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Why are thirdie house so damn expensive, this is looking close to american houses in price.
>city center properties, acres of european farmland, or island properties
in the west many of these would approach 7 figures
It’s baby boomers fault
Back in the 60’s you could buy third world land for a fraction of a western salary, now a fraction of a house is worth many years salary. Blame the people who actually did this, elite baby boomers
>in the west
Not in Cleveland or Kansas City
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I just bought a 5 acre italian hilltop villa for 220k (+150k in renovations) youre getting scammed bud
those areas are second world, not actually third world.
buy in the Philippines, that's third world
Can someone redpill me about the real estate situation in July of 2024, specifically the realtor.com pill?
I have been bookmarking listings for a few months and finally went back to look though my bookmarks and
>Just Sold
>Just Sold
>Just Sold
>Just Sold
>Off the Market
>Just Sold
I thought supply was growing and houses were just sitting there and no one was buying?
The new meta is buying a few acres of undeveloped land for $75k and building a shouse for $75k. Not really good for raising a family, but if you need a goon cave/garage combo, it's a great idea.
yes then you find out you built it a flood plain.
also it only has private road access and your neighbor who owns the road decides you're a faggot and he doesn't like you
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I own like 10 acres outside of Lipa ( city a couple hours from Manila) and it cost me $140k
Idk bro sounds like a personal problem
maybe you should just kill yourself now and get it over with, lest you have to suffer these imaginary injustices
You're right, I'm team blue no matter who. Fuck yea!
Alright timmy, meds time now
supply is stagnant, not many people are selling, so when something comes on the market people have to mad dash to make the purchase.

people in no rush to sell, but due to circumstance, people will often be coerced into buying or else have to rent (renting sucks)
Forgot to use an english file name kike.
>israeli telling people to take their meds
how’s everything at mossad HQ?
okay manila is maybe not third world then I guess
Leiria district doesn't actually exist. You've been scammed.
Your hostages are never coming home, schlomo
Property has basically become the new gold. Everyone wants/needs it and due to global population boom and mass immigration it's currently the most valuable asset type in terms of growth.
Western governments basically use mass immigration to keep property prices high, London is chock full of empty properties owned by Russians/Chinese/Arabs that are empty and just used as assets.
3rd world real estate is like growth stocks. If you're buying anywhere relevant, there's this expectation that those cities will continue to see conditions improve due to globalization.
Meanwhile the US real estate you're comparing against are dying cities and rural dumps. No expectation of future demand there.

You can think of a house like a business. The value today is the net present value of all future rent equivalent income, adjusted for taxes and maintenance.

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