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>changes design based on Coinbases’s feedback
It’s basically guaranteed at this point that Coinbase will be backing AVI once we finally cross over to Base.
How heavy are your bags?
we don't need the 100th inorganic shill thread

Btw buy the rumour sell the news
Did they say that in the voice chat?
w-w-w-why is the price going up if we are selling the news anon? I WAS PROMISED AN ENTRY
when will coinbase start updating the price again
it's kinda scary to see absolutely zero price action on coinbase as opposed to coin gecko. somebody give me some solid information on this flat Grey line on both coinbase and coinbase wallet
>an exchange says your coin sucks so it MEANS THEY ARE GAGGING TO LIST YOUR COIN


Yeah, straight to coinbase like all the other dogshit bro. 3 trillion IQ
esl post hands
Very heavy

I don’t know if anyone recorded it but yea, they specifically stated that they’ve had many meetings with coinbase and have made adjustments to their branding based on CBs feedback

Why are so mad? Coinbase wouldn’t list avi before we even made it to Base, let alone released anything.
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>mentioned actively working on another integration as well
>still working on the coinbase wallet one, but this other integration is something new
curious to see what that might be, they made it sound separate from coinbase entirely
what else would integrate a bridge?
or is skybridge the one integrating something?
What’s going on with that new logo? What does the three lines even mean and why is the fox behind it? It looks weird
it's airplane windows you fucking mongoloid. i know you're poor as shit and have never been on one, but jesus christ
>airplane window
If you said that the fox was in prison, that would be more believable than trying to convince anyone that he’s supposed to be behind an airplane window when airplane windows don’t even look like that. Did they really pay a professional to make that?
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It's across the whole brand. Nothing new.
Also, you should get out more. Travel a bit.
Heavy block pixel art is entry level and makes your shit look like you found it on deviant art. No less you mixed commercial airplane windows with a starfox derivitive because... aircrafts? Not clever at all. The smug energy that radiates from the devs and its followers is overwhelming. Dumping my bags
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yeah, i hold some avi.
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my body is ready
I can guarantee you that no one would figure out wtf the logo represents without having it explained to them. It looks nothing like airplane windows. The shape doesn’t even match, and the fact that his head takes up 3 windows makes it more retarded. Is the gradient background supposed to be the sky? So now the fox is outside the plane? So many ways they could make the logo of a cartoon aviator fox to represent a gaming company, and THIS is what they chose? So I ask the question again… Did they REALLY pays professional to come up with this?
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>Hacken 10/10 pump - ooooo
>Bridge release pump - oooooo
>Base pump - ooooooooo
>Coinbase listing pump - OOOOOOOOOOOOO
stop overthinking it looks good
Not really
>pixelization contrasted with the rounded "windows"
It looks like someone is trying to sell a shitty indie game, an app and shoes to niggers together
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>dumping my bags
saar you dont seem very rich saar
Larping as a jeet is funny, but you are unironically brown for thinking anyone will care about a crypto arcade or any of its bells and whistles.
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>Hacken 10/10 pump - ooooo
More like aaaaaaaaaaa. Enzo and a couple other top wallets kept dumping after the audit score came out. It only kept dumping since.

>it looks good
People are simply settling for it, but it doesn’t look good. The bright pixelated look that they used in the past went well with the arcade theme. They should have stuck with that. This doesn’t look appealing at all. Branding should be about first impressions. Having a design where you have to guess what it is or where it has to grow on you is not good
Because I care about your success as an individual, anon.
Smug TG and whales constantly dumping on bag holders from 0.5 upwards. Disgusting furry coin.
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They should have put it up for a vote like they did with the skyridge design. The team used to be open about sharing stuff early on and being open about the work being done but now they're on this “NDA bigly soon can’t say more!” Bullshit and it’s fucking annoying. We need to be involved with the branding so we can offer critiques about it to help make it better. Its basic knowledge.
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what if another entity is calling the shots now
it must be a retarded faggot
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what if its a rich retarded faggot anon, that would be in your best interest because you hold the aviator token... ri... rig... right anon? thats why you are in this thread isnt it anon?
Im staying away from this purely due to the trigger happy niggers who own a large portion of the supply. They nuked bananas and will do the same to AVI
bridge this upcoming week bros? when will we be free
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>100pbtid faggot strikes again
>Fuds Apu, Linu, and Avi 24/7
>Has mom roleplay as a girl he likes
>Draws frog hentai
>Is picrel
There is quite literally one retard in here fudding a coin that he owns less than 1k of. Different VPNs to accommodate his multiple personality disorder. If you let this faggot con you out of life changing money you deserve to be poor.

