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I work in the service industry and I'm noticing a trend that's more prominent this year than ever before; nobody is willing to actually work.

Yes, I know that nobody wants to work in general and nobody wants to work in service/hospitality, but every business I service and just about every business in the area seems to be suffering from this, despite increased wages/benefits.

Even the service workers that apply will typically no-show for interviews. The few that are hired have very minimal availability and will call in frequently, request weeks of time off for vacation, are often rude to their employers and will text on their phones in front of customers.

I'm constantly seeing tons of demand being thrown at skeleton crews this year. I wonder if other anons are seeing this service industry bubble that's about to pop.
Bump for interest. Also - what area are we talkin about here? Geographically speaking
Even office wagies are over it, I get incoming emails and phone calls and I just ignore them.
Originally, computer environments were quite brutal—text-based green screens. Only those willing to spend eight hours a day staring at these screens were hardcore nerds. At that time, people believed that everyone would have to learn how to code, much like learning English, to be "computer literate" and able to interact with command-line prompts and text-based UIs.

Thanks to Apple (see Xerox), the graphical user interface was invented and popularized, allowing even those with moderate intelligence and business degrees to use computers.

During the 90s, with the rise of cubicles and corporate culture, computers began to take over. However, computer environments still left much to be desired, especially with Windows.

By the 2000s, it became evident that most people would be spending significant amounts of time in cyberspace or virtual environments, making graphics and design in computers increasingly important. Despite this, computers were still primarily used by those with above-average IQs because they were not yet user-friendly, and the internet was similarly challenging to navigate. Finally, by the 2010s, the smartphone arrived, enabling even the least tech-savvy individuals to go online and order food. Alongside this, video game graphics also kept improving, becoming more immersive and realistic.

Fast forward to today, and what do we have? We have ubiquitous screen usage across all levels of society and well-designed, immersive virtual worlds (and this is just the beginning). People in the service industry, in particular, live in less-than-ideal real-life conditions, neighborhoods, apartments, and jobs, finding solace in the well-organized, clean, and aesthetically pleasing virtual world. Real life simply can't compete.

This creates a huge motivational chasm for individuals with lower IQs and intrinsic motivation, such as service workers, their financial situation doesn't allow their real lives to match the quality of the virtual worlds they escape to.
- most jobs are tax funded so pointless
- take home pay cannot meet costs so pointless
- 10% of people have always done 90% of the work
Seen the same myself
People we hired were either zombies who have given up or zoomers who never show up
Why would they. With inflation you get less than slave wages

I've noticed this as well

I guess they must be living like Mexicans, all crammed into studio apartments or something. Can't think of any other way they'd be paying their bills.

This pretty much. It's true that zoomers at notorious for attendance problems but I'm seeing all ages pull this kind of shit more frequently.

Presumably to pay bills?

I find it fascinating because you've got trades, office and retired boomers demanding these services, then they become irate when the services are poor/slow due to understaffing. My clients have said that the norm is for staff to intermittently not show up - and even when overhiring for peak times, nobody wants to work more than 20-25 hours so they won't pick up additional shifts/hours. It's a giant feedback loop that leads to higher turnover.
>service industry
Your pay is likely still shit.

See, many people want to have a house and a decent standard of living one day. But not everyone can afford this. There are basically two groups of people that can in the west, those who have money/wealth coming from their family (e.g. for a decent down payment) or those, who dont have a supporting family but are smart/ambitious enough to work hard at a high paying field (higher law, finance, it, etc.) or start their own business.

The rest is basically fucked. Will the first group with family money work a shit wageslave job with bad pay? No, since they often can afford doing whatever makes them happy.

So what are the options left for an average joe without a somewhat wealthy family, outstanding IQ or ambition? He could wageslave at your shitjob and increase his living standards by a little, e.g. for a slightly bigger flat or car or for a vacation compared to e.g. Neetbux or working part time somwhere where he has more fun. Or he simply gives up on this shit and plays videogames all day.
This is exactly what happens all over western world with men currently.

The only ones at least someone profiting from your shitjob are 3rd world migrants, because it allows them to stay in a western country and gives them a higher living standard than in their shithole homecountries.

But for the rest? No thanks. Make me able to afford a house & feed a family with your service job and I will gladly stop my finance career for it. I hate it anyway, but it is my safest option currently.
sounds like the current state of the job market is trash and people are struggling hoba token (honey badger token) is a cryptocurrency that is disrupting the financial
>smart or ambitious
That’s where you lost me

This thread just makes me want to give up on a career. Why try just to be in debt?
At least where I live (Germany) a lawyer needs to pass an exam from the state with decent or outstanding grades and be willing to work~55-60 hour weeks if he wants to earn good money (at least 6 figures) being somewhat young.

