC?
I don't know if I can trust anything Argentinian financially
With how things are going, will there even be a stock market by the end of the year?
There will always be someone ready to slurp, unless shit goes full apocalypse. And even then I think the market would find a way.
The stock market is crashing, is this the dip I've been hearing about? Should I shovel my live savings into a global index tracker today?
spy is going out of business
I’ve lost a hundred dollars buying calls on the dips the last 3 days. Fuck this gay earth.
Why is this so fucking dead
>Why is this so fucking dead
Never recovered from the email verification thing.
I buy and hold shit because I don't get options so I don't really have anything crazy to contribute
yeah this sucks and i refuse to go to reddit or wsb

i just want to shitpost and have stupid arguments about stocks and call bears gay is that so much to ask
You could buy and hold LEAPS too.

I avoid the short term options like the plague now except for once in a while earnings plays.

I like LEAPS a lot as a share proxy though
TSLA 0DTE calls
this fake y2k shit robbed my of my lockheed rally
should i buy AAL because of this outage shit
I was long CRWD

Immediately dumped into PANW
this cloudstrike failure, how far down is that driving volute?
seems lower to me today, but i'm in a hospital trying not to die
i doubt it will do much outside of today.
HE pumped
cant believe a company that is causing billions of dollars aroudn the world and its only priced in 10% down for the day
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“ Based on the present combination of extreme valuations, unfavorable and deteriorating market internals, and a rare preponderance of warning syndromes in weekly and now daily data, my impression is that the speculative market advance since 2009 ended last week. Barring a wholesale shift in the quality of market internals, which are quickly going the wrong way, any further highs from these levels are likely to be minimal. In contrast, current valuation extremes imply potential downside risk for the S&P 500 on the order of 50-70% over the completion of this cycle.”

Hussman giga bearish again
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I started using E*Trade a few months ago. Is it impossible to just fuck around and make a few hundred dollars here and there with a massive amount of money in your account?
crowdstrike, my brother, thank you for your sacrifice
Get 25k first otherwise they wont let you just trade in an out of positions like that. Look up the PDT rule.

Actually, do like a shit ton more research before anything else. If you didn't know this was a thing STOP before you end up losing all your money because you have a lot to learn still.
losing all your money is a good way to learn
Also true
What the fuck, what trade??
i literally just bought puts when it was only down 9%
>lose all your money
Yeah, I planned on putting it all in the stock market with fucking E*Trade.
You mad man. Holy shit
Good time to buy puts now?
markets closed now brother
Yeah, but I mean let's say Monday. Do you think it will continue to go down?
too much uncertainty to say, we barely know anything about the cause of their fuckup let alone how their customers respond. two days is a long time, i rarely hold options over the weekend and certainly am not on this one
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Got it. I fucked up didn't I?
Im not selling shit. I will just continue DCAing and dump a fuck ton in if the market crashes.
bro i don't even know, you're in totally different sectors than me, but it doesn't look great
Hussmans whole thesis is that over the next 10 years, bonds will over-perform the market. Then take into account bonds are also at highs and will dump. Personally, I think crypto is the only asset that will outlast the “everything” bubble, new more efficient systems eating the old and all.
Shitcoins 24/7, it’s annoying

Stocks have bull runs and bear runs to buy cheaply. But that requires that you don’t suffer from TikTok brain
If you're interested in semiconductors just get something like SOXQ, you're unlikely to pick the winners unless you're heavily knowledgeable about the industry and their finances as well as a billion other factors.
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MMs crushed semis this week due to creating FUD in Taiwan, predicting a bounce next week
I'm new at this. If I buy today and chart go down tomorrow, have I lost my money forever or do I get it back when chart go up next year? Also, if Microsoft or whatever goes pop is 7% of my index fund gone as well?
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Should I sell? I'm literally just losing money now
why am I losing money with NVDA and TSM? I thought they only go up?
Not certain. Trump is looking more and more like the next president, and his position against TSM and China in general has been yelled about a lot lately. I think semiconductors are going to have a bit of a crab until the election, then go back to bull once it's figured out Trump won't actually do anything to nuke the semiconductor business. We've been due with this for a while.
That would be selling low. You are at a point where you have to ride it back up.
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As you can observe from the chart of DJT's stock price, it is effectively a meme stock most closely correlated to events around Donald Trump and his perceived probability of winning the 2024 presidential election. Major spikes and dips correspond to events in his criminal trial, while recent spikes corresponding to the debate and failed assassination attempt are also clearly observable. Following these spikes, the price appears to normalize to around $30, which will likely occur again as the hype from the RNC dissipates.

Obviously, the single biggest catalyst to pump the stock price would be a Trump victory in November. That said, there would likely be immense selling pressure on the day following the election. Who would want to buy a meme stock that can only go down from here? So the optimal strategy is probably to buy when the price normalizes and then sell on the day of the election as the probability of a Trump victory approaches certainty, but before it is actually confirmed. It is impossible to predict just how high the price would rise, but it would almost certainly represent at least a 2X from the baseline price.