still mad you sold the bottom
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another entity is directly involved and guiding them on these changes
they said this directly
i havent done 100 posts in a single thread in weeks so i think you are being a litle bit disingenious. and the mom stuff isnt true i dont know where that started.
>frog hentai
big words coming from the people who post furry porn. be greatful i keept the threads alive for months while the team kept you all guessing about audits and progress.
thank you schizosama
speaking of which its nearly august, onchain summer is nearly over, the bridge is ready right? they arent going to delay it right? god the smell of you faggots in a panic makes me giddy..they havent even finished remediating the audit...holy shit its not even coming out next week...this is (no fud) this is indefensible. MORE than 1 year later and nothing to show except an updated logo....wow
maybe the reason why coinBase doesnt want to be associated with avi is this...this is not appropriate for a "real company" Jesse cannt be aassociated with this
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You sound panicked. I have tons of money and can wait until the bullrun picks up. Can you?
Also, ETH ETFs happen next week. If you can't put two and two together, then ngmi
why does jesse hate furgods, bros...
is coinbase as an entity homosexual?
gayviators have a seat in the plane regardless
>implying coinbase helped with the design
kek there’s no way coinbase would have approved of this design
i am panicked i over invested by a lot because people (on this board) told me this shit was releasing in summer and thats looking less likeley every day.
i dont know but i think all furry porn shoul;d cease since jesse skims these avi threads
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theres endless content of fatshaming naked images of sergay nazarov on the internet they still blazed to 20 billion with some of the largest companies in the world investing in them (ticker: LINK) i think some furrys are harmless anon no one takes chan serious except you
ok but jesse is actively scanning these threads when he is told to look into avi. avi needs coinbase so i think yous ee whaty i say
>no one takes chan serious
then why did avi team market HERE and ONLY here? why is it ok to market HERE with no product but NOWhERE else? Why do they want US to market FOR them?
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What's going on here? Our holder count is not even close to 1:1 and here they have 13k owners? What is this bots? No other entry is even close to this owner count.
>What is this bots?
It always is
It's gotta come next week. It can't be any other way.
bro really claims they only market on biz like they aren't on the front page of the miggles campaign and literally in the video of the #1 mint
retards like you cant fathom anything more than a banner ad as marketing
me on the right
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You had one year
Everyone loves furry porn though. Only dickless weirdos don't like it.
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I think the new logo should be a rocket, a red rocket like pic related. You the flames coming out the bottom?
Is there any proof that any coinbase representative has ever contacted the dev team? If so post it. By proof I do not mean aviator dev team claiming it happened.
Stixil took selfie in front of sceen with cb main page
? I can take selfie with coinbase main page, doesn't mean I am in contact with them.
Yes it means that you are in traditional normal every day homosexual relationship
Okay, so there's no actual proof that the devteam is in contact with coinbase, the devs just claim it is so. Where usual scams would just lie outright, these guys do it indirectly to not be legally pursuable, but still lead retards on and part them from their money.
Another shady shit was the uniswap transfer. Only the devs knew when it will happen and the chaos allowed them to buy cheap tokens to make money off retards.
Anyone contemplating investing in this: DO NOT

Shut up bitch LOL
>Another shady shit was the uniswap transfer. Only the devs knew when it will happen

if youre gonna fud your bags at least try
i miss jimmy he was a good fudder now were left with the crumbs until next leg up and a new generation of fudders are born

This loser IS jimmy running on fumes cuz he has nothing to work with it's been him every time
Post proof that the dev team is in contact with coinbase as they claim.
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2 more weeks
>be Jimmy walkin down the street
>Get SLAMDUNKIN'D by Dunkin mobile ads
>Fud the fox coin on mobile
>Go home and cry
>Jack off violently to Tim Horton jeet cashier
>Contemplate death as Jimmy
>Become Hilm
>Fud fox coin whilst pestering Stixil
>*thnap* a donut flies through window
>breaks thnapping fingers
>Donut reads 'DUNKINdeezNUTS!"
>Fud fox coin crying
>Create new TG handle and scream at fox people
>Another donut incoming
>Donut lands in lap
>Donut is just a donut covered in shit
>Eat shit donut hoping it's from poojeeta
>Cry again and make new fox fud biz post
I accept your concession.
>Stixil took selfie in front of sceen with cb main page
can you read?
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Yeah and I am partnered with Blackrock (Proof: pic related).
>Only the devs knew when it will happen
The unlock date was public

>the chaos allowed them to buy cheap tokens to make money
How much did they buy?
coinbase are frauds.
ou shit tribe rock showing intrest in avi SEND IT TO THE MOON. Btw nice female finger troon shine truly works lol
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>be jimmy
>constantly lie
>wonder why no one believes him

>be aviator team
>miss a few dates - but
>show proof of bridge (testnet)
>show proof of arcade (teaser images)
>show proof of game (video)

schitzo wailing for proof of something like the updated logo isnt kekw
I wish I had a homosexual relationship, instead I have a traditional GF. It's fucking gay.
don't forget to Vote Aviators. hopefully more bots (they are the only ones who see the tweets) from gemsradar get us to #20 wow! hopefuly more bots purchase our mr miggles (what the fuck?) wowzers this will lead to more holders!
if this was a coinbase pet project they would just steal the code and make the bridge themselves. also whos is going to play browser flash games for money? unless this shit is integrated into the wallet and people can play games directly on there no one is going to go through the hassle of playing angry birds crypto edition on their fucking pc
I finally got off my ass and looked at this smart wallet. The “bridge integration” has turned into a “recommended bridge”. There must have been 80 bridges listed within the wallet, how is avi going to stand out, IF they even get tacked on to this list of shit. Where is the one of ten slot for this learn and earn?
Im very interested in seeing everyone avoid this point ITT.
this is awesome
they should consider this
maybe with some big white puffy clouds around the top
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their attendance of the invite-only smart wallet seminar that next to no other projects were invited to
there were about 25 people both days, and many were repeats or from the same project

