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>just go to college, have good grades and you'll advance in your career very quickly!
Thanks for playing
>just go to college
>spend several hours per day talking to various people in classes, societies and social situations to develop your soft and people skills
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>The working world is catered for extroverts to thrive in
>be me
>social anxiety
>male INFP
>>spend several hours per day talking to various people in classes, societies and social situations to develop your soft and people skills
The fact that you believe this proves you're not (and never have been) in a STEM degree which means you were never going to make it anyways
I have a mathematics masters and still spent most my time talking to people.
Cope and seethe.
This isn't taking into account fields. In white collar jobs sure its easy to climb the corporate ladder by shmoozing but in fields like engineering its harder.
If you're a mediocre or even bad engineer but do well with people you'll climb to manager positions anyway. You just delegate the difficult work to a project leader and collect the credit.

Don't worry. It's even more brutal when you realize that "people skills" is just being good looking (or in some cases average looking and top tier intelligence) which give you natural confidence, it's not even building anything tangible.
this is definitely true for 99% of people
in software if you can articulate your point and communicate with people well then you will get paid a lot
the exception are autistic superdevs who make shitloads and dont have to undergo the humiliation ritual
That 15% is a prerequisite for the job. The 85% just makes you more successful than other people who necessarily have the 15% as well.
I've lived in a dorm for 4 years and that only made me hate people more
Too bad that in software you have to go through 5+ interviews first with people who couldn't even launch Microsoft Excel if their life depended on it.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say these "jobs" they are referring to are the ones that are about to be laid off en masse
what the fuck is a 'soft and people' skills
This is why trades is the new meta. I a social retard loner am making 200k a year as a welder with my own rig/business
What is job success? Is it measured as not job failure? How does something that has existed for 100 years and has no alternative fail?
Ooohhhh because if you don't fit in you're fired
And they measure "fitting in" as "soft people skills"
So this is why everything sucks, not that I didn't know.
85% of employees aren't actually good at anything important, so having good people skills is their only hope.

But yeah, it's good to be able to make eye contact and express yourself in coherent sentences, all other things being equally.
did they break it down by industry/job?
i mean for sometjing like sales that would be obvious, but what about stem?
Sam Hyde and Luke Smith have explained this very well. A lot of people, myself included, thought that it was all about being good, it was some kind of borderline autism. And being good at something it's important. But being likeable is even more important.

It's all a high school contest. It always was. High School autists think that the Chad from High School is gonna fail in life because he didn't study. But usually, he keeps being successful. No need for self-improvement. Stupid podcasts about being a male. He is. He always was. And he will be.
Based tard
>don't be an autismo
>get a job in sales
>get paid to just fuck around and talk with people
>get promoted into high ticket sales
>earn 100-200k
>specialize in something industrial
>earn 500k + easily
>start own business
>earn millions each year

No college degree needed.

If you're really gifted you can work for a lawfirm and get 700/hr just to onboard high net worth clients.
the simplest advice is really the most important
>don't be fat and gross
>dress and groom nicely. if you don't know how to dress, just mirror someone else that you admire. not ryan gosling.
>take an interest in people, remember and use their names
>talk to people as much as possible. don't wait; call or go to them
>don't talk or think about yourself unless prompted to; always give others attention and praise first
>don't worry about what people think of you.
makes life easier in all areas, not just work. until it becomes habit, just work on being more likable at all times.
>walk into room
>engage others
you can get away with so much in life when people like you. for jobs, 100% if you interview and give one person the ick, you are not getting hired. i don't care what technical skills you have.
Okay real talk though, what is the bet way to improve these skills? I feel like they're the number one thing holding me back. I don't mean in some "how do I manipulate people into liking me" bullshit, but how do I become more charismatic? More well-received?

Has anyone here gone from being a weirdo to finding success in normiedom?
be polite and not condescending. ask people about how their day is going. ask them about their life, let them do the talking, most people love to talk about their lives. but then you have to remember what they said and know when to ask further questions. if you want to be well received then you have to listen as well. most people will rarely ever tell you straight to your face that they think you are cool or they like you, even as a friend, so you have to notice small body language cues. do they smile and look into your eyes when they talk to you? do they make little jokes back to you? do they prefer to be around you even when there are other people in the room? if so then they probably like you.
makes sense, 1st world jobs are all LITERALLY networking. nobody makes anything
Wish I could have learned and internalized this in my early 20's, and just given up completely then. Or gone into some hyper autistic trade while I still had time.
Now I'm 37 and its just over.
It's was over for introverts like me
>>take an interest in people, remember and use their names
>>talk to people as much as possible. don't wait; call or go to them
Problem is my workplace is mostly Jeets and I don't want to talk to them
The recession and WW3 will fix this
You think that autist weirdos will be the kings of the wastes?
>macho dudes don't understand automated warfare
>ppl need to keep track of their crypto
>normies don't understand LLMs and treat them like magic
yeah autist weirdos who understand these factors will be kings.
we will NEVER devolve into mad max society at this point. even nuclear warfare can't regress a society that has access to an LLM that can trivially tell you how to rebuild.
remember when ppl were downloading the entirety of wikipedia "just in case".
resource scarcity fetishists are just retard larpers at this point.
I have stem degree. For 10 years I worked in 6 jobs. 5 of them I got because of connection from uni. One I got thanks to connection with former coworker. Drinking vodka with colleagues is the most important activity for your career. In only few years these people will have solid position in industry. And you will be their drinking buddy.
You know this shit is what pisses me off. All this shit around
>take some time to understand African immigrants in the workforce, they offer a new insight