I'm probably not the only one thinking this way and, but maybe it doesn't matter in the case of such a meme stock.
>Buy 15K of TQQQ after the massive Nvidia runup was already mostly over
>Sell it last week for 19,477 after multiple consecutive days of losses
>Family thinks I'm a genius now
Feels good man. You can time shit pretty retarded and get away with it, huh? Now I'm gonna sit on JEPI and hope the market burns down a bit (thanks crowdstrike) before I buy back in.
how protected is JEPI on the downside?
Well first of all my post was meant to brag that I'm getting lucky WITHOUT being smart, so please don't take me too seriously.
Theoretically, I think JEPI should be about as protected as its underline, the SP500. JEPI is a covered call ETF that sells covered calls against the SP500. It "wins" in crab markets where the underlying goes up without hitting the strike price, loses in bull markets where the strike price gets hit, and should go down at the same rate as the index in bear markets (though still make some money back from Call sales in a down market)
That should mean, if I'm not totally retarded, that JEPI can be considered about as protected as the SP500 itself.
There could be a better defensive option (say, actual Consumer Defensive holdings or cash) but I initially considered JEPI as my "bitch" money... bought it over a year ago for a bit of market exposure when I'd otherwise hold it as cash. The divvies are so nice that I never ended up turning it into anything else. I have some shares in apple and pharma companies (Ozempic's a fucking hit) but they're relatively small plays and I normally sell those for like a couple hundred bucks profit since I'm not confident enough on my stock picking ability for anything bigger.
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Whens a good time for me to get into BBC?
Gigapump or gigadump next week?

Stupid slurpers can't help themselves, I don't want to buy stocks close to the elections as they always tend to crab or dump

Also smg is so slow, feels bad man all the fun shitposters moved to /bant/ but newfags don't know and it leads to stagnation of the smg threads and bant threads

I just wanna make it bros so I can marry a woman of my ethnicity (im arabic but westernized ) and have 2 nice kids, a white picket fence and a golden retriever, hope we all make it someday
25k is not a massive ammount
I've been a perma bear more or less, since COVID
finally cashing back a bit. close to back to even.
This seems to be the better board. Without Childporn.
JEPI is for income

But is not 100% retarded to try and preserve capital in it.

I think SCHD is a better choice for "safety" but a lot depends on goals/objective
Don't try to time anything.

Just buy and hold over time, that's the only pseudo guaranteed method.

Don't let timing related stuff stop you get in now and forever.
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how you guys doing in the current rotation?
i like to use the heatmap to identify short term reversals. switching from longer time frames to the day can help to identify names going against the broader trends.
>i will share a little sector breakdown for noobs

+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
+biggest 10 names
Exxon Mobil Corp XOM 23.14%
Chevron Corp CVX 17.73%
EOG Resources Inc EOG 4.78%
Schlumberger Ltd SLB 4.71%
ConocoPhillips COP 4.49%
Marathon Petroleum Corp MPC 4.38%
Phillips 66 PSX 4.37%
Williams Companies Inc WMB 3.78%
Valero Energy Corp VLO 3.74%
ONEOK Inc OKE 3.47%

+main etfs
-xlb, itb[homebuilders]
+bull etfs
-uym, nail[homebuilders]
+inverse etfs
+biggest 10 names
Linde PLC LIN 21.31%
Freeport-McMoRan Inc FCX 7.05%
Sherwin-Williams Co SHW 7.03%
Ecolab Inc ECL 6.11%
Air Products & Chemicals Inc APD 5.80%
Newmont Corp NEM 4.50%
Nucor Corp NUE 3.86%
Corteva Inc CTVA 3.83%
Dow Inc DOW 3.80%
DuPont de Nemours Inc DD 3.43%

+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
+biggest 10 names
GE Aerospace GE 4.66%
Caterpillar Inc CAT 4.37%
Uber Technologies Inc UBER 4.07%
Honeywell International Inc HON 3.73%
Union Pacific Corp UNP 3.70%
RTX Corp RTX 3.58%
Eaton Corp PLC ETN 3.36%
Boeing Co BA 2.82%
United Parcel Service Inc Class B UPS 2.68%
Lockheed Martin Corp LMT 2.67%
+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
+biggest 10 names
NextEra Energy Inc NEE 14.00%
Southern Co SO 8.16%
Duke Energy Corp DUK 7.45%
Constellation Energy Corp CEG 6.08%
Sempra SRE 4.64%
American Electric Power Co Inc AEP 4.45%
Dominion Energy Inc D 3.95%
PG&E Corp PCG 3.59%
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc PEG 3.53%
Exelon Corp EXC 3.33%

+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
+biggest 10 names
Eli Lilly and Co LLY 13.45%
UnitedHealth Group Inc UNH 8.72%
Johnson & Johnson JNJ 6.54%
Merck & Co Inc MRK 5.83%
AbbVie Inc ABBV 5.63%
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc TMO 3.93%
Abbott Laboratories ABT 3.36%
Amgen Inc AMGN 3.12%
Danaher Corp DHR 3.06%
Pfizer Inc PFE 2.95%