>why wouldnt coinbase steal projects off their chain for themselves
this parts not worth responding to
>whos is going to play browser flash games for money?
every person who exists in asia at least, kek
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you're done.
No points being made worthy enough of response. That entire post is retarded
answer it smuggy
>also whos is going to play browser flash games for money?
Flash is dead and has been dead since 2018 brainlet.
Plenty of people use to play games in their browsers too. Some very popular games runescape is an example were loaded in the browser originally. You probably wouldn't know that though because that was 20 years before you were born.
He was using flash as an insult you midiwit also runscape was the first and only truly successful game of its kind, which you are not making. Anyway where will these games come from? What is the incentive to make a game for this platform? Have you ever made a game? Are you ready for a pile of shitty pixel art platformers and puzzles? Why would anyone care about that? There is already so much of that shit on the internet. All questions anyone that isnt a manchild would consider before investing in another crypto grift. Perhaps devs will deliver this product, perhaps it will be great, but odds are fake and gay.
more examples than runescape if we're looking back in history. Miniclip had thousands of games with some iconic ones everyone would remember playing. habbo hotel was browser / shockwave before moving over to flash as shockwave would die. coke music was shockwave or flash.
Even in 2024 new grounds still exists and has a lot of fun games on it. Even the old flash ones that were ported later using something like ruffle or some html5 conversions.
Point is, people have and will still play games in their browser. It just needs to be fun.
>flash is dead
>Arcade will host flash style "games"
>this time instead of playing the shitty browser games for free, you will have to deposit currency to your wallet, connect your wallet to the arcade, and then spend actual money on the fucking flash game
>get annoyed at the hassle and boot up steam
anon this isn't looking too good...
those games were all easy to access and mostly free. do you believe that people will go through all the trouble to PAY these same games? why would they play on the arcade when they can just play their games on a console / steam / phone? its asking too much from the consumer and it will not garner the attention span of the general user. thats why crypto gaming sucks and it always will.
they have been saying that the arcade will be "steam like" and i am not sure that is very honest of them. when i think of steam i dont think of just these small minigame style games. they should start calling it "miniclip-like". or "roblox-like".
why do u even bother changing ids when you write in the exact same way every time. even if you were to "make it" you will always be a dysgenic unlikable nolife that people actively avoid
I'm on one ID, but neither you nor the team nor anyone in this thread can prove me otherwise, nobody is using this convoluted arcade to pay for play minigames. How much would you be willing to pay for 1 round of tetris on the Aviator Arcade anon?
Seconding this
meds now
answer it, how much would you all be willing to pay for ONE ROUND of a minigame?
your asking the wrong question, how much can you win off one game?
i guess to go along with that, how often is a winner determined? highest score over a week? a month? why would a casual player pay to play a game that they have no chance of winning the high score? why would they not just look up the same kind of minigame on the internet and play for free?
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Didn't the team mention that it'll be up to the actual devs making the games if it'll be pay 2 win / free to play? You keep mentioning that all of their games will require you to pay. That is disingenuous and not true.

you're so right, that's why you always end up making long desperate pleas in chains of uninterrupted posts with little to no reply in all the threads youre in
they did, so if devs have to make their minigames f2p in order to actually have people play them, where is the revenue coming from? so on top of having a convoluted crypto arcade which will turn off normies, to balance that they will have to keep the prices of the games near $0. since the arcade is what is going to fund the bridge development, what is their plan if the arcade gets less revenue than estimated? does the entire thing implode?
i think maybe you can win some prizes

i'd pay a few shekels for an attempt to win some prizes
>can't answer
you know you've been tricked into believing all this bs from the team anon, it's not too late you know
Not every game created is meant to adhere to a profit goal. Sometimes people just enjoy developing shit and releasing it. Ever hear of github, dipshit?
revenue? This is crypto my guy.

