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stake.link is about the run of out LINK staked by sdl holders (who get priority)
so anyone can get link into v0.2 easy
how much is t roi?
is the priority pool at zero or have the horselords just run out of chainlink?
you niggers spend all day every day telling me chainlink is worthless and a scam, and yet you want me to buy a secondary token that is entirely dependent on the success of chainlink? fuck off
priority pool still has 140k but it's just that sdl stakers are running out of link to stake
that means that everyone's link will be staked
the post is saying the opposite - now you now don't need SDL to get access to their staking
ah I see. but of the holders in that 140k, if any of them buy and lock any SDL whatsoever, their LINK gets priority over the rest
Its one guy
yes true
but looking like people without sdl will get link staked anyway due to how much the protocol is staking currently. sdl hodlers only have so much link
annual, it's normally 4.5%
stake.link 2.2% higher
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Not even Johnny wants you to purchase his token. It serves no purpose. There's no reason to buy it.
staking sdl gets link rewards
also is going to provide metis rewards soon too:
Kind of interesting how he doesnt mention LPL anymore in public. The private invite only LPL chuddie kiddo groups are literally out of control. Based! I.Y.K.Y.K.
Well they play the same "you can use sdl to get priority staking for your metis or you can just wait and get in eventually" argument?
umm i