+main etfs
-xlf, kre[regional banks]
+bull etfs
-uyg[2x], fas[3x], dpst[regional banks]
+inverse etfs
-skf[2x], faz[3x]
+biggest 10 names
Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class B BRK-B 12.92%
JPMorgan Chase & Co JPM 10.19%
Visa Inc Class A V 7.25%
Mastercard Inc Class A MA 6.35%
Bank of America Corp BAC 4.75%
Wells Fargo & Co WFC 3.63%
The Goldman Sachs Group Inc GS 2.56%
S&P Global Inc SPGI 2.50%
American Express Co AXP 2.31%
Progressive Corp PGR 2.13%
+main etfs
+bull etfs
-want, retl[retail]
+inverse etfs
+biggest 10 names
Amazon.com Inc AMZN 23.61%
Tesla Inc TSLA 15.00%
The Home Depot Inc HD 9.32%
McDonald's Corp MCD 4.41%
Booking Holdings Inc BKNG 3.72%
Lowe's Companies Inc LOW 3.49%
TJX Companies Inc TJX 3.45%
Nike Inc Class B NKE 2.53%
Starbucks Corp SBUX 2.44%
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc CMG 2.38%

+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
+biggest 10 names
Procter & Gamble Co PG 14.70%
Costco Wholesale Corp COST 14.24%
Walmart Inc WMT 10.92%
Coca-Cola Co KO 9.32%
PepsiCo Inc PEP 4.51%
Philip Morris International Inc PM 4.45%
Mondelez International Inc Class A MDLZ 3.83%
Colgate-Palmolive Co CL 3.47%
Altria Group Inc MO 3.41%
Target Corp TGT 2.98%

+main etfs
-xlk, qqq, qqqm, soxx[semis]
+bull etfs
-tecl, soxl[semis], conl[crypto], nvdu[nvda]
+inverse etfs
-tecs, soxs[semis]
+biggest 10 names
Microsoft Corp MSFT 22.17%
NVIDIA Corp NVDA 20.28%
Apple Inc AAPL 4.48%
Broadcom Inc AVGO 4.18%
Advanced Micro Devices Inc AMD 2.67%
Salesforce Inc CRM 2.54%
Adobe Inc ADBE 2.53%
Oracle Corp ORCL 2.29%
Qualcomm Inc QCOM 2.27%
Applied Materials Inc AMAT 2.00%
+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
+biggest 10 names
Meta Platforms Inc Class A META 22.52%
Alphabet Inc Class A GOOGL 12.61%
Alphabet Inc Class C GOOG 10.57%
AT&T Inc T 4.77%
Comcast Corp Class A CMCSA 4.61%
Verizon Communications Inc VZ 4.58%
Electronic Arts Inc EA 4.51%
Netflix Inc NFLX 4.44%
T-Mobile US Inc TMUS 4.41%
The Walt Disney Co DIS 4.38%

+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
+biggest 10 names
Prologis Inc PLD 10.49%
American Tower Corp AMT 9.15%
Equinix Inc EQIX 7.24%
Welltower Inc WELL 6.29%
Simon Property Group Inc SPG 4.99%
Digital Realty Trust Inc DLR 4.98%
Realty Income Corp O 4.64%
Public Storage PSA 4.59%
Crown Castle Inc CCI 4.28%
Extra Space Storage Inc EXR 3.32%

+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
+main etfs
+bull etfs
+inverse etfs
I love owning stocks of great business geniuses and pretending that they work for me. But really, they do
Been kicking my ass but I just got a parabolic run so I guess the gravy train can't go forever.

I did a small IWM rotation and also dumped the fuck out of CRWD for PANW this week

LEAPS for life
Can someone explain dollar cost averaging to me? If I keep putting money into stocks when they are going down, I'm just losing money every time. How does this make sense? Shouldn't I wait until they are going up to invest?
Your gains increase because your avg purchase price drops. Over time this is advantageous. Especially long term.

Doesn't mean also don't buy some in good times. Just is a good way to squeeze as much profit as you can from an investment you are confident in.
what are some good stable stocks to be collecting with nice dividend yields? feels like now is the time, I'm fresh out of uni with a job in software engineering in tow
Tobacco stocks. MO, PM, BTI

Energy stocks like ET

I still can’t believe that it happened I hate caring about my money, why does fucking theta need to be a thing dude, i could have been a millionaire because Kamala pumps weed stocks 300% by end of the week, I knew it but only can justify doing a cheeky hundo bet in some gay MSOS 7c so might make 1500 fucking hell
Why will weed stocks moon? Talk is cheap especially coming from the likes of Harris.
I think when the MSTR rs happens I will go long and suicidal, June 2025 300c or some shit. Hoping for the 300-400% in the stock being a 3000%.
what does this mean? i'm not experienced with options. call options i gather but what is 300c?
a lot of the most established utilities, energy, financial & consumer staples companies have stable dividends. a good thing you can do is check the best funds that track dividend stocks and check their top holdings. or just buy those funds if you want. make sure they have a low expense ratio if you're going to hold long term.