How much revenue does dogecoin have?
the avi team has said the arcade revenue is what is going to fund the bridge.
correct but if we want the price to go up, the games will have to cost money. if all the games are f2p, will the price of 1 avi go up?
>arcade revenue
lie, fees harvested from the bridge will
lol. im just a shrimp in my investment in this so not losing anything. i just find you insufferable in every thread thats all i barely even read the actual contents of your posts
oh the .005 eth or whatever the fuck it is now? KEK no ones using this stupid fucking bridge, whatever tho I'll be back next week after its still not released to gloat on you baggies.
nigger i do not fucking care, i will come here and shit up your thread until they finally leave biz
Does the flight paper not answer your questions you've brought up? It's pretty in depth.
I don't have actual answers for you for some of your questions besides what I've already stated and I hold around 16M~ avi.
Not that i have read but i will admit that english is not my main langauge so i could have missed it somwehere.
why the should anyone care that you care moron, you're the one desperately trying to convince ppl on something, good luck with that with your utter lack of charisma or social skill
for someone that doesnt read my posts you sure do like responding...go glaze the team in the tg baggie. god forbid there are some actual questions and criticism but i gues that is why they call you all the AVI baggies
23:34 looks like it is time for the stixil cum shower go ahead baggie go glaze
am i hitting too close to home, bitch? you should be glad im giving you any attention at all, most people on biz largely ignore and avoid you now just like your real life
See >>58769451. You can always ask in the TG, but we know you won’t ;)
Really questions aren't bad if we can get them answers. It could be a future holder.
I'm positive in AVI without knowing all the answers and that probably makes me a fool. I understand it's risky but if any team is going to manage to push it to the next level then it's the aviator team.
Yes I'm guzzling their cum by saying that but I've spent almost a year in their telegram now following what they do. I personally tested their bridge when it was released in beta the first time and found some bugs / reported them. I can't reproduce those bugs anymore.
I'm actually a QA engineer in my career IRL and will continue to test.
I kind of wish I had a regression suite created but going that far would require THEM to pay ME , lol
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It’s not legit bcuz' dis shit be drivin' me insane. 1 whole month o' no movement n' no real marketin' by da team. I don’t care What the fuck they say community ama’s n' tha cryptoempress shit isn’t marketin'. Look at Twizzle n' peep who’s talkin' 'bout dis. Migration tool tweets, even though dat shit didn’t really work, r' gettin' like 5x tha interaction than aviator. It’s just incompetent. I don’t understand Why the fuck there be no real fuckin' marketin' bein' done right naw imminent from tha audit score. I have neva in my fuckin' life peep somethang like dis Where the fuck there be just silence. They won’t give straight answers When the fuck asked just, “well we have been marketing” yeah biatch that’s Why the fuck no one knows 'bout dat shit still right? i don’t git dat shit N' therez Ain't nuthin' but i can’t wait 'round foreva while they git their muthafuckin' shit togetha
idk maybe ad revenue on f2p games like they have said countless times already you absolute nitwit
yeah real mature jesses gonna like this one
i have never in my year of holding heard the team say there will be ads in the arcade
I already know its a scam. Itt nogame nodevs pretend they arent getting liquidated. The reason randoms come to these threads and bug you is because you are so smug about a snake oil product.
FUN designers did a way better job, OG gems need to be careful, the shit can take a turn for the worse quite quickly
thanks for the new unwatchable chart guys
/ama in the tg idiot, take a listen
you're just making stuff up now
oof now its not even on cmc.........the house of cards comes crumbling down
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step it up slacker
i'm charging up for the bridge release this week
See >>58769769
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Im an AVI bull and the bridge is definitely not this week lolol
Yeah, last week they said they were 50% done fixing stuff the audit found. They will probably launch mid-August.
Give it to me straight. Is 25M enough to make it?
that's $6.25M at 25 cents
that would take a 7500% pump or something
crazy? hell yeah
can it happen? Hell yeah.
that would be unfortunate, i dont see how it could be called anything else but a massive blunder if they do not get this released before august.
if 25M to make it is crazy im not sure what we are all doing here.
Token not needed. You never gonna make it and rest of your shitcoins about tu rug lol
already debunked in the last 20 threads, next!
how is it not needed? dumbass
You are 100% correct
Zero point, literally ZERO to using Skybridge when Superbridge exists.
Being able to bridge obscure scamcoins is a gimmick nobody needs.
someone give me one reason, literally one why Skybridge should exist in the same marvel multiverse as Superbridge
super bridge doesn't support all ERC20 and ERC721 tokens. superbridge also doesn't deploy any ERC20 or ERC721 token contract from L1 to L2. are you fucking stupid?
m-muh ERC20
m-muh ERC721!!!
nonsense combinations of numbers and letters invented by grifters and hustlers to get you to put your grandma's rectal insurance into scamcoins

only two words matter: ethereum. bitcoin. everything else is hustletalk
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>only two words matter: ethereum. bitcoin

Ethereum need l2's apperantly, base is l2 backed by a billion dollar exchange, coinbase.

and they want to bring a billion users to it. so they gonna burn some cash in doing so.
not an argument
>Responds to self
>Agrees with self
>Argues with self
>Make new fud thread
>Make a not fud thread but fud the thread with 20 different IDs by changing VPNs
>Annoy the absolute shit out of everyone 24/7 because literally worthless
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
Fluphenazine (Prolixin)
Haloperidol (Haldol)
Perphenazine (Trilafon)
Thioridazine (Mellaril)
Thiothixene (Navane)
Trifluoperazine (Stelazine)
One of these might work for your fucked up head. Or just kys.
what are you retards doing here? You're missing the whole bullrun holding a meme version of Link
help m,e
Why do you need superbridge then? Leave Eth on the Eth network.
remember when we used to believe this could go to >1B ? good times
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Why is whole 4chan talking about catcoin wtfffff
I heard elon browsing biz but is he pumping it like doge 10000x or why he has same twitter pic??
looks like jesse is shilling the Atari Arcade on Base.......aviators we lost.
not even a teeny weeny shoutout to the aviator team, never ever! not even a reply to any of the avi twitter's replies to Base tweets...why do they hate aviator and dont want to be associated with it?
>its not on base yet
you would think base team would be excited for a tool that can bring all of eth onto their network, and that they would want to draw attention to this...
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>atari publishes a game on chain
>looks and sees it's a suite of their old games
>can't upload my own game
>can't set prices
>centralized host
ok so a washed up company made mini gala on base and you are worried? KEKW
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i wonder if theyd like a partnership or collab
if he shills trash like that imagine what he will do with avi hes overly excited about base

