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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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Fuck you faggots, you said BTC was heading to 42K, now look where we are.

What altcoin should I buy now, help me to make it
Lmao, classic BTC predictions. Just HODL, bro.
WECO and MBX pumped hard last week. Might still have some juice left.
If you want moonshots, look at low-cap gems. Just be ready for the ride.
Go with QAN. Quantum-resistant blockchain, could be a sleeper hit.
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That HalbornSecurity partnership is legit. Serious security backing.
It’s not good to buy bitcoin but it’s good to buy alt coins ready for when bitcoin takes an off unless you are happy with 2 x or 3x.
Ton is the next big thing
It's already pulling some massive green dildos.
QAN has pumped, any other recommendations? I bought ondo and vesta just in case for the bear market, whats for bull?
anyone with half a brain knows that quantum resistance is a meme. QC tech is 50 years away from cracking even a 256, your wallets are 512. we'll all be dead by then, or we will wish were.
>we will wish were
I already am. how can I profit from this?
QAN and ONDO are still solid buys, $1 and $30 targets are easy AF. They haven't even pumped yet, wtf are you on about?
Lol, cope harder. Better safe than sorry. When QC hits, you'll be crying while we're safe. Don't fade the future, bro.
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Buying green dildos is gay. Wait for the blood in the streets
Just be ready for volatility, but yeah, looks promising.
I'll toss some sats at it. Can't ignore those gains, the team’s really grinding for massive adoption.
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spill your alphas, anon and stop being a dick
>loses money listening to internet folk (who are explicitly the competition)
>immediately asks same internet folk for opinions

idk how to tell u this, chief, but i think you need a new market research strategy
The EU partnership is huge. Means they're getting some legit backing.
> who are explicitly the competition
I don't see it that way. Frens gave good advice in the past. /biz/ can be a gold mine or a money grave. It's up to you really.
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yep that's right, that's why I holded my guts 6 months ago, now is paying baby
Cardano. Unpopular opinion but cardano is much safer then eth and Solana.
>when QC hits
we'll see it coming years away, even if there is some kind of miraculous breakthrough. the solution for BTC is as simple as changing your home locks. just one transaction from the old wallets to a QC encrypted wallet and your shit is safe. you don't need a new blockchain or a new token or whatever. no one has done it because all serious cryptographers would laugh at them and call them retards for fixing a problem that doesn't exist. it would be like building a rocket ship to escape inevitable explosion of the sun, completely stupid and impractical.
>Quantum-resistant blockchain,
Algorand. It is a joy to use, fast finality and simple and it seems that it is one of the few blockchains that ticks all the boxes to be potentially used for a CBDC. At least ECB seems to be looking into it.
You're clearly fading this. Why would an EU country and CBDC back it if they haven't spotted the potential threat?
You forgot to mention that testnet faucet v1 is already deployed too.
Rndr, fet, near, eth, sol

Regarding functionality:



Have you tried Qanplatform? It's got that sweet multi-language support for extra flexibility.
Who said so? this is a dead cat bounce
The Qatari senpai is aping in hard. They're not just playing around, bros.
except it's going up. check the weekly chart and see where the price moved forward to exactly 266 days after the RSI broke 50 points from a lower value
Just try not to go into memes, L1s are where it is at.