some free screeners are financecharts and finviz

are you guys ready?
Is quantum computing the next "AI". Has quantum computing even been achieved yet?
I'm thinking of buying some 2026 calls for IONQ at 2.5 dollar call strike.
>one post since open
maybe we should just let it die
300c means a call at the $300 strike price
SAVA. Lol.

should i buy CRSR?
>he bet against the SAND
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which one of you MOTHERFRICKERS made that thread a few weeks ago shilling $HOLO at $1??
I should have slurped the HE dump to 7$ and change instead of waiting. It hit 14$.
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I bought GOOG, MSFT and XOM today
And it's still gonna keep going up
finna 2 fuk da vix to 12
>bitch you thought SOXX was done
oh wow no need to register an account anymore
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Elon Musk reposted this clickbait without checking the numbers.

>interest payment 1.14T
has it doubled since last year when it was 600B?
even if it was 1.14T, that's hardly 70% since the total tax collected is about 4.4T.
How high do you think it'll go?
I've lost like $2k from my peak. I know it ain't much, but it hurts, especially since I just added half of that money and it's like i just threw it away. Probably lost more overall
for a long term hold id say HE. people will forget the bad news over time and as the only electrical utility for an important tourist location there is no way governments let them fail.
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Fuck the biz Jannies who implemented email verification , we will not forget
People were saying the price of bitcoin would go to the moon after the halving, but it seems stuck at $60-70K for months now.
Why is this?
The idea is you buy no matter what is happening, whether it's the top or the bottom you're still buying. Of course this could be bad if it's a single stock that's going to 0, but on an index it's good.
Attention NIGGERS oh sorry i meant JANNIES
I WILL NOT forget the email verification
I WILL continue posting on the REAL /smg/ on /bant/
Head over there my fellow finance chads.
UNTIL YOU JANNIES SPLIT THE BOARD INTO /crypto/ and /biz/ and permanently ban all cryptocoin shilling on /biz/, I will not be posting here anymore.

/crypto/ for the pajeet scammers (who bribe the jannies btw which is why their 1 ptid is allowed up)
/biz/ for only real stocks of companies.

Fucking hell it's not that hard to fix this board but you went with the most retarded option. Fucking why even.
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You can't even link the last thread and this thread won't fill for days. At least stay updated what's going on in the market and take a listen what you have been missing in the last /bant/ smg thread, the best smg, by listening to the latest RADIO TAY PREVIOUS THREAD UPDATE

I don't wanna piss this thought into the void...but I think I'm gonna look to buy a duplex in the future instead of moving out from my moms and then not knowing what the fuck to do with her.

It lets me buy a place, move her next door, then if I can get a quadruplex, that's even better for me becaues I could get two more tenants. But either way, I can charge her enough rent to cover most of the mortgage pay the rest myself, then as she ages and gets to the point where medicaid is gonna be a bunch of faggots? her assets are all with me technically, I can fund her life a bit more, but if I have to move her to a facility its no harm off her back.

Big investment though. I at least have to put 120k down, probably more if I can't get my income any more past the 110k/yr I'm making. Which I'll grind for....but might be a lot better than any other plan I'm thinking of.
Im gonna just leave this here. Q3 is going to be abysmal. If you dont know what you are doing get out or move everything to maximum safe stocks. If you know what you are doing, you're welcome.
Is it really as easy as just put everything into a global index tracker and wait 30 years to become a millionaire?
Yes. The catch: by the time you become a millionaire you might find that it isn't enough and/or that you no longer have the energy to enjoy it.

Got some pretty good gains from Sony and AMD that i'm planning to take profits from soon. Was looking at healthcare ETFs to reinvest in, and I'm wondering what anons think?
$jmia 2000 bought at $8,77. The Amazon of the Sahara. Just letting it ride at the moment. Need to think when I want to sell.
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is CrowdStrike a play in the making?
Nigger that was 6 months ago. And the no-feedback until heads literally have been cut off and made into cups is still in effect
alphabet q2 earnings are around the corner.
what are your predictions of the target price? will it reach $200?
im considering going in with $6000 atm invested in nvidia. but im down minus $350 because i bought at 130.
best case, alphabet moons to $220
What happened to everyone? I blew my account trying to short a while back. Now I'm focused on increasing/obtaining a salary so I can stack a position after the next market crash.
I'm down 12% on CrowdStrike (bought at $310), I don't know if I'm coping by telling myself it'll go back up, I feel like I'm panicking about the loss and telling myself I should just cut my losses.
Are tesla earnings gonna be good or bad bros
This is a massive panic selloff. Every analyst is saying it's being oversold and will recover. Maybe not as fast as it did before but over the next year it will likely go back up to around 300 or more. If anything hold until the he testifies and then decide. It's already up today.
Do you think the trial will go well? I'm considering just investing in something safer
spy lmfao
New ATH by the end of FRIDAY anon
when you think its gonna roll but then it bounces
So im an investlit and only been doing boring safe investments for retainment via a IRA and a separate brokerage account.