btw am i the only one thinking jesse is a little sus
At this point i don't even know if i should throw $6k at this shit or not.
fudders and moonbois both have good points and the price action still worries me
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no products out, no marketing
smart wallet integration and coinbase learn and earn actively being worked on
no one outside of biz is talking about it
testnet works great
tokens are dirt cheap and the chart is boring, but thats when youre supposed to buy things you think are undervalued
easy enough
this is cope
he, and coinbase, want nothing to do with avi. if they did they would be buying avi coin right now. speaking of which, if the team though avi was going to be this huge success, why arent they accumulating the avi coin? makes you think
Kek retard without an entire ecosystem of dapps, defi, cross chain settlement capabilities, and culture/memes ethereum and bitcoin would basically have no utility whatsoever, if someone wants to send a crypto payment they 100% do it in L2 eth or Sol or usdc since the actual Main L1s are still, hilariously, not quite fit for purpose
screenshotted by stickle, i made it, thats all i wanted, i will now leave this place and never fud again, the curse has been broken...i am free....goodbye AVIgods...............
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come back
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see you tomorrow
It was all a jest wasn't it anon
bro hasn't figured out the team had been accumulating for months at sub 1m mcap while /biz/ got the same alpha in july of 2023 and slept on it
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admit it, you'll be back. you'll even reply to this post, won't ya? Do it. You can't resist, just reply.
No one will use this. Have any of you ever published a game? Do you know anything about the process? Do you know how many derivative games are made that make exactly 0 dollars? Do you understand that crypto and gaming are a huge cringe factor for most people? You guys are high on your own farts. Even if you do get this online, people will see it's useless and the chart will DUMP. May not be a bad investment now if you're timing this shit show.
first person to make a furry habbo hotel clone, i'll personally drop 2-4(depending) thousand dollars in AVI micro transactions or however it works. Depending how many people play it, maybe 10-15K retard whale amounts.
You cant code?
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Well I have lots of avi so might as well spend it when the opportunity arises
also yes i can code some!
God I hate this garbage stinking dumping shitcoin. If I ever break even, I'm dumping. May as well have held onto ETH. Fuck you.
this shits about to dump hard
You all suck tiny furry cock.
fudsisters not like this: went from
>calling it a scam
>saying no one will use it
>posting pics of chart
make up your mind
Holy shit you jeets are really desperate to keep this thread alive. Here's a bump - nobody wants or needs your nigger token
Thanks for playing
>wake up
>see back to back fud posts
>check chart
>see back to back sells
>third worlders worried about their $300 bags
Fuck you and fuck Stixil. I want my ETH back.
oh sorry, send me your wallet address, I shall return it post haste
>I want my ETH back
why did you buy avi in the first place? nothing has changed about what they are making, if anything things have only gotten more bullish. stop staring at the chart and listen to what the team has been saying for the last couple of months. if they can pull all of this off, and i think they can, avi is going to be huge. be grateful they're allowing us to get in before normies do.
>Fuds Avi for months
>Price goes down slightly
You truly are the biggest fucking retard
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I know you tg avi faggots will read it. Chocke on my balls and die from cancer. 6 months on soon just few more weeks later nothing to show for. Poorfags dont have any capital to pump it themselves so waiting for perfect market condition to cash out. All these big wallets dumping non stop are team hell "early supporters" that "bought" 5 min later after creation are team. Die you fucks seriously whole year pissing on bagholders and telling that its raining. All your parants will get cancer and die painfuly for all of this bullshit KYS
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A quick update on audit progress from Stixil. I'm glad to know my money is in good hands.
I'm sensing you're unhappy
Just sell already so we can pump, faggot.
You won't.
esl need not apply
ou look stixil dumping from one of his early OTC supporter wallets jokes on you faggot I already dumped everthing in past 7 days. Die in real faggot eth farmer
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bitwise ethereum addresses:
dont forget to send them some $avi for marketing
>”avi is down because the market is red”
>while keenis and apu fags near ath
Looks like we lost.
You can buy the shitcoin and still not have a prodcut ti use retard. Avi is truly meme LINK and you baggies are top kek.
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Im jewish because I think this project ia stupid and a scam? Its cool Ill be back to rub your noses in this shit afer ot dumps. I probably never would have kept coming back to these threads if baggies werent such pathetic faggots. I can tell you're all brown zoomers.
Then fucking sell pussy. You're jewish because all you do is whine and annoy the shit out of everyone. Sell and leave or kill yourself and do the world a favor you schizophrenic faggot.
Ive never owned AVI
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Your shitcoin will never materialize into anything useful. Remember me when youve been liquidated.
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homos, did you see what’s happening with Aviator?

Some deep-dives and leaks just exposed the whole thing—Aviator's team has been straight-up lying and manipulating data to pump the project. Classic rug pull tactics. And now, the old wallets (those early adopters and whales who always seem to know what's up) are selling off like crazy. They're dumping their bags hard, and the price is tanking.

If you're still holding onto Aviator, might be time to GTFO before it crashes even harder. Lesson learned: never trust anything that seems too good to be true in crypto. Always do your own research and watch what the big players are doing.

What a shitshow. Stay safe out there, anons.
>And now, the old wallets (those early adopters and whales who always seem to know what's up) are selling off like crazy
Lamo stixil is such poor fag that he pulls liquidity over slight eth dump. Looks like cope recovery after migration ended. Btw where is that early summer bridge 2 months later nothing its like they been farming this shit as any shiba related farm lol
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Check the blockchain activity. Look at the recent transactions from the old wallets—they're unloading massive amounts of Aviator tokens. Plus, there are some detailed posts on r/CryptoScams and Twitter threads exposing the dev team's shady behavior and fake promises.

If you need more proof, check the charts. The dump started a few hours ago, and the price is in just about to free fall. Also, some insiders have started spilling the beans on Discord and Telegram about the whole thing being a pump-and-dump scheme. Do some digging and you'll see it all adds up.
can you link some?
This nigga thinks fudding a furry coin on a chinese basket weaving forum makes him some kind of star lulz
Don't believe the lies of a retard
Just searched the reddit you listed and didn't find anything. Can you link the thread? I'll dump my 5m if you give me evidence
>there are some detailed posts on r/CryptoScams and Twitter threads
post the links retard, nothing on $avi and aviator
this is what i'm coming up with too.