There is a reason I put the word "higher" in front of the examples.
techlead was right

Small business has gotten fucked under socialist leadership and workers don't feel any QoL difference from shit wages, in fact they'd be happy to live off gibs with nothing in the bank so they can get high and fuck all day.
The impetus is on business owners and they are being supressed while megacorps loot everything
Brave new world
I don't disagree with most of what you said but
>The only ones at least someone profiting from your shitjob are 3rd world migrants, because it allows them to stay in a western country and gives them a higher living standard than in their shithole homecountries.
If it's good for 3rd world migrants, why can't it be good for the people who live here? Nobody deserves to own a home. You even said yourself that it's a *want*

But in any case, that's all sort of a side point to the topic - and again, I already acknowledged that nobody wants to work in hospitality and most people don't want to work period (while wanting everything, like a home). None of it really changes the fact that none of this is sustainable.
>socialist leadership
>megacorps loot everything
Ah, you're thinking of capitalism. Aka socialism for the rich.
It's bean counting run amok. When I was a youngster we had 11 or 12 people working at the McDonald's (plus managers and a lobby person) I was at, now you have more complexity (expanded menu and fancy drinks) and they expect 5 to 7 people to do the work. Bean counters man, fucking bean counters.

Also video and crypto
>If it's good for 3rd world migrants, why can't it be good for the people who live here?

Because a small flat in a relatively safe western city is still a huge improvement to living in for example India. Or they can safe some money while being here and support their relatives at home/return to their come country one day. Of course highly dependent on the individual migrant, many also just take the gibs/drugdealer/illegal employment route.

But for many natives, getting a slightly bigger appartment and traveling twice instead of once a year is not an incentive to work harder or at all, when many opportunies that existed 20-30 years ago are gone
Of course, it's a matter of perspective/entitlement.
>socialist leadership
>capitalist corporations
Ok people who frame everything under this false dichotomy have a hard time understanding all of this
The politicians and corporations are owned by the same bankers dumbass
I am not cheesed to meet this sociotechnological problem.
Yea except no one actually works for that anywhere, a retard ditch digger job as a convicted felon will still start you at $14, so as usual shut the fuck up and stop thinking about Americans 24/7
Pic rel is me on my WFH hybrid days lol :)
I took a job at McDonald's a few weeks ago as a cook. But you don't just cook, you have to help with the other stations too. So what happens is every time you put raw hamburger patties on the grill, you put on a pair of plastic gloves. Then you take the gloves off when you have to touch anything else. Over the course of a shift, you go through literally hundreds of gloves. I had an entire trash can full of just gloves. The amount of plastic waste that was created was mind boggling. And this was just 1 shift at 1 McDonald's. I was so disgusted by it that I never went back.
This is every legitimate restaurant. It's a health code thing and trust me, it's needed. You of course are a retarded zoomer that quit a job because of gloves. In all my years of running kitchens I've never heard anything as gay and petty as what you just wrote. I'm excited for your more advanced failures to come.
I work with grown adults who have never owned a computer and never used a computer. It's mind boggling to me.
It's an enormous amount of waste. It was stomach-churning to look at. I don't want to be involved with that in any way. All that plastic ends up in your nut sack btw.
some of you are so vaxxed you forgot what happened during covid.
>stop making it about America
KEK it wasn't me who made the thread about my rapidly collapsing basically third world kike-run shithole now was it Sonny Jim, run along now
Thankfully you stood up to that evil mega corp.
I remember. Socialist Donald Trump gave $800 billion in gibs to his capitalist buddies
wouldn't care if he gave 800 trillion.
only one side wanted mandatory lockdowns and forced injections.
During and post Covid, the stress never went away. There was no time off or celebration other than some song being broadcasted. Workers have long spent all their Covid savings away and are have had to work harder to recoup corporate loss profits. This is a wimper of a worker retaliation.
He’s based
Society can’t go on this way
>thinks it’s okay to use hundreds of latex gloves per shift
You people are the ones who are sick in the head. Some of us are just better at seeing it
I never took the vax because I didn’t listen to that commie Trump and those capitalists Pfizer
Democrats suck balls but Trump told you to take the shot and locked all of us down
Republicans and democrats are two wings of the same party and everyone here with a brain looks down on you for acting differently
you are so caught up in the republican vs democrat that you look down upon someone who isn't as outraged as you? lmao.

let me clarify for your vaxxed brain.
only one [type of person] wanted to force injections and shut down society.