Is there anything stoping me from buying shares and then just selling them when they go up a little bit and do that over and over? Is that a thing?
I play online games where i basically do that with ingame currency. Buy out low then turn around and sell it a bit higher and just Nickle and dime people until i have more money is that a thing?
That's typically done in day trading, really any short term active trading. I do not recommend a gambler to follow a strategy like that. But it can be done
Eh, im just looking for something to do while im sitting here at work waiting for something to happen. But i would kinda treat it like gambling, what ever money i put in there i just assume its gone but like i said i had a lot of success with the idea in games and i mean. Is the stock market in concept really all that different?
So, what’s the next NVDA? Sirius answers only
If you are going to do that look up the Pattern Day Trading rules. These are the rules brokers will force you to follow if you are going to do that more than three times a week.
So even im using my own money, like not even using margins and leverages money from a broker, just my own cash, they will still flag me on this PDT?
In a cash account, trading is not allowed. It breaks the free-riding prohibition of Federal Reserve Board’s Regulation T.

TLDR; since trades are only secured D+1 after you made the trade, you haven't actually paid for it. This prompts the brokerage to freeze your account. So, yes it does have to be in a margin account. And yes, they will still flag you.
I've got calls on CGC expiring this week. Really solid movement, but I doubt it'll hit $10 eow at this rate.
Ok so basically what im understanding so far is this.
1. I need a margin account, which i literally just got approve for, but currently waiting for the transfer of some cash to it, as right now its not instant since its a "new" account. went from just a brokrage account to a margin.
2. I need 25,000 in that account or else im limited to 4 buy sell order pairs every 5 business days.
3. once I have 1 and 2 (Margin account and 25,000 in equity) IM good to buy and sell as i please?
>In a cash account, trading is not allowed. It breaks the free-riding prohibition of Federal Reserve Board’s Regulation T.
You can buy and sell in one day in a cash account without breaking any rules, but you NEED to make sure every purchase is done with SETTLED cash. If you buy with settled cash and sell in the same day, it's not a free riding violation. I do it all the time. And now that settlement is T+1, with my broker, trades are settled overnight, so I almost always start every day with 100% cash settled. It may be different for your broker though.
So, for #2 it is you need to MAINTAIN at least 25,000 in equity (shares/money/options).

and #3 you will get a notification that you are considered a PDT but as long as you maintain 25,000 in equity and have a margin account you can continue to buy and sell as you please.
Ok so if im using vanguard, how do i know im using settled cash.
I don't know man... I don't know of anyone who uses Vanguard to trade stocks. They're mostly for mutual funds. If you're this inexperienced, you definitely shouldn't be trying to day trade right away. We gave you some stuff to consider so you don't break any rules, but you'll have to do your own research from here.
oh i just started posting here and i'm about to try and learn trading

is practicing in the investment simulator for about a year and then actually trying with real money a valid option?

also, what is scalping? is it like a safer version of daytrading?
me been sunbathing, fishing and sipping asahi beers from noon to noon while sp500 leveraged longs print money. market is very boring it only goes up these days

but i bet something completely ridiculous is about to happen in late autumn during the clown presidental electionn in usa so market may totally shit itself, that would mean about 15% correction
well thats the stuff i dont know and what i wanna learn. I have only ever been doing mutual finds like you said so. Im not sure whats a platform people use to do day trading?
On vanguard there should be a
"Funds available to trade" amount
and a
"Funds available to withdraw" amount


is some additional reading for you
Yeah i have done stock buying and mutual funds with vanguard for years now, but its mostly been a passive thing, every month just tossing 1000 into the VOO and VTI and calling it a day, but i wanna play around with some more active trading.
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>also, what is scalping? is it like a safer version of daytrading?

you're only 25 years late to the party :O slippage and spread so large forget scalping etc

most verified profitable retail traders trade 15min-48hours timeframes and small but not nano or micro, stocks typically. they are much easier than commodities for example
How do you guys think VUG will do over the next twelve months? I bought today, hoping that wasn't a mistake.
How do you feel about NVDA, Microsoft, and Apple? Cause they are a combined 36% of the fund.
Long term bullish. They control large parts of the market I think is growing.
So I'm up 37% on TSLA. Should I sell now anticipating the price to tumble with earning reports? I think that even a positive report wouldn't boost as much, but a negative one would put it back to 200 in two weeks
Would you lump sum into SPY at this point or wait for a drop or DCA?
The math says lump sum is usually the way to go, for what it's worth.
what's your take? I won't follow it blindly of course, but being I noob i feel like i could learn something
Google bags
>what's your take?
My take is always wrong, when I wait in cash the market goes green, when I buy it always turns out to be a top. I now look at the market like a roulette wheel except it's not even, it has more black than red. So I would favor putting money in. I've been holding back from buying in for a while now and just bought in so that's for sure a mistake haha.
Kek i feel that. I don't have that much invested so i might leave it there. If i lose 20% of it won't change much. better then losing it in a bad investment
Boner on NNE. Hunterbrook short Jews just made their cash influx off of their FUD report and price is bottoming out, good time to hop in especially if recent cutting of regulatory red tape facilities faster licensing within the next year-two and then can capitalize off the news. Could be a repeat of Nuscale gains if nothing else
>SAVA stooge and serial stock pumper Joe Springer -- the self-described "No. 1 ranked stock analyst in the world" -- spends 40+ minutes blathering about why he should be the next CEO of Cassava.