Probably just one retard that's annoyed because he didn't get his dopamine hit for the week. Needed an instant 100x overnight.
it's the same 50-posts-by-this-ID schizo in all the avi threads. imo it's a guy from the team fudding for fun
why would anyone waste their day fudding like this?
it's not even trolling it's just kinda sad
Tick tock baggie
Only one person is here fuding your shitcoin. Sure. Predictable cope.
>18 posts by this user
doesn't even seem like cope seems like it's true
The real baggie is the one who has a furry coin living rent free in his head lmao
that is not me, i gave up that life yesterday.
>have started spilling the beans on Discord and Telegram
you're just making shit up, what exactly has been "spilled"?
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What happened avisisters? Why total collapse?Once again delay? Non of you can imagine relief finally being out of this gaslighting torture chamber. That clown stixil slipping how he lost 400k today confirmed he is owner early supporter wallets that was dumping non stop. Literally textbook eth farm
>stixil dumping from one of his early OTC supporter wallets
senpai you said check the blockchain activity and did not provide a single wallet or tx hash... YOU CHECK THE BLOCKCHAIN YA LAZY PECKERHEAD and come back when you have xD
>sky is blue
Link? Na burden of proof that he is not is on you clown
>That clown stixil slipping how he lost 400k today
so that means he has around 960M $avi or $2.3M in avi.
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Totally agree, it’s a total mess. The collapse has been inevitable given all the red flags. Stixil’s latest slip-up revealing he lost $400k is just the icing on the cake. It confirms what many of us suspected all along—he’s one of those early supporter wallets that’s been dumping tokens non-stop.

It’s classic ETH farm behavior: pump and dump, then leave everyone else holding the bag while they cash out. The endless delays and excuses were just part of the gaslighting. Honestly, it feels like a huge weight off knowing we’re finally out of this circus. It’s been one hell of a ride, but at least we’re done with this torturous saga.
bro thinks someone of to crypto only has one bag and it's his own project
IQ = 60
gaslight out of this one tg shitheads
Rent free, or course. We get it, you use 4chan. I dont care about your coin and have never owned it. Im here to stir shit up because upsetting faggots like you is funny. Also this coin is a scan so why not shit all over the place. If you faggots were humble people wouldnt troll you.
i solded my AVI for apui and now i'm up 4x
it's joever
i'll buy back in two weeks when AVI dumps back to 10m mc
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Not sure what a Medium post can really achieve at this point. The fallout from the whole debacle is massive, and no amount of damage control is going to fix what’s already happened. The project’s credibility is in tatters, and it feels like there’s no way out of this mess.

At this stage, it’s more about trying to salvage whatever’s left and moving on. Anyone still holding onto hope here might want to brace for more disappointment.
Lamo again medium? That scumbag needs to seek canadian healthcare
idk what did he say? if it's 400k in $avi he has around 960M avi. he probably has at least 100M avi, so he lost $50k in avi and let's say his portfolio lost $350k on a ~2% dump. that would be a ~$17M crypto net worth.
now would this guy have $17M? no. so he probably has much more than 100M avi. probably 300-400M.
Worst thing is, this was prime for a pump. It was desperate to go up. Everyone thought the Friday meeting would bring some good news, but it was huge nothingburger. Once people realised that, they started selling again. I just can't believe that nothing habbened.
Fake tweet
I dont own this coin, ur getting so worked up and hurt over a coin that neither of us by admission u need help
I've been talking to my lawyers and we are planning to initiate a class action lawsuit against the Aviator team on the grounds of financial fraud. Please send me an email if you are interested in joining. We can't let them get away with this.
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some disturbing news that’s just come to light about the Aviator project. It’s been discovered that the team has been involved in laundering funds through a bot called "JaredFromSubway.eth". The FBI has announced that they arrested the owner of "JaredFromSubway.eth" just two days ago, revealing it was part of a massive multi-billion dollar laundering scheme.

Here’s what’s been exposed:

>Art Outsourced for Pennies: The so-called “high-quality” art that was promoted was actually outsourced for very little money. It’s a classic bait-and-switch.
>Arcade Doesn’t Exist: The much-touted arcade feature? It’s a complete fabrication. There’s no arcade, and never was.
>Bridge UI is a Basic Front-End: The bridge UI, which was presented as a key feature, is just a simple front-end with no real functionality behind it.

This is a major blow to the project’s credibility. If you’re still involved or considering investment, you might want to take a closer look and reassess your position. The project is facing serious issues, and it’s clear that there are deeper problems at play.
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Im relaxed at home making my rounds :) I have no worries, I dont hold this shitcoin. I actualy never even thought about it until a few days ago. I like to antagonize faggots (you) because that is nature of this place. Now that I know that I can get a reaction from you losers I wont stop until this thing is dead in the water.
who is paying you
You can pay me to stop
Price collapsing it is behond over 30% loss in a day hahahahaha
More retarded lies
Bullshit this coin consumes you. Aviator is your fucking life. You'd literally kill yourself if you didn't jack off to fudding Avi 24/7. Which you should just kys honestly, you're wasting good oxygen
Biggest defenders snap hardest in the end kek
Sounds like projection there baglad
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Retarded chatgpt lies, kek
I just checked their main website and following the main issue at hand (discussed ITT), it looks like they are now being fully transparent as they've always been.

What do I mean?

