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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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Why is the chart constantly shaped by pump and dump?"
Could be accumulation. There was a 1 mil buy on the latest pump. It's also only on uniswap right now
its not prohibited, but what a stinker:
>"new oracle contender" when oracles are a dead narrative and have been for years
>dogshit chart
>limited market
if you want to be someone else's exit liquidity, go nuts I guess
Also shitskin jeet dev literally named pooya
Verification not required.
It's called a liquidity farm. The shitskins are drawing idiots from biz in with claims of "revolutionary features". Anyone with the slightest technical background can see through all the buzzwords.
coping pigskins seething at a pumping chart
Anytime I see someone shitting on a low cap unknown project I think about what kind of person would take time to do that? Then I remember its just people who want to buy it for lower. What other explanation could it be? You'd have to FUD thousands of even worse crypto projects daily if you were on that crusade.
Oracles are just one thing they offer you gorilla nigger
this. DYOR anons. I did and now I've accumulated enough kenis to give my children and their children generational wealth
really is walmart brand chainlink then
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Chainlink is walmart brand crypto
What is a liquidity farm?
Buy a bag or stay poor. We're leaving without you soon.
how do i even research crypto I'm new
Once this gets on a cex and main net is reads it will moon for sure till then opportunity cost is baaaad like veryyy baad. So buy and forget and wake up one day with generational wealth or just dont buy and stay poor.
Btw is the tech and team stunning? Yes! Do I care, hell no, I dont even understand shit of it. I only know for a fact whats in the pipeline and it will make me a f ck you ton of money.
i hold 200k and i have no idea what it does.

i bought because their secret tg is filled with cultist schizos who believe this is the next chainlink.
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Given the fact the tranny janny still hasn't deleted this thread yet, I bet that faggot holds this shit.
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>dogshit chart
that chart shows organic growth and screams get in or stay poor

he's iranian you chit for brains
how the fuck is this still $0.03? devs really need some marketing connections to big boys of the market. so far it seems they are isolated from all the cults and can't pump it past 0.04 because of this single fact
I got a tingle in my balls. Unshakable… I think I am about to LEEAAAAAP
why tf dies martin shkreli follow this on twitter
why tf has github development flatlined
I heard team is busy with a new client with millions of users that they found at EthCC. they must be busy onboarding them
> 170k market buy
> team casually drops the onboarding of a new client with millions of users in chat
> main-net imminent
> whales paid out of their own pocket to introduce the team to VCs at ETHcc
Smart money accumulating.
Community teaching my how to eat healthy.. wtf?
i have constipation how do i solve this.
There is already a large partnership they just haven't told you about it yet. You will know their name soon I guess.

Wtf are you talking about - do you know how to use github? Last update was Friday. it's not even EOD monday. BAKA.

That's only the ones you've been told about kek

You really have the lowest quality FUD honestly. I'm sorry you couldn't get in sub 2c and you didn't have any money to buy at 3c, but at least put a bit of effort into your bait you retard.

Why do you think the team were able to close a client with MILLIONS OF USERS a handful of days after EthCC? In what fucking world do commercial deals move this quickly? Kek. you have NO IDEA.
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Yessir we need you big and strong if your kenis is going to reach for the sky

It already does what chainlink does but without the billions of dollars dumped on its holders by the great sergay's insatiable hunger.

Picrel. Google her.
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Oracles are literally ONE of the smallest and simplest functions that it does, because an entire company should not revolve around price feeds.

Like honestly if that's what you take away from the website timeleap.swiss then you're NGMI.

They do:
- price oracles
- distributed computing including GPU/CPU
- on and off-chain transactions
- private EVM blockchains
- distributed file storage
- distributed AI models
- soon: distributed AI TRAINING

These are not "pie in the sky" features, these are LIVE right now.

So it's a tech company with the backing of the Swiss government that makes competing products to some of the largest tech vendors in the world, and it's hovering right around 25m and you're fudding it as "hurr >>58766987
Oracles are literally one of the smallest and simplest functions that it does, because an entire company should not revolve around price feeds.

Like honestly if that's what you take away from the website timeleap.swiss then you're NGMI.

They do:
- price oracles
- distributed computing including GPU/CPU
- on and off-chain transactions
- private EVM blockchains
- distributed file storage
- distributed AI models
- soon: distributed AI TRAINING

These are not "pie in the sky" features, these are LIVE right now.