>And, according to Joe, Mossad is one of the nefarious actors secretly plotting to destroy Cassava. Also, various financial cartels and government agencies.

>I don't know if you have the time to waste on this, but it's entertaining.
His ideas
> sue the fda to get breakthrough therapy for sava

>put the shares on blockchain to squeeze the shorts

>make a team (?) with devin nunes, ryan cohen, patrick byrne to talk about how shareholders are bad

>asks to become the ceo

Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/_xdJyzPcLfs?si=ycW1ebcqgQ9lRxcV
Anyone listen to the Tesla earnings call? Elon did not inspire confidence in me. Is he always like that?
If a blatant narcissitic liar would inspire confidence in you, I’d be worried.
He couldn't answer questions easily, couldn't make full sentences or express ideas coherently. Maybe it's because they were hard questions like why he prioritized resources for X over Tesla. The estimates for Optimus seemed totally divorced from reality. "Well everyone on earth will want one so that's 8 billion at least..." Right because the billions of poor in rural India and China will be clamoring for a personal AI robot assistant. Musk then wondered about whether "money will exist as a concept" in this future because we will have unlimited resources. I mean what the fuck.
wtf is Optimus
Tesla wants to make AI-powered humanoid robots, initially to do factory jobs, later take over the world apparently (20 billion sales target). Basically have hands and literally swap into human roles on the assembly line.
I don't know what you expected. He's a midwit who got really fucking lucky a couple times, not a genius.
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Make GOOG stop bleeding I need these calls to print.
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Bought puts Monday. Not working out for me.
Anybody holding PSNY?
your logic makes sense to me. definitely wouldn't hold this long term, as the price has nothing to do with actual fundamentals.
Thoughts on crypto ETFs? Any of the etherium ones worth picking up short or long term?
anyone know a good german vpn for 4chan?
>5 days old thread
go back newfags, and likely poorfags since you've missed /biz/ other lengthy crypto eras

He's always been like that but he usually had someone to recover his retardation like Rebecca Tinucci who was head of the supercharging but he fired her
kill yourself monopoly money faggot, you're /g/'s trash
kek tesla
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This is it.
This is the big one.
Investing in stocks was a mistake
do you guys think it's realistic to go from 60k saved to 120k saved, knowing I make 100k, by 2026?
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>it drops
Every time. World's most consistent top buyer.
I don't feel so good bros...
NVDA again
Depending on where you live yeah, I saved that much (60k) increasing my salary from 50k-80k in Florida with rent at $1700 since 2021. I had it all in gamestop and watched my networth hit about 120k - 160k. You can make it happen.
DJT is going to skyrocket to 100 once Trump gets elected
Can someone tell me what the everloving FUCK is happening to SPY???
The same thing that is happening to the NASDAQ. It is going down.
What you’re experiencing is the recession we’ve been in for years getting even worse such that they won’t even be able to just change the definition again to escape this one. The pain is just getting started. You can probably expect a 30%-40% decline from these levels before there’s any hope of a turnaround.
kk. I need at least 120k to buy a duplex I think in this area, bit more if they won't give me a loan that size at my salary (probably 400k, maybe 500k). I have more than 60k saved, but i don't wanna take the money out of it yet if I don't have to, and I kinda wanna be a little more conservative with a strat that involves buying a house kek
Should I slurp this dip bros or wait until friday
That's where I'm at. I want a property but don't want to break into my cash or assets for it yet. Good luck on the duplex.
I hope not, I bought VUG yesterday.
Cheers. I think it's obtainable for me. I'm gonna be splitting the down payment 50/50 into cash savings and stock index savings, since if the market shits itself I'll probably be happy I was cash. I think a massive price correction seems unlikely at this point, just eternal crabbing, but who knows
Lockheed Martin is unstoppable
let me know when you sell
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if measured in gold, we've been in a recession for 24 years.
its just the next leg down. nothing to see here.
The only thing I do right is never panic sell.
whoever told me to buy MAGS calls can kill themselves
smg strikes again
>5 day old thread
>194 replies