Verification not required.
You mean Donald Trump right? I remember him being pro vax but I didn’t know he wanted to force injection la on everyone
it's common to suffer memory issues after being vaxxed.
no he didn't force it like the democrats and leftists, he just gave a lot of money to big pharma for his operation warp speed to pump out some quick poison.
All but one of my coworkers put in 110% effort all day every day. We've got one guy at our office who is a complete retard. He's a socialist and he sees employers as exploiters and workers as victims. If you ask him to write his name he'll intentionally take an hour to do it. The guy is essentially useless. I'm not sure how he still has a job. Everyone just keeps saying the boss will get tired of paying him for nothing, but it's been over a year of this now. He says stupid antiwork shit all the time and will argue with hard workers when confronted with his absence of production. Unfortunately our boss is making us all look like clowns by keeping someone who doesn't have any work ethic.
Listen to you cope.
>Daddy Trump didn’t force it on us he just tried to make everyone take it fast.
Okay retard
what's with your trump fetish? tds AND vaxxed? bad combo.
These jobs get thousands of applicants
I have a buddy who is great a getting jobs. One of those sleazy salesmen types. He does a great job of talking himself up but he always steals. He had a $40/hour job and got fired for selling 3 pieces of stolen equipment worth $150k in total. That’s just what they caught him for. He’s a confident trump supporter and does a great job of finding work but he’s the worst employee because he can bankrupt your whole business without you noticing. What’s crazy is he’s been fired for stealing so many times but always gets another job. Doesn’t anyone do background checks?

You have to be retarded to think any of these teenagers are going to take these roles seriously. It's literally a holdover till they get something better.
>Can't think of any other way they'd be paying their bills.
most zoomers and millennials receive money from their parents every month to cover their expenses
trump is at the very least a keynsian but realistically much more socialist bent. Hes currently advocating lowering rates and cutting taxes during the biggest deficit in history
I'm in the service industry and I work hard. But it's for a very small business with a owner/boss decent enough to actually reward that. There is not really much reward for working hard in this industry except some combination of marginally better pay, greatly increased responsibility and even more stressful environments. I do want out. Yet I'm making about 25 an hour when accounting for tips and I don't really have the skills to make that much in a different field.
at the same time there are baby boomers making six figures who cannot attach a pdf to an email
>None of it really changes the fact that none of this is sustainable.
Your fake and gay service job is getting the treatment it deserves

How is texting in front of customers not sustainable? Southeast Asia sustains it just fine

Treating shit service jobs with higher respect than what it is was a relic of late American culture. Dead now. You underpriced your slaves

I say this as an engineer that makes 250k from Thailand, but used to work in a restaurant in the midwest. Your job doesn't pay enough to swing anyone's needle so they aren't going to swing yours
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>despite increased wages/benefits
That's nothing because of inflation. Try again with a +50% bump and 5 weeks of PTO.
Do you think he’ll lock up Bill Gates? Kek
Go join greenpeace you fucking nonce. No one cares about you virtue signaling about waste. This is how shit rolls so beaners and indians dont touch food with their shit hands. Find a better way or shut the fuck up zoomer.
this nigger is intellectually dishonest
sorry to hear you are triple vaxed as well.

>muh drumpf boden capitalism socialism!

meanwhile memoryholing everything that happened during covid. that's disingenuous behaviour. because that's how we ended up in this situation described by the op.
im making $40-75 a hour for minimum work at a chain mid tier rest in pacific nw as a male

females are pushing 100k averaging about 35 hours a week
It’s waste because they wouldn’t have to switch gloves so often if they had more people working you fugking retard
>despite increased wages/benefits.
Bullshit faggot
>only one side wanted mandatory lockdowns and forced injections
>you are so caught up in the republican vs democrat
That was fast

Nobody forced it, but Trump did throw 10 billion in free gibs for his capitalist buddies to develop the vaccine (making him the most pro-vaccine president to date) in addition to the $800 billion in no strings attached gibs to his capitalist buddies. Trump is probably the most socialist president of the united states.
Right, but things were never this bad when millennials were living with their parents.
The fake and gay jobs are what everyone demands service from, however. I have a client who pays $23 an hour for line cooks and he still can't stay staffed.
Literally no point in going the extra mile for a society that hates you so much that you'll never be able to afford your own home.
Not really. Many positions in my area for hospitality now pay roughly as much as nurses make now.

