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>make it just in time to cure male pattern baldness

We are so back bros
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it will be stuck in trials for the next 15 years
My hair is the only competitive edge I've got. This research needs to be stopped
Male baldness has already been cured. Right now it's same as teeth, people with money don't go bald. You can perfectly see it with sports. Not so long ago, there were a shitton of bald players. The usual guys that go bald in their 20s and looked 40. Now, there is none. Same with actors.

Everybody is on finasteride, minoxidil and if things get bad, a hair transplant.
Replacing the hair you've lost and not losing them in the first place are different things. Musk might've replaced the hair that he lost but we still have his bald photos, we know he's actually a baldy
Do you have any views on topical finasteride? I was taking it for a while and stopped. Not sure if anything changed. I could just keep applying it as a precaution.
I'm not the same anon, but I take 1mg finasteride in pill form and it works (for 4 years now). finasteride can only prevent hair loss, not reverse it(nothing can). it's super easy to get prescribed online. topical finasteride isn't more effective than pill form.

1mg dose has no bad side effects (ED issues only occur if 5mg or more). if you're smart you will get on it now before you notice hair loss.
The trannies crawl from the woodwork.
Rich people get transplants. They don't ruin their bodies with tranny drugs.
And baldness was cured by the razor.You metrosexual faggots.
I tried a small dose of finasteride and I did have the beginnings of breast growth so stopped. The softness it created hasn't gone away and I'm thinking of getting a boob job, apparently it only costs $10k.kd8kk
Precursors for production of 2dDR or would it need to be topical? Found it for $185/100g on rpicorp.com
too late already losing my hair :(
Yeah, it took people this long to figure out that Tren or DHT-based roids are bad for hair. And dick.
Just go bald like a man you pussies. In a world where everyone has fake hair the bald man stands out as a beacon of authenticity.
Fuck off you bald piece of shit. No reputable surgeon will give you a hair transplant without being on fin.
>just lose your teeth
>just be obese
>just fuck up your joints
>just go bald

It's a disease like any other.
That only works for about 3% of men who have the face for it
Everyone else just looks like shit bald
many guys get bad side effects from just 1mg
it's a secondary sexual characteristic not a disease
at the very least it makes other men feel submissive and helps with business success if you don't lose your confidence over it
legitimately would like to know why there are so many finasteride shills on this site
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>have to spend time shaving his entire head twice a week to avoid looking like pic related
>pretends to be a "real man" who is confident in his looks

Yeah no, getting a one-and-done transplant and not having to spend countless hours shaving your head to avoid looking like a stereotypical sexual predator is the superior option
Good question when topical dut works so much better. It actually regrew my hair. And because the molecule is much larger than fin it is believed that not much goes from the scalp into the bloodstream.
who hired you and how do i get a job?
>website filled with men aged 20-35
>30-40% of these men are balding
>finasteride being the most well-known treatment for balding

It's a real mystery
>Do you have any views on topical finasteride?

I had a hair transplant. Two, in fact. I had topical fin for about 2 years in between them but stopped it in the end because spraying alcohol onto my hair every day was fucking it up really badly, the texture was completely fucked and I still couldn't get anywhere near a normal hair style.

>Fuck off you bald piece of shit. No reputable surgeon will give you a hair transplant without being on fin.

I got mine from one of the top UK hair guys, you will 100% know his name if you've ever looked into HT in the UK. He wanted me to get on oral fin but accepted topical, and I had never taken any before the surgeries, in any case.


Be very careful with minoxidil - that makes your hair fall out even faster and "that means it's working" apparently, but it actually never grows back. Should be avoided imho.
Do you realize that topical fin goes into your bloodstream and builds up just like oral? If a pill is enough to turn you into a faggot or tranny, then you always have been one deep down
I'm 25. my dad started balding in his 60s. I don't wanna jinx it but I might actually make it.
How much were the hair transplants? How much needed to be fixed?
t. Vegeta hair stage
Exactly the same
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Same. I have a full mane of hair in my late 30s and love flexing on baldlets. STOP THE RESEARCH
>wig manufacturers
>snake oil producers
>Indian women
They have been saying that we could be 5 years away from curing baldness for like 5000 years
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This, unless they're going to also create a way for me to become 6' 5", as a manlet with hair, I want all hair regrowth research to stop.

Is there anyway to financially stop these companies?
Do I need to keep shorting them or something?
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>people with money don't go bald.
Lmao even.

You see rich people, even actors with really bad hair transplants EVERYWHERE. In some cases you can even see the transplant scars.
If there was a true fix of the balding problem, those people would have it first.
i have a thick as fuck hair at boomer age but if you're balsing just go get hecking hair transplant or wear a baseball cap

dont get on those dht blockers drugs or something they will make you impotent and depressed for sure
nobody tells him
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>people with money don't go bald
Wait is this guy not actually rich? wtf I thought he was
Ah yes the bald multi billionaire outlier
he waited too long
norwood 7
right after i decided to get laser hair removal on my entire scalp. very cool
>legitimately would like to know why there are so many finasteride shills on this site

Finfags have ruined their dicks forever and want to rope more men into their chemical castration so they can all be miserable together.
HRT is unironically better and safer than all of those options
Stop these genetic frauds from spreading their inferior traits.
how expensive is it to avoid going bald? i know there are creams and vitamins for that, but i have no fucking idea, i want to prepare myself financially with $spike and mentally for when my head gets shinier than the sun.
Literally same
I'm so sick of seeing this ugly huge bitch.
Shea gotta be at least 6 feet tall. Big boned. Semi fat. Ugly. And look at her tongue... it's all white from halatosia
SOURCE? its been a whole day and im still balding
I’m one of the 1/100 guys that looks excellent bald so I’m not too worried about this, but I will say vitamin D and Zinc are crucial for good hair so if you’re deficient in both of those you’ll lose hair.
They really try to drag everyone else down with them
>the game gets rigged just in time you make it
why does it keep happening?

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