whats the symbol anon? cant find it in the green site.
This could be the next solana, don't you think?
I couldn't add the chart while phoneposting, so here it is
What if this is the last chance to QAN? DCA is not a bad strategy.
Fuck off shills. All major blockchains will just get forked when we need quantum resistance. Nonexistent problem 70+ years away.
>ETH and QAN
I wish you were not that stupid. Single work will never be enough
Nobody using that shit that's why it's safe
How's that? Spoon feed me
Because you have listened jeets. All you need is BTC
There's only a private blockchain for banks and a testnet for devs. Unless you are a jew or dev how you can try it?
KAS, Chia, ICP, SCORP (Scorpion Casino)
If blockchain protocol is updated to use quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms, active wallet users can update their software and migrate their funds to new addresses secured by these quantum-resistant algorithms, but those inactive will not do that and they will stay vulnerable. Do you get it now?
Oldfag here. I have only Link, Icp and Hbar and I will make it
Fuck me, that's some weird shit you wrote...
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Buy QAN if you want to make it
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I might dump SOL for it
Layer 1 blockchain is the next trend so use your head
Nobody uses Cardano
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Go buy memecoins
I read that a country in the EU is using it blockchain, that massive
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as an ugly subhuman khhcv living with his mother i can on, zero authority, tell you that plebbit is the future3m mc
im all in plebbit (a p2p public forum with no HTTPS endpoints or SSL so its actually decentralized and scalable).
opensource, free to use and demos.
i will either make it if and when plebbit moons from 3m mcap to 1b or i will end up homeless, poor loser subhuman.
this post will be screen capped and reposted in 2 years.
Low cap altcoins are still the best, maybe one that can do 20-30X
70 Years away? But IBM already introduced the Condor, something is not adding up
Do you even know what a fork is?
When BCH forked; the network duplicated and everybody's wallets were copied onto the new BCH chain. Nobody was left behind, it's not a process you can opt in or out of. You are chatting utter shite.
This is why QR blockchain will be the next trend, many blockchain wont have enough time to prepare before the potential hack.
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Something of the amphibian variety no doubt
Anon is talking about QAN and NEAR
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SOL is BS anyways so go for it
Its not QR is it
Buy high, sell low
So we are fucked?
And by then people will realize that quantum computing is just a straight up meme.
Those are the same people who made you take the vaxx and the same people who weren't sure if humans could digest more than 40 grams of protein in a single sitting just this year. You know, when lions exist. The animal that eats meat and might not eat for a week. Yeah, that whole zebra? Sorry bro, only 40 grams.

"Scientists" don't know shit about fuck.
In 200 years we will know exactly what we know now about black holes, no progress will be made on what quarks are, and we still won't have gone to Mars.
I made 10X on this gem this year
No there are blockchains that are quantum resistant already
the risk is bagholding to 0
Is this still a good buy
I boughted because its permashilled on here. Never heard a bad word about it alwways IBM this, Euro country that) so far extremely unimpressed threw a 100 bucks back in april down to 40. So, as far as I'm concerned it fucking blows idk what gains people are talking about. The highest it got was 110 might dump it as soon as I break even for more timeleap desu.
I want to apologize to all the bulls because I unnecessarily upped my average purchase price because I got sidelined and got back in on Sunday after Biden resigned from the presidential campaign. I've learned to believe and hold how bad of a idea is it to still the profit on trend reversal and buy back cheaper? or should I just open a shirt position with margin to hedge against my bags? do I even bother or just buy and hold?
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ye but check elon twitter pic and then look at catcoin..
wonder why its +80% in a day? no coin gained this much. Its so big. Its a dildo

its going to min 500x at 20mil mcap, so around shib/doge. Everyone now is making it

but sure you can miss it

or maybe you wont

3 trillion indian curries will buy the bags instead

which QAN? the $0.03 ?

also can you explain to a non-burger what ONDO does?
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$CZ on Sol will get massive momentum when we get closer to his release from prison, and it's only at 500k rn
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you listen to these degenerates? I got some guy telling me its going to 0 another's telling a million.
Just got a stack of this
Yeah, no one really knows shit and that's why I was scooping up CREO, ROSE, NAI and some other promising alts on discount before the altseason begins
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get this while theres still time :^)
I can see you have eyes for promising altcoins. I'm also holding the last two on your list
none, the market will dip further, don't you fags ever learn?
Keep your stables and be ready to ape into Supra at launch, smartest play you can make rn
When is it launching?
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Should've bought ethereum on sol, faggot, i told you yesterday and you still went for the bluechip

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