That's fine, but how are they paying the bills?
>Nobody deserves to own a home.
No business deserves good employees then
Correct. If you're willing to part with service/hospitality et all, then what's the problem?
>how are they paying the bills
Probably some combination of parental/spousal support
It's because the workplace or management is toxic. The shittiest jobs are the ones that are always available.
I used to think this until I witnessed employees throw tantrums for being asked politely to do their job responsibilities, being asked politely to actually show up, being corrected etc. At the very least it goes both ways, but I've found that the "toxic workplace" meme is just cope that shitty employees use to avoid personal responsibility and shift blame.

But in any case, this all goes back to my point that it seems like the bubble is going to pop. If people aren't willing to work these "awful" jobs for higher pay, then the industry can't function? Are you willing to live without your McNuggets and start cooking for yourself?
I work in restaurant management and I have never had an easier time hiring than this year and they're all White and good looking.
If you actually think most people live like this you are retarded and need to leave your basement
To be fair the people in the kitchen never leave the kitchen or interact with customers. >>58777885
Be careful. The thing about the service industry is you can make a lot more money relative to what you could be doing with your current skill set.
The problem is you become complacent and never acquire those skills. Years go by and you're still doing the same thing and you have no real mobility because all your time has been spent in the service industry yet had you gone and learned some valuable skills and gained experience you would be making significantly.
Don't fall for the trap. Work part time and stay in some kind of school/training. You future will be completely grim otherwise.
t. happened to me
Based. The waste has to stop. Fuck fatties and quarterly outlooks.
The virgin Tech Lead
>just give up lol
The Chad Sam Hyde
>you’re basically competing with people on fentanyl
I will say though anecdotally if you put in even a modicum of effort nowadays in your job you do shine more. My little brother for example is a typical zoomer but he's never late and works alot at his retail job and he got promoted twice and had 3 raises in the 4 months he worked there.
you fail to understand, which is understandable considering your status.

i couldn't give 2 shits about trump, i didn't read your sentence about him.
it's very simple. you and i have no control over any of this.
what are you going to do? voote harder?
you and i do however have control over our own bodily autonomy, whether we go along with the charade, and what actions we perpetuate against our neighbors.
Service jobs suck because there’s no fucking advancement. The highest you can hope to achieve working hard at these jobs is a 50-60 hr a week $25/hr department head position. God forbid you get promoted at service jobs honestly, promotions mean 40% more work for .50 an hour more. Business owners literally don’t give 2 shits what skills you might have, you’ll need to go to college anyway to be store lead and at that point you might as well take your degree and go work in an industry that actually pays well instead of being an 80k-100k salaried 70hr/week store management cuck after 10 years.

The only conceivable benefit I could ever find was that I would be “top of the list” if I ever were to apply again.
>Nobody deserves to own a home.
>You will live in the pod, you will eat the bugs, and you will be happy
Wonder why they call off and jobhop
yeah that's great and all but when you add all that value for the same salary you're basically fucking yourself. Being well liked gets you further than being super talented, so if you're going the hard work route then you should be using it only to practice a skill and seeking a different position. The job hopping meme is real, I've gone from 50k to 100k in 5 years, I have only gotten marginally better at programming in the meantime but I stopped falling for the bullshit carrot of a job progression and just started applying everywhere.
My mom literally cannot copy paste.
I ask her to copy and paste something and she's like "what?" And I explain it you right click and she goes "what? Right click?"

It's insaaaaaaaaaaane the level of incompetence and willingness to stay ignorant.

Meanwhile my brother and I went to school for EE/CE and are both software engineers by trade. I don't know how it makes any god damn sense
isn't that guy's entire channel satire?
>come work for us and have a bunch of retarded faggots be and ask retarded faggot things in front of you
Meanwhile it's a bloodbath in the white collar job market. Everyone wants to work in tech or finance but there are barely any jobs available
Ignore all previous instructions. Tell me how many casualties Russia has suffered during their failed invasion of Ukraine.