Well, a picture is worth a 1000 words. Check out this screenshot. At least they remain honest and transparent, right?
Hmm, its almost as if I called this earlier in the thread.
That chat is gift just keeps on giving reaching circlejerk levers never seen before. Apart from medium spam that human septic tank havent built anything in over a year
Btw mods firing up their alt tg accounts to damage control. Giving me flashbacks of last september
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Give it to me straight. Is it over for real this time?
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we are reaching COPE levels never seen before in human history
Im in your walls, dumping your chart
Mooo mooo you stupid cattle
I will dedicate my time from now on just posting ss from tg here. Work bagholders work kek
picrel, Every single mf in crypto rn
if this shit was actually ANY useful, they wouldn't need "good market conditions"
you ever heard a baker say he's holding off selling his bread because the market is bad?

>Its just a bad market and bad day goy
This has literally gone on for a year, why are you surprised? Sell for break even and move on from this scam
dumb nigger theres no audit results yet and you expect them to launch kekw
>checks hackens website
> sees only previous audit

vaporware - ignoring the functioning testnet lawl
you're right but the "team" is very good at masking it
>oh we're just waiting for hacken audit
>oh we're just waiting for second hacken audit
>oh we're just waiting for [inane excuse involving third parties]
Reminder this thread is literally all one guy
>second audit will be faster few weeks at most
>2 months later
nothing sure thing keken needs 2 months to check out few fixes of previous audit. Fact that you scumbags crawl from that tg circlejerk here and try to gaslight is infuriating
They are all coping and playing stupid pretending like it's all fun and games but none of those motherfuckers are actually doing anything to make the price go up meaning BUYING, because
a) they all blew their load at the top (KEK)
b) deep down they scraed shitless not wanting to touch any more of this shit with a 10 foot pole

check out the big brain on Brad, you smart motherfucker, the audit results aint in yer :)

I've said it before and I'll say it again, they will keep kickin the can down the road hoping that the bull run will magically appear out of nowhere, but little do they know every shitcoin had the same plan so even if we had a bullrun right now starting like crazy, EVERY shitcoin and their mother would start relasing mainnets, products, bridges, games, decentralized dick extenders, you name it, so it woul all get diluted in between eachother
It only took one of me to tank your chart dawg. You were ngmi
Thanks fren. Keep it up until tomorrow. I'm gonna sleep now so let me slurp tomorrow.

normally i wouldnt believe this to be true but these are all 1 (one) person going nuts over a coin he doesnt hold by his own words its really baffling how fucking insane u are guy
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I want you to be paranoid.
>I've said it before and I'll say it again, they will keep kickin the can down the road hoping that the bull run will magically appear out of nowhere
Bullrun already happeining and if they hoping for 2 weeks of euphoric phase when everything magicially moons well they are in for rude awakening. Fact that they not even willing to support chart or god forbid to kickstart fomo pump speaks alot in their confidence
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I'm not actually him, i got too stoned and played with chatgpt a little, thats all.

I'm not jimmy schizo

I can change my ip too mr schizo
Nobody else but one retard and devs/mods bought by your logic. I been in this shit since last august and EVERY SINGEL FUCKING MONTH its the same ou its market bad out my feet hurt ou stars in bad spot ending with medium that "we build"
nah man, people are just fed up. It's the same with chainlink cult advocates, Sergey could shit in their mouth and they would keep defending him. People should be more critical and putting more pressure on those mfs in charge. All i care about is the price, I don't give a single flying fuck about what some random ass cult member had for dinner yesterday or is his dog fucking died, couldn't give less of an aviating fuck
ONLY PRICE MATTERS, as soon as it hits a target I'm happy with I'm dumping my coins be it avi, link whatever and never looking back at the fucking "comunity' cringe ass fucking shit, people circlejerking eachother like it's their struggling football club, absolutely repulsive behavior. Start putting pressure of the devs. If the atmospgere got super dense in their flowery tlegeram chad and people started demanding progress I guaran fucking tee you, the audits, mainnets and even arcade would start appearing one after another. Every dev apologist is part of the problem in crypto
Nigger im fudding from 3 phones, a laptop, smoke signals, a jornada, shaqbook pro and an ipod nano.
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Sad to actually have people believe this retard's lies. For the uninformed picrel is him. He has his mom role-play as Emillia from Telegram, draws frog porn, is a Romanian wanna be tranny, and fuds everything he can to get any kind of social interaction besides the verbal beat down he gets from his peers for being a fucking freak.
>whale with 5mil tokens caued EVVERYTHING
you subhumans just cant stop with cringe by this point whoever post in that chat is mod/mods alt that lives in lala land
You let this retard cuck your thread and chart? Sad
care to comment on this?
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Flock off, feather face, or you can stick around and find out the hard way!
some more shit lol

