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Is growing and selling oyster mushroom mycelium a reliable way to make money?
If you have a special cultivar or hybrid, yes
People want good taste, yield or harvest time
If you're really good at anything you can make money doing it, in which case you'd already know how much money you could make doing it.
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They really do grow easy
>they farm themselves
Recently starting growing and selling psilocybin and I have to say its extremely profitable and I can't keep up with demand.
I feel like there's going to be a huge boom within the next few years, just like with weed ten years ago.
what corner of the world are you in? I used to grow waaaay back in the day in the states. Thinking about it again but I have no idea what the market is like since I basically do zero fucking drugs now.
I'd probably just eat them all like a fatass. I fucking love oyster mushrooms.
I'm in Europe.
More specifically an extremely tourist rich environment. With a big market in the "healing retreats" and new age/spirituality side of things.
Perfect demographic.
Based shaman anon
Keep on healing
Been thinking about doing this as well. There are exactly zero sellers where I live.
The trouble is acquiring the spores though as laws are pretty strict here.
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frogs > mushrooms
is there any place in Europe with psychedelic healing retreats like that? Medanon here btw and I know nothing of those. Sounds great instead of selling to random faggots on the streets
>grow mushrooms under your bed
>rent air bnb for the weekend
>play Yanni’s greatest hits, burn incense, put out fruit plate
>charge each person $500 for $25 in mushrooms
There’s your retreat anon
The question is not about the retreat per say, but rather the market demand
Who are the biggest tourists who want that? Also isn't it a hassle to tard wrangle hallucinating people?
Damn nigga, so you're saying I can actually make money from growing these fuckers without interacting with arabs and niggers? Also, could you theoretically grow them outdoors? It's not like suburban boomers know what a psychedelic mushroom looks like. The climate around me is pretty good for that in autumn, but I don't know shit about how to make mycellium
What does it mean when I see mold or mushrooms growing like in OP pic it sends a cold shiver down my back? Seriously creeps me out.
>isn't it a hassle to tard wrangle hallucinating people?
Sometimes but most are easy enough to keep busy. Every once in a while you get a runner though. Watch out when you got a mad man on ayahuasca running naked through your HOA
You’ve been conditioned to feel that way
They want us afraid of our surroundings but fungi are an important food source
I'm not the kind of guy for this job then kek
Sounds like a lot of trouble and risk, even for an high reward
Yeah. It’s better off for people who actually own some property with space
man some of these dudes in /biz/ are straight they act like they know everything about investing and crypto but its all just talk they dont own any actual property let alone a patch of dirt they probably sleep on a mattress on the floor if they even have that and dont even get me started on their investments they probably have their life savings staked in some shitcoin that is about to tank faster than a lead balloon
If anything this makes it much riskier, if someone gets hurt and the cops get involved you're fucked
Funny because the only people here who got rich are the ones that lucked out with crypto, and then bought property with that money. I'm a low tier wagie but I'm not all in by any means
Shrimp farming and mushroom growing has always been nature's way to financial success to the harmonious individual.
>someone gets hurt and the cops get involved you're fucked
If that’s your worry then you’re too stupid to start your own business. I don’t mean to insult you but you need basic skills to run a business of any kind.
how to start growing? where to get spores from or whatever in europe?
come the fuck on, your ass has 0 businesses on the record and you talk this retarded shit. Usually employees aren't on hallucinogens
erowid has some great guides. Kits can be delivered easy in Europe if you're careful
where to order grow kits that ship to EU? You don't have to tell me the actual place just give me a hint or the mods will delete it anyway
NTA but you just inoculate spores into a substrate, you could literally just spread out a pile of manure outside and put spore prints in a spray bottle with distilled water, spray your manure mound and wait
iirc erowid contains that info
Also googling might work as it's quite famous. There was I time i looked into that but never went through
this sounds like low success unless the conditions are perfect, I've read that it's not easy to get them first try. They are also high maintainance and you have to learn the right procedure, create the right environment. Not saying it's impossible but in the "wild" they have to compete with all sorts of organisms and it's kind of a waste to drop them there
That's how large outdoor growers do it, obviously your environment is going to affect your success, and if you wanted to be more successful about it you do it in a poly tunnel where you can control moisture and rain not washing your mushrooms out
You need perfect climate for that however, and not all Europe is suitable. Moreover you have to rely on the natural reproductive cycle of the spores on a large meadowy area with a lot of "food" for them, else it'd be too dispersive. Those are my thoughts backed by knowing ecology of plants and mushrooms, but ofc I've got no hands on experience.
But yeah I'd say at mid high latitudes, in fertilised gardens they must perform quite well if it doesn't freeze
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>dude shrooms man
>bro it's a plant
>it lets you like think outside your own body
>like i can narrate my own thoughts
You don’t take the hallucinogens yourself dumbfuck
You have to be one of the dumbest people on this board
Don't grow in plastic bags. Do the bottle tek like the pros do.
shrooms are literally not plants
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you know, anon, most things could be made profitable if you really set your mind to it and stay open and diligent. it really depends on how much you want to do it.
classic willpower moment
Just start growing some Natalensis
Save the earth some plastic waste
is this a troll? your reading comprehension is abysmal you imbecile
Go back leveraging shitcoins
Is it even more profitable than a farm?
it would save me a lot of trouble with land and resources, shit, it would be a viable place to invest in after squeezing all my $spike

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