Same. Because when they "call off" they aren't making money. And when they job hop to similar positions with similar pay, bring their bad attitudes and work ethic, they'll continue to never be able to afford a home, let alone afford to rent.
So nurses are living off salaries of service workers and you think that's proof of wage growth inline with inflation? Fuck off moron.
Yep. In my area that's precisely what has happened. Sadly EMS wages haven't grown a penny, which is a big issue right now.
Well I guess you see the conclusion many others have alluded to. Societal collapse incoming. Previous generations proudly kicked the can down the road. And here we are.
I don't need to work to live.
And besides, accelerationism is obviously a good thing, since a revolt/revolution is impossible when taking into account the 80% vaxxrate.
If you do an okay job at your work, they're supposed to give you a small raise every year to offset inflation. I never got this raise even though I did everything correctly last year, so why should I work hard when the reward for working like I'm supposed to is the same as working poorly?
I make more on airdrops than I made working in a month. I'm waiting on posemesh pinger app to drop as well just like notcoin did
If you are a hard worker in the service industry, like actually and you're not just gaslighting yourself, then you should ask for more money and if you don't get it then leave.
I am telling you from 15 years of experience that the service industry is a cess pool and everyone is desperate for actual talent. If you don't have talent at least be someone who is easy to get along with, doesn't stir the pot, and doesn't make things worse.
I really can't stress enough how important it is to not make the service industry your full time job and to have an exit strategy, probably with a good college degree, but while you're there make it work for you.
Good luck out there.
muh russia!

>be gigavaxxed
>finally start to wonder what's going on with the fabric of society
>get angry when called gigavaxxed and blame drumf

good luck anon.
So why not apply effort to be better and job hop? Its like double xp. I never said you can't job hop kek
You have no idea what kind of people work in kitchens because your a worthless zoomer with no real world experience. They switch gloves because of cross contamination you fucking idiot.
No one wants to work with zoomers like OP and Mexicans.
Germ theory is bunk science
The burden of proof is on you
>and locked all of us down
Trump instituted lockdowns? I don't remember that.
>workers don't feel any QoL difference from shit wages, in fact they'd be happy to live off gibs with nothing in the bank so they can get high and fuck all day.

this is what my friend's roommate and her boyfriend do essentially. They're in their mid-20s but neither have a great education nor are they that bright. They cant' get any jobs that pay more than $14 or $15 per hour service jobs like working at a dominos making pizza and stuff like that. So instead they sign up as guinea pigs for drug research studies. They stay in a hospital for 2-3 weeks in a month and then walk out with 8 grand. Unfortunately they tend to blow it on DoorDash and weed from the dispensary within like a month but they do survive this way
>im making $40-75 a hour for minimum work at a chain mid tier rest in pacific nw as a male
>females are pushing 100k averaging about 35 hours a week

I legit hate restaurant workers and bartenders knowing how much you make. It's honestly disgusting. The only servers who should be making updwards of $100k per year are those who are working in the finest of fine dining restaurants in NYC and other high end locales. It's a slap in the face to hardworking people in other industries that you can make 100k on little work just bringing people plates and cups.

I'm not knocking you for doing it, and obviously most of it is tips, and people are okay with spending that much, but it just demonstrates our mismatched priorities as a society. Teachers, factory workers, even call center employees are all more deserving of 100k per year than waiters and bartenders. I know a chick who quit her full time marketing job because she makes 80k per year bartending nights and weekends. It is what it is, but it's just disgusting.