jep /biz/ is death
>listens to random retards on an anonymous forum where kids as old as 14 year old tell us how to financially invest.
Suppose I have a lot of BTC or ETH and want to sell it all at once. How do I do it? How do I find a buyer?
CEX such as Coinbase and Gemini only let you withdraw $2K or $10K or similarly low quantities a day. If I have one or more million dollars, it'd take me a year or more to withdraw it all, not to mention all the fees for every withdrawal and tax issues.
real /biz/ is in /bant/
i only bought a couple contracts for the fun but still
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>poor grammar
>doesn't know that all fiat is monopoly money
>poor grammar
>making shit up because he's in dogshit crypto
kill yourself monopoly money faggot, you're /g/'s trash
TQQQ bottom
Maybe the real stock market was the friends we made along the way.
Poorfag cope, post losses nigger
You first crypto bitch
The /bant/ thread is just /b/-lite.
SOXL trannies out here looking like Gaping Dragon
I had qqq/tsla puts, up 60% today, how about you?
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It's on fellow bearfags. Bottom will be 3200 screen cap this
I'm all in soxl, it will go back up
>he's down 14% today
Lmaoooooooooo better buy more then when it drops, then even more when it drops again etc etc etc
yeah it's called slurping the dip retard
Listen to yourself
Nasdaq gonna exit pump
>slowly been selling off voo and in my roth and brokerage
>401k can't really do anything...too much in here if i want to retire early, fuck it take out a loan and reduce contributions to the minimum
>voo shits hard the day after i clear out half of it
Lol, lmao even
Capcha: h84s0y
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>me holding onto spy
And there goes the US auto industry. What sector will get fucked over tomorrow? I'm betting real estate.
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He only wants trump to win cause tesla stock would go to zero without subsidies
Why would he want the stock to go to zero?
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Checked Aryan digits of Truth. What is stopping you?
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Is Nividia going to rebound quick? Thinking about putting 100k in it and when it recovers in a week or two by 5-8% to pull out and make an easy 8k
Been putting like 500 a day in voo and schg since it started trending down
Gonna catch this knife til it starts going back up
What do you think about deploying a similar strategy for nvda but instead of 500 it’s 5000
Is now the time to buy more? It takes 3 days for a mutual fund order to complete, anyone know what the price will be by then?
>forgot the invest account I had at a small bank that overcharges you
> bought 1k worth of MINDMED
>check my account after 1 year because I received an email the bank got merged
> shares in MINDMED are now worth 2k

Feels good and bad at the the same time. Still broke and wishing I had more to invest. I might sell the profit and put it in an index ETF and start making a portfolio that makes sense.
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according to this guy i follow on plebbit NVDA may head to 110, potentially lower if big tech misses next week.

I would DCA the 100k in over the course of the next week depending how MSFT, META, AAPL results play out is going to dictate market sentiment/direction
over 1 trillion wiped from the market today, according to articles.

imaginary dollars disappearing from imaginary screens. 1 turning into 0s and 0s turning into 1.

anons, i really wanna make it. i wish i was born with at least a lil bit of good luck.
You're welcome I bought a SPY call the other day, and unironically whenever I do this it's going to be a -2% type of day.
Really wish I had the capital atm to get in on this VOO drop.
Okay will do thanks Reddit
I was deeply tempted to buy back in to TQQQ, but I think we might get another red day if we're lucky. Won't go back up 10 percent tomorrow, that's for sure, so the opportunity stays. I think TQQQ is great for joining existing trends a day late or whatever, DCAing early during such a serious dip nearly defeats the purpose of the fund.
I think I'm taking a (week) break from options after today got absolutely blasted.
>thinking of gambling $100k for 8 why not bros?
well why stop there?
smack down on gold, idk wtf is going on anymore without coming across as anti-semitic
I'm wanting to get into CRWD but I'm waiting for now. Fear there may be more bad news to come- would be surprised if companies don't file claims or lawsuits for things losses incurred during the outage. It's a volatile stock anything can happen but the company is valuable and long term it's a probably a buy
you shouldn't "take breaks" you should paper-trade and git gud
Nikkei getting obliterated.
Something big is in the works..
Well it’s not like it’ll go down to $0 by next week
Me on the right btw
Nigger here.

So I've unironically been buying too many Jordans. I know I need to cut back. Should I just start buying Nike stock? Is it worth it or should I stick to etfs
When Nike goes out of business they might be worth more.
You think they genuinely will go out of business? As in they're not enough of a strong household name even after 50ish years?
futures not too bad right now
could a case of the classic thursday pump friday dump
Everything is crashing. It's over. Have you liquidated yet?
no I'm slurping bigly today
Transferred another $12k over to slurp on this dip
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There we go
I bought $50 on DJT.
I'm holding until it crash all the way to $0
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Am I missing something here? Maths not mathing.
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total market death

hope we go all the way to the fucking ground, hate this fake fucking jew economy (slurp my balls janny tranny)
>S&P500 back to green +0.94%
Are we, dare I say, back?
Good call anon
>in a week or two
in a single day
good time to buy LULU now?
I'm up since I bought
I think it's possible but it'll be 5-10 years before it could be realized.
Anyone investing their Health Savings Account money?