So it's a tech company with the backing of the Swiss government that makes competing products to some of the largest tech vendors in the world, and it's hovering right around 25m and you're fudding it as "hurr durr baby chainlink 2017 narrative"??

picrel - you're about to be priced out.
fuckin 4chan having ongoing issues today, anyway my point is; you can buy my KNS from me at $1 and not a cent less.
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uhhhhhhhhh guys? who is dropping 170 bands on an iranian dev scam?
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who was the little beyotch who came to shit all over the unofficial tg like the little ho that he is? your chainstank bags not doin a lil sum sum?? that's coz sergahay is choking on katanas as well as cheeseburgers and cholesterol.

know your place baggy - kiss the iranian's feet.

you jannies are still dreaming of $1k stankylank
how much for sui stack?
sui is 100k tokens, so around $3300 right now
your skin is the color of feces. Excrement is the single most vile material on the face of this earth and you share it's appearance. Anything you might say about your betters will alaways be cope and deep down you know it
>t.kns holder
>brown id
>outpriced pajeet confirmed
seethe and dilate faggot
>defend whites
>kns holder
>durrr brown outpriced
seeth shitskin kns will go to 14$ no one is outpriced you cuck fudder
Accumulation period, smart money, the best is to buy in more now right before the pump and dump it next haha I stopped going for safe vesta project wanna take the risk to get rich quick
Smart money accumulating. Sell me your stack fags.
my kenis, dear sers and sers larping as dames, is benis
Get rich quick bros?? Our response?
Unchained enables developers to create fully compliant token bridges that allow users to transfer assets between different blockchains. These token bridges are secure, reliable, and tamper-proof, ensuring that assets are transferred safely and efficiently.
My Kenis is 100% babenis
based kenis owner
Big if true
It better do something soon instead of ranging otherwise I am going to TIMELEAP myself off a cliff
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you're gonna slice your own balls off wen you miss out on the +70% candles.

THIS IS ALPHA: KNS is available on sushi as a VERIFIED TOKEN:
Based Big Blue Kenises
>Release shitcoin with 100 billion tokens
>Create V2 with 1/1000th of the supply
>Woah dude look how much it's pumped!!!
A retard and his money are soon parted
Uh oh kenis bros, how do we refute this??

Easy, you just divide 100 billion by 1000 like he said and realize that he's another retard who can't do simple math
nigga do you know how up I am since my initial investment in kenis? I'm willing to bet you've never seen similar gains from all of your investments, let alone from 1 single investment. if I could show you without doxxing myself I would so you stupid fudsters would stfu
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>image buying bitcoin at 66k when it used to be $600 lol ngmi
> ethereum? isn't that made by some anorexic wow fanboi? kek ngmi
> imagine buying a chinese eth clone - so it's literally a copy and paste with less gas fees? lol ngmi

does it hurt to be such a midwit or does it come naturally to you? can you tell me some of those sick ass stories about how you were early and were "going to make it" but somehow it just didn't pan out for you?

man /biz/ used to be great for gems, now it's just filled with weird salty retards who haven't heard of dunning kruger.

let me guess, you're a chainlink holder?
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Wait. WHAT.
I saw this back in December and someone told me it was a shitcoin.
You motherfuckers forgot to mention they were doing distributed fucking AI right at the beginning of the AI bull run.

Oh my god seriously fuck you guys. why don't you want me to make it??? i could've already pulled my initial and been riding house money.
kek thanks for playing.

nobody tell him that the founder isn't indian but in fact a genius white-skinned iranian BVLL with multiple Swiss government grants backing him and a tech team that used to work on human brain mapping and technology interfaces...
Bro you had months to buy it below 1c, then a couple of weeks to get it below 2c, and now that it's above 3c you put out the weakest bait-fud i've seen this week. hjow are you gonna fud your bags for a better entry like this? at least make it believable and based in logic.

even "hurr pooya" is better fud than this. hurry hurry before sushiswap and cex announcement comes on the next community call
you can literally go and run a dev demo of the distributed AI plugin right now.
but you won't because you don't know how to use a linux terminal or install python lmfao.

heck, even the turkroaches have managed to get the 2-line install docker testnet validator node running, and we're talking about literal inbred muslims outsmarting you here.

but it's okay, i still love you, even if you've just exposed that you're dumber than a third world stinkhole earthquake-hit disaster zone refugee named Fetullah who smells like food-poison laced kebabs.
im still constipated
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i hear whispers... watch out for large buys. the 170k was the start. check his wallet. see if you can find the pattern. will be announced at next community call, screenshot this post.

i suggest you get in before.
0xf1264873436A0771E440E2b28072FAfcC5EEBd01 on arbitrum.
thank me later.

captcha says even jannies are invited

have you tried a spoon of olive oil or coconut oil? bar that, a finger?

lol yeah okay sure Qanon

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