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My altcoins are recovering. I hope your portfolio is doing well too?
>Do you think BTC might reach a new ATH this month?
That's good to know
>100K BTC
I just can't believe it poke it
What's your prediction?
Not gonna make it
Some of mine already pump well this year, and I am still in the profit with RIO, CTI, QAN, and AOIZ. Waiting for another pump. New ATH is around the corner
Take profits and leave
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I'm still up with eth, push protocol and Grt, probably 'cause I got in early when they were in the bargain bin.
Any basis?
i dont even check my spot pf anymore
as an ugly subhuman khhcv living with his mother who is in invested in plebbit (3m market cap), i can tell you it hasnt recovered since its 17m top but that i will hodl indefinitely until it hits 1b market cap or i lose my life savings.
Plebbit is a p2p public forum with no HTTPS endpoints or SSL so its actually decentralized and scalable).
opensource, free to use and demos.
i will either make it, if and when plebbit moons from 3m mcap to 1b, or i will end up a homeless, poor loser subhuman with no savings, no hobbies, no skills, little will to live who ekes out an existence on government benefits.
screencap this post and repost it in 2 years.
Are you serious?
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Spoke to soon, nigger
why would you think im not being srs? im an ugly subhuman 6'1 manlet
My frogfolio is doing well, thanks for asking anon.
Rich ass
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Im hoping so blud, im hoping so. Between unicorn.meme making airdrops profitable again and my dumbass recovering his instinct on trading i think we'll finally be able to make it
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>BTC not above $75k
Fuck you anon
are you retarded or esl?
what part of im an ugly subhuman 6'1 manlet dont u understand.
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Strangely my kendu inu did not suffer much this time, I'm still in green numbers, I just hope it continues like this until the end of the year dude
You are still ugly
Kendu is dead
>My altcoins are recovering
I’ve always known crypto bounces back
only newfags are selling, still hodling my ETH, SOL, Trias and Nai, ngl
The latter is gonna let me vote in its data hackathon.
QAN is still green, thats all that matters
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If you ain't holding EOS RAM, YNGMI
BTC will hit 100X and only DePIN and AI project will make it. That's why I'm focused on posemesh
True, and I believe the next bull cycle will see widespread adoption in these sectors. RWA investment won't be left behind, especially with BlackRock's entry signaling 100x potential. This is why we need RIO, ONDO, DUA, and NXRA in our portfolios.
I ain't selling my QAN bag too cheap, anon. I'm selling after Q1 2025.
I'm into this narrative too, just waiting for the bull-run.
While focusing on Posemesh don't forget that Peaq and Render networks are top picks too.
Peaq is such a good chain! Nice one
Lmfao, the whole market’s in the red, anon. Seems like you’ve been MIA. I had to dump my ETH/DAI on Uniswap to start earning, and I’m staking Nuklai on Avalanche to snag potential airdrops from its ecosystem and other Nuklai-based projects
The web3 isn't left behind as well, I'm seeing push protocol thriving with making notifications better in the blockchain world.
I hope you're fading the quantum resistance blockchain narrative, anon. Don't get caught in the FUD.
What profits? Most alts are still around 40% from ATH and I literally bought the last top. Only alt I got in from IDO gave me around 18x after TGE but I didn't TP, now I'm down like 30% from IDO price but everything is already steaming up for a huge rally that can even smash the last ATH. Maintaining composure.
150k peak bull. Take it to the bank
Sure, my RAM is done 60x already and I'm planning to stake for BTC.
What meme gave you that much profits up to 18x?
Just sent a ss of this to Kendu army. You'll be done in a minute
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kek you guys are losing money??

j@nnies don't want you to know there is a Swiss gov backed compute project with working decentralised price oracles and distributed AI at 30m mcap:

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Not a meme but NAI, the utility token of Nuklai, an L1 decentralized data-centric blockchain and data marketplace.
If I was 6’1” I would be drowning in pussy. Unfortunately I am cursed and only 5’8”
Kek i'll just wait until they dump you 90% and then buy
Since when does height determine who gets what pushy? You're just having complex issues.
Yes, my bags are recovering too. I also like diversifying with RWA bags like DUA, ONDO, and RIO. I'm bullish anon.
>and only DePIN and AI project will make it.
These are like the most hyped tech frontiers rn, their potential to transform industries and society is mind-blowing, and Parasail is letting you re-stake some of those DePin tokens.
>push protocol
Its ability to operate across different blockchains empowers developers to reach a wider audience without limitations.
You should add peaq to your list. Wait for its listing, and it could improve your portfolio.
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Jokes on whoever does that cos I literally sold the top and loaded up enough at the bottom; prepared for a huge leg up as there are lots of bullish events happening lately like the Filecoin collaboration viz a viz Grayscale investment, DAO launch and a hackathon event upcoming(voting ongoing), more partnerships in the pipeline and HelixVM testnet is live
What's the ETA for listing?
>Only alt I got in from IDO gave me around 18x after TGE

I expect the posemesh to outperform this bcos it is shaping to be one of the key players in the DePIN sector.
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My qan bag keeps going higher
still down 30% from my ATH
Picrel single handedly saving my portfolio
Link dumps harder than btc and pumps less than btc. I’m fucked on that one, icp is almost recovered. Polkdot is pretty slow too

I just wish I swapped all in on solana half a year ago but decided against it cause I got Fudded out by people calling it a Jewish rug scam.
not yet time chad. still accumulating EOS and RAM. still undervalued. hodl.
that's one good thing about loading the dips. I kept buying RAM and now I am up good. port looking very good. Send RAM to the moon.

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