I'm trying to figure out the best strategy. Right now I just have it all in VOO for long term growth, but I'm wondering if switching over to high yield divvies without reinvesting said divvies would be best since it will allow me to accumulate usable cash for an emergency without forcing me to sell stocks before using it.
Should I sell my TQQQ?
retard here. how do you calculate how much % a year a stock pays off dividends?

for instance, price of the stock 23,15€
last dividend payout: 0,0504€

whats the fucking %? why can't they just give you the %?
You have to use this trick called division
>Euros don't even know elementary school math
No wonder your countries are falling apart
> 07/19/24 (Fri)
wow this general is beyond dead
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Qvis fuit, horrendos primus qui tributa creavit?
Quam ferus et vere ferreus ille fuit!

unironically this
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are you??
>be me
>put 4k into NVDA - the stock that literally only goes up
>hasn't been green since I bought it
And the threat on bant is even worse. Stock discussion on 4chan is basically dead everywhere now, it's a downer.

I miss the penny stock threads from 2020-21, those were the days.

I'd say a fair few suicides could be traced back to what went on in there.
>Looking at Nvidia, Tesla & Apple
>They drop at the same time, rise at the same time
How the fuck can we even fight against market manipulation like this?
Maybe try investing in something not in the same industry.
What's the point?
It maybe by a different group, but it's still gonna be manipulated.
the right diversification turns that into an opportunity
Market soundtrack

The worst part is I don't have any powder left to buy the dip because I bought solid value and I like them too much to sell now.
Buyed land in Ireland propa coastline beach property global warming is gonna make me rich
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What do you guys think of that fat jew who berates people for racking up credit card debt?

Every time I get fed up with the off topic shitposting on /bant/smg I come here to see if things have improved only to see a week old thread still up from the last time I checked. Shit is grim
Report it
did you steal the kns pic and fail to shill the token swap link? i'm disappointed samurai-bro:


also imagine actually trying to time the stock market right now as the jews get uppity trying to launder their political funds
How do i learn technical analysis?
what I like to do is knock back a whole rotisserie chicken, write a couple tickers I like on some poster board, and then I scatter a few of the bones across the board until I run out. Should be good enough to get you into six figure hell, hope this helps
Why did IBM spike?
stfu and answer
divide what? i tried dividing the numbers in both orders and they don't give you the yield
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Anybody know where I could download raw historical data from the stock market for free? I found some sites that offer this kind of service but they want me to pay to get what I want. I want it for my own personal research. I'm thinking of scraping it from the charts themselves but it seems like too much of a hassle to code.
>divide what?
First off you need to understand what you're calculating. Typically you take either the past 12 months of dividend payouts or the expected payouts looking forward 12 months. These are often different numbers, with forward yield being a prediction. Many stocks pay quarterly dividends so you'd take the most recent quarter and multiply by 4.
Again, I'd like to stress this is not guaranteed. Dividends may be raised or cut depending on the financial state of the business or the whims of management. In fact, dividends are largely irrelevant to the potential returns a stock might offer.

So, once you've got your 12 month yield you're ready for the next step. Take that number and divide it by the current share price. That is your annual yield. To view as a percentage, multiply the resulting fraction by 100.

Given the numbers you provided, I'm going to assume the last payout was for a single quarter since that's the most typical case. Here is the yield:
0.0504 x 4 / 23.15 * 100 = 0.8% annual yield
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>he doesn't know
yahoo finance
>stfu and answer
You must be one of those "refugee" leeches that showed up and expected to be handed everything just because you came from a shit hole. Piss off.
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>almost all green for the first time in months
alhamdulillah bros
I’m gonna predict huge blow off top running into September or October then we crash to new lows
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Hey guys, we've had a good thing going, but with the current state of /biz/ traffic and /smg/ posting frequency, we're sad to say that we're going to be letting the baker team go and this will be the last /smg/ on /biz/. We know you all worked very hard to bring soul back to the board, but we just have to look at ourselves and come to terms that people just prefer to have their financial banter on reddit.

As a final hoorah, feel free to post any political, NSFW, or off-topic discussion you have in mind. We only have about 20 posts until bump limit, make it count!
How will you be stopping me from posting new breads whenever I want?
you wouldn't dare
heaven help you.
>Qvis fuit, horrendos primus qui tributa creavit?
>Quam ferus et vere ferreus ille fuit!
tributum is neuter, the adjective associated must also be neuter.
I'm also not sure about creavit. It would be better to use quaerivit or petivit.
thanks friend.
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Right now
At this very moment, There is a company that is on the rise to make alot of money. they need my investment right now.
Name the company. (not shitcoin).
Anon. I'm not that retarded.
actually monetizing AI, or claiming to
There's going to be a great rotation into the wholesome trad sector, mark my words.
I just threw down money on another company.
this board really is just a bunch of circle jerking crypto tards that hope they get another one buying into the pyramid.
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This. Inquiring minds would like to know.
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Conscripts are hostages
Time traveler here. HE 30 EOQ.
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I only hold ETFs why am I even reading this thread on an almost daily basis

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