And they don’t even understand introverted people, litterally a mix of extroverts and introverts make a company great, you need the analytical, compliance, strategy mfs just as much as you need to snoozy sales guy and ‘people person’ managers
College gets you through the HR roastie filter
Would be an interesting study if it found a correlation between the social aspect of collage and not the education side of things.
They still want soft skills. Trust me, it's fucking up a lot of companies, the lack of focus on technical skills.
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>be smert with two STEM diplomas and an ungodly amount of certs, be me
>be autist who can’t into basic social ques to save his life
>be unemployed poorfag who only gets by from autistic meme coin trading and occasionally getting contracts to do software gig work

This one hits a little too close to home OP.
No it doesn’t. I literally got filtered out of GameStop to change hexcodes on their shitty pro members reward site because the HR Roastie thought I wasn’t “attentive enough.”
Kek this exactly
>be a shy recluse at uni
>minding my own business walking back to my room
>rando in a dorm learns his head out
>"you wanna fight, faggot"
>walk away thinking im going to get pummeled for being a nerd

>Walking back to room with friends from grocery store
>bunch of dorm guys riding around
>scream out the window calling us faggots

>get up from seat at dining hall with gf
>my chair falls back
>dorm football nigger sees and laughs at me
>I finally summoned a death glare
>walk back going on my first rant calling blacks niggers

Yeah, it was a real character building experience. But it did inspire me to get jacked and take up kick boxing. Funny how all this mocking stopped once you look like you can kill someone and enjoy it too. People fucking suck.
>If I work 100 hours a week I can earn what a college graduate can make in 30 hours
Sounds like a great deal bro, trades for the win am I right fellow tradebro?
In a feminized society image and social skills is all that matters for success. Whereas in a masculine society skills/competency is what matters
>nuclear warfare can't regress a society that has access to an LLM that can trivially tell you how to rebuild.

This is the dumbest thing I ever heard. North Korea has access to the entire Internet and their people still eat grass. Africans with cell phones are burning witches as we speak.
yeah and these people make the rules so anyone who doesn't have their exact personality or won't "fake it till they make it" is extra screwed in life. It doesn't matter if you make eye contact, if you have an ounce of fringiness to you they notice. If they aren't accepting of it (99% of them aren't because they want to be "normal" and dont want to surround around different people), they immediately go to the next candidate.
Yes, but everyone in college is a kid and immature or insecure, you need to talk to older people, they're the ones at the top of the work hierarchys
Lmfao I know you're larping cuz trades are the most nepotistic shit around. You can only get in an apprenticeship or the good union jobs if your brother knows the union leader's fifth cousin twice removed
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I went to college during Occupy Wallstreet so a lot of people were either protesting on campus or doing heroin/ketamine/cocaine to cope. My friend group had four people OD after graduating and I only know of one person who bought his own home without help from his parents.

Most courses were ran by people who didn't want to teach anymore and some of the later coursework centered around advertising and apps because smartphones were becoming more widely used, but there was no technical knowledge given to us on how to develop them since the teachers were still tech illiterate.

My takeaway from those years and seeing where we are now just cements that no one has any idea what they're doing and is just trying to make whatever they have work even if it kills them inside. There's also way more people than jobs that will ever be created and it's entirely by design so we are viewed as having no intrinsic value. Networking only matters if your network is already well off/connected/motivated, otherwise your only employment options are service and hospitality since that's the vast majority of work available now and likely for the near future. This is all a direct result from not achieving reform back during OW as the same people who enabled that financial destruction are still employed in the same positions and are doing similar things again. Nothing we choose to do with our lives will make an actual difference until that necessary change happens.

>have to wait 15 minutes to post

At least I didn't grow up to be a faggot mod on a dying image board that people only go on because they're addicted.
Everyone on 4channel is a 6'4 8 inch dick Chad millionaire
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Pre-2020 Chomsky was aight. At least in the US you can get a dopamine rush here and there by climbing the corporate shitsmeared ladder. In U Rope it doesn't even pay off to be articulate and eloquent on top of technical skillz, because you get a measly 20-40% increase from a slave wage base, on which you are taxed to death if you climb up and then you have to work 60-70h a week in a shithole company for that increase as a senior/teamlead. It does not pay off at all to be an employee in U Rope. Tech employees in U Rope are literally just slaves at this point. They got >50% inflation since 2011 and and maybe 20% wage increase for millenials/gen X. And those cocksuckers consider themselves intelligent, kek.
Well, no violence, safety, no fear of being homeless...
And we don't exactly work all that much.

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