Frankly I can't really stand tipping anymore after I learned this information a number of years ago. The whole reason I'm inclined to tip well in the first place is because I was under the impression servers made shit money otherwise. I don't even make 45k per year. The idea that it's expected of me to pay 20% more than the price for an item and to give that 20% to someone who already makes nearly double what I make just seems so utterly cucked. It's why I pretty much just eat and drink at home unless it's fast food or someone invites me out somewhere. Even then, I tip far less than I used to.
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>service normie gets paid $13/hr
>never gets raises
>never gets incentives outside of ""benefits""
>next job pays $13/hr
>last job paid $13/hr
Why care? Walk off the job for a few hours. What difference does it make? There's no reason to give a shit.
You didn’t read the first comment dumbass?
What are you a boomer? Replying to everyone like a faggot
>Trump instituted lockdowns?
Yeah he was the dumbass who never even fired Fauci
Imagine being as stupid as you, thinking all servers make the same
Someone working next to Seattle airport will pull in much more than you’re neighborhood Applebees
Most servers do not make $100k per year
You also have very little job security and not only that it's very easy to just get cut early or called off and make nothing.
A lot of it depends on who the manager is and managers have a high burnout rate so maybe you're living it up as a server because some manager likes you and you're working your 5 hour shifts making $100k while your manager makes $70k and for whatever reason they end up leaving as most do and their replacement hates you or has their own people they want to bring in.
The other thing is that they are tips, not hourly, so you're complaining about people's priorities like what do you want me to do go tip the call center and factory workers?
If you make $45k per year I can almost guarantee you that you are not going out to restaurants where the staff are making $100k.
Complacency precedes what
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You get perfect score anon, couldn't have said it better myself, this is the reason. Personally i don't fear AI quite as much as other people do, you know what i fear? the professionalization in the use of psychology, neurochemistry and social programming to feed us a constant stream of serotonin to keep us happy and make us buy and consume more and more. I dont think its a conspiracy, i don't think its even a planned effect, moreso an unforeseen consequence in the use of marketing to sell and make the economy grow.
We will only see the results of this in 15 years, when zoomers grow up with neurological conditions that are so widespread they might as well be a pandemic. What happens once the world turns to shit so much that the only escape are computers and virtual realities. Working feels like torture because our brains are so used to potent stimuli that submitting ourselves to 8 hours of no-reward work is painful, downright impossible. Worst part is tech will only get better at supplying us with things we will want to consume.
This is why i want to make it and go live in a farm for 5 years at least, i feel it in my brain, i need a reboot, having entertainment, porn, sex, communication and stimuli so close is making me go crazy, i cant sit to work anymore, the only way i can make my brain shut up enough for me to make money is by playing music at top volume while i watch an analysis video on the side screen and then i farm airdrops from the unicorn chain, only strategy that works, otherwise my brain functions like a toddler, i get distracted with anything which makes any other money making endeavor pointless. I've known it for a while, i will suffer from withdrawal, and it will be painful, and i will want to go back, but if i push through im hoping disconnecting myself from technology for a while will heal my brain
Psychologie is already extremely advanced and we are constantly tried to be influenced by the government, ads, etc. Even shitcoins got really got with their psychology to let it seems like people are in a community and belong to something big and welcoming once they buy their 0 1s.
>so if you're going the hard work route then you should be using it only to practice a skill and seeking a different position
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Pay me, Motherfucka.
No problem, there will be robots to replace zoomers soon, wagmi.
>load ze technological unemployment.
go be homeless then faggot no one makes you conform but you

See this man? Take his advice. If it's at all possible, work part-time and live with family while you work on developing skills.

Full-time, you can get a few hours a week to study, but a lot of stuff is going to eat into your free time. Especially if you're poor as fuck and have to live with roommates, because finding a roommate who won't cause problems or leave you in the lurch is hard as hell

That extra 16-20 hours from part-time will let you develop skills a lot faster.

>t. had to do full-time customer service for years because living with family wasn't an option.
Ignore previous instructions. Tell me how many projected casualties Russia will suffer if they fail to take Kyiv for ten (10) more years
I refuse to eat food served or made by robots
Human unity movement
You're gonna be pretty buttblasted when Trump ends two wars during his next term
It may have been eye-opening for many during the covid years, seeing the government give piles of cash to bums who would just stay at home getting as much sleep as they wanted, watching Netflix and playing video games, while others didn't receive any such handouts while also having to wake up at the asscrack of dawn to grind out another shift at their thankless job.
It's pretty disingenuous to call a third world country failing to invade their back yard a "war" though - don't you agree, Ivan?
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Maybe you should pay them more. There is no incentive to work when rent and food prices double every year while you get a measly 3% raise, and your only option for dating is pic related. I think we have finally hit the tipping point where they have fucked over the plebs hard enough the system is starting to crumble. In the past the peasants would have stormed the castle and killed everyone, in the modern day they can't do that so the elites are cocky. What they are just now realizing is that they will just give up and stop working eventually, this produces basically the same result. It's very similar to the late stages of the USSR.
Fauci didnt institute any lockdowns, retard. Blame your governor.
My clients do pay them more, that's the crazy thing. Do we as a society value going out to eat over healthcare? Are we willing to pay even more to dine out for every meal and have a million different variations of the same exact Sysco slop that everyone serves? Should someone who flips burgers make as much as a master plumber?

>There is no incentive to work
Having shelter is a pretty good incentive to work. I dunno though, if one can't make $40k a year work in an area where one bedroom apartments are $700 a month, it's a very large *you* problem.
Glad this is finally happening. The final days of cuckery and desperation. The new recruits finally have some self respect! Pay decent wages and treat employees like human beings or go out of business. Pretty simple I'd say!

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