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We are so fucked.
> over-capable, successful, hard working top of the line investment gurus in treasury office
> this is le bad somehow
>a publisher so broke and lazy that they used a shitty AI larry fink in their banner title
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It's clearly going to be bad for poor people. But I get the feeling my brokerage accounts are going to do great. Probably 50% gains a year for the whole 4 years.

On one hand I'd like every family to afford housing. On the other hand I want to retire in the next decade.

Sorry poor people, the choice is easy.
Holy based the Trifecta of BTC bulls in office. Trump, Vance, and Fink. Cryptobros can will we ever stop winning???
Amoral robber barrons
>the guy who Sergey is working for directly becomes head of the US Treasury
>this is bad news for link
lol wtf are you smoking?
lol dude are you serious? What do you think, these guys are some fucking geniuses who know how to make everyone rich? They're max level scamlords, literal walking scum who are happy to completely demolish the average human for their own personal gain. Sociopaths with zero conscience typically don't make for policies that benefit (You).
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Who would you have in that office?
what do computer geeks know about guarding treasure? not a lot
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Fink just tried to kill Trump and Donnie is still bending over for the Jew
Larry Fink loves bitcoin, Donald Trump loves bitcoin, I love bitcoin.

No problem
>secretary of treasury
Ron Paul
Duh motherfucker. Do you even want to audit the fed? Or you just want more Jewish tricks?
chuds hate successfull people like trump, fink, dimon and vance
Poors aren't people, they're beings with 0 impulse control who overspend on meaningless shit using debt and are too lazy to work

I like trump but hate the fact he endorses those disgusting faggots.
He’s going to put blackrock in charge of his cabinet like last time or that gay tech billionaire Thiel
That’s who owns Trump after Adelson died
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When will you realize that trump is just a tool to get you to vote in their interest.
Bullshit - go away homosexual dems
I doubt he’s picking anyone from Blackrock. A kid from their ads just tried to assassinate him.
Sounds like Donny got "the call"
>we could kill you any moment we want Donald. We can put a bullet through your ear at a quarter mile you dont think we can take your balls off too? Give me a job in the White Horse or you get it".
Good for hasgraph and RWA
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migatards are the dumbest insects
>why yes, we do need to hire child rapists to run the daycarea. thet are the only ones who know about children!
They made up most of his final cabinet dummy
they own Trump
Trump will appoint people he expects will be obedient to him. He tried appointing partially for competence last time, trouble being that competnce and obedience are contradictory under him, which is why all of his former cohort keep their distance.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Rule number 1 in the art of war.

Trump is a mastermind. Trust the plan
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He’s going to to exactly what his Jew bosses tell him to
>poltard jumping through hoops trying to explain why blackrock is our next treasury secretary and Jamie Dimon the fed chairman
Why do you hate Israel so much?
Ok, Harris it is then
They’re already running articles saying she’s in front of Trump. Probably laying the groundwork for either a Trump landslide or Harris stealing the election
Stop reading MSM articles. You are the problem
If it's Fink or Dimon he's 100% winning. Basically the seal of approval for the Jewpower of America.
it seems the us is one of the first country to realize bitcoin is an historical opportunity. not the first but one of the first. very surprising considering the us is normally a fake and clown country. maybe the us won't be invaded or turned into the poorest country after all.
I don’t read that shit. I go 4chan and Reddit faggot
I see what you dumbfucks spew
Act like I even have cable retard
say what you want about the US but at least it's a capitalism country moved by profits
>smartest poster in the thread
EU standardised most things you can think of, you can thank them for the USB safe food and a lot more dumbass
The EU isn’t even a country you idiot.

I swear you eurotards are so desperate you’re all taking credit for the Germans and British accomplishments
Sure, I thank the EU overlords for regulating our economy out of existence and making our industry and tech companies move to the US, at least we have bike lanes and bottle caps that are slightly harder to remove for some reason
>The EU isn’t even a country
Inasmuch as the USA isn't, either
The overwhelming majority of Americans has a single mother tounge (can't say the same about europeans), you're coping
*the same
>told off by one of his own
euro on euro crime needs to stop
Already denied by Trump. Cheap propaganda you're spreading here.
since when was language the definition of a country? so south america is in fact part of spain?
Also, i'm British, and we were speaking english when your 'country' had never had english spoken in it. kek, what a terrible argument. go back to the drawing board
You’re British and claiming the EU?
Are you also retarded?
Your country can’t even compare to our largest state. France and Germany hate your guts, but you claim their accomplishments. South America was colonized by more than the Spanish btw
>comparing a country to a continent
You don’t feel pathetic? Thats like comparing apples and oranges but I hope it makes you feel better.
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David Webb would be an 11/10 choice.
>pick a TV host
Whitney Webb would be better then David Webb
>tv host as president but not for treasury sec
Hate to double reply you like this but just for clarity I wasn't talking about the fox news guy. I was talking about the derivatives guy also named David Webb.
>please pick a tv host as president
the absolute state of you people
No, I'm glad UK isn't in EU. That's an economic area, btw, and Britain is still on the continent of Europe. Otherwise, which continent would you suggest it is part of? Asia?
>France and Germany hate your guts
kek - you sound like a bratty teenager. how does a country 'hate' another country?
>colonized by more than the spanish
woop de doo, they speak portugese in Brazil. Big win for you, eh? you seem to be missing my point
which was that the US is very like Europe politically in that it's a collection of little states (or countries) It struck me as rather silly to claim otherwise on the basis of language.
For the record, I hate the EU and wish it had never been formed. It's mission creep toward globalism, under the guise of trade freedom. A trojan horse.
I didn't sign up for this.
Comparing Europe and the US is silly
The EU is made of many different nations with distinct heritages. In the US people travel freely between states without even border checks
Someone from Florida and California will be much more similar than Norway and Greece. Language being a huge difference
I don't know if age has made me pessimistic, but most probably nothing will change at all, and we will keep holding things like $kendu without any change, I mean the last things that really affected the market were just catastrophes
>there are speculations
Into the trash it goes
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Who made this shit up?
ZOG and their paid shills
>In the US people travel freely between states without even border checks
Same in the EU, anon. and Brussels acts as a federal government. You're quibbling over semantics, when the meat of the conversation was about the politics of the situation. Going on about your perception of the meaning of 'country' is getting a bit boring now

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