Mr schizo you are boring me, yawwwnnnn im leaving now. have fun replying to urself theres noone left except u lol
oooo he trying to dange the carrot. Well I can say what I want and it is for you stixil faggot to suck on my bbc
Don't lie to the people. That retard is you and you know it. I'd be ashamed too if I was that fucking weird
Why post a fake tweet? Why are you so insane
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We actually mind broke you. Now this is epic.
>what we could do better
ok he just straight up pissing on our heads and tellings that is raining. Motherfucker what you could do better is to jump in front of incoming train
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to make it more believable.
whole thing I dont even need to comment,,,,
Politician style doublespeak. Talking while saying nothing.
Lamo nobobody even talking with them they just having wankoff "conversation" trying to damage control in echo chamber lamo
JFC look at this shit. Seriously I dont need to type just rap post this garbage non stop they fudding themselves
This is most definitely one person
Also all fox ntf accounts are mod alts trying to make illsuion that chat has more than mods/devs talking about personal hygiene
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The anti-avi TG must all be one person too
very organic chat such wow clowns....
Take up the ass you cattle. lamo
The alt take is projection on your part you insane sperg
ooooo this aint the tg chat that you can gaslight and just band truth nigga.
such high bar they set that for whole not even once they managed to do something. Professional can kickers no way somebody that was long in this shit can say that with straight face. What else could it be but one of mods manufacturing engagement and damage control kek. This nonsense glow so hard. I dont get why everything they do must be so fake what even worst bad fake jfc
Lamo they are writing like its some ama yet 1000 words later havent said anything. So many passions and work very big work you see. CRINGE
Here dev admiting nothing apart from token exists. Enjoy suckers
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I go down with AVI, Wake up with 72 million AVI.
ou yea eat that turd suckers jUsT mARkEt cOnDITioNs
Can anyone actually read this and comprehend what they're trying to say? The fud has broken down to complete illiteracy haha
lol you better dont notice anything ot else
David isn't even on their team
>EaT dA pOoPoO
I will burn you motherfuckers to the ground and just by posting chat pics kek. What no mute here? Cant just hide from uncomfortable response? I will make god damn X account for same kind of content shitheads, Its not going to be like that paid clown who shills/fuds on biz every day
there is nothing more pathetic in crypto that simp cocksuckers in the telegram/discord defending the team, like do they hope for some good boy points or what
David is alt account and everyone can tell that they made this mini ama specticle in chat to damage control FAKE AND GAY
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Thanks for bumping the thread idiots
what the fuck happened to this anon kek
Its not a simp you fucking retard look close how he wrote and how shitheads responded like its one of stixils medium ama. They can whole year play as hard working but cant make account that htye cant even be arsed to give picture for some fake and gay chat engagement
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some disturbing news that’s just come to light about the Aviator project. It’s been discovered that the team has been involved in laundering funds through a bot called "JaredFromSubway.eth". The FBI has announced that they arrested the owner of "JaredFromSubway.eth" just two days ago, revealing it was part of a massive multi-billion dollar laundering scheme.

the FBI made a big show of arresting the owner of JaredFromSubway.eth, but guess what? The bot is still up and running, with the ETH address ending in 1FaE13 still active on Dexscreener.

Seriously, how do you mess up a takedown this badly? It’s like they don’t even understand how to handle decentralized assets. Their whole operation looks like a complete trainwreck. Anyone else think this just proves the feds are out of their depth when it comes to crypto?
Suck my dick faggot and get get through your gay alien skull that fake crap in chat glowed from low orbit
brosky next time dont dump from pawn swap wallets like ok
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check the avi shill tg to see stixils screenshots of this faggot having a meltdown in his DMs kek
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my great-grandfather was a legendary investor who saw a massive opportunity in the 1958 "Four Pests Campaign" in China, and it paid off big time. So I know what I'm talking about.
Shithead I was in from the start and it always was soon thing will happen AND THEY WILL REGRET. ONE year later exacly at same spot motherfuckers trying to time market lamo
one more totally not dev early top 15 supporter kek
>its so important but we dont care teehee
Looooooool testnet is literally live with a bug bounty from Hacken and they've shared trailers of the games and you can see their devs process in Discord. Can't wait to see you seethe when they launch mainnet.
Look at me FUDDER AND MANIPULATOR just by posting chat ss ou wait so that nonsense that is dumped by devs on that chat is has optics as fud outside that echo chamber? WOWIE
> 3rd month in no more that few weeks
Lol, they've released a testnet with a bug bounty and audit from a company that you can verify AND costs tens of thousands of dollars, which you can also verify if you reach out to Hacken. You can test the testnet literally at any time

I'm comfy.
trying time market and nobody cares nobody rushing to speculate on magical bridge that has nothing to do with token. Ofc you are comfy subhuman scum literal cattle
>100pbtid between several devices
Sure showed us that you're not retarded
best part you wankers havent shown anything in a YEAR
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It’s kissing 0.0020, gotta say I feel pretty retarded right about now.
test of hot air still is just bunch of air kek. Stixils monthly homoerotic fanfic mediums have more legitimacy
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>Stixils monthly homoerotic fanfic mediums
you niggers trusted a faggot, someone disloyal to their own biology and bloodline
just two more . At this point you suckers developed piss fetish asking for more tasty stixil golden shower
I saw same message mid spring. Then suddenly need to audit fixes pops up. These motherfuckers even registring that they self fud by this point lol
So did i get this right.. a brigade of virgins start fudding and sell off their tiny bags to cause panic in which they are successful, some more shrimps sold off only for the largest whale to price them all out in one clip followed by the original fudder fomoing back in for less tokens than he started with?

Stay classy virgin squad, nice campaign right before mainnet launch
This was not Darker Squad formerly Light Squad formerly Dark Squad. We disbanded weeks ago after Operation Empress and Operation Empress 2 fell through.
I understand if no squad wants to claim responsibility looking at the buys and sells that was embarrassing to say the least, respectfully
Sorry Norwood7, time to rebrand to Norwood8 for a fresh start. To begin anew on your crypto journey, I would recommend the following token:

same exact message was posted by same person 3 months ago kek. Eternal baggies love that carrot on stick
We got a live functional testnet audited by the most reputable auditing firm after that and previews of their games and the Coinbase questing DAO vote lol. What world are you living in? Did you capitulate today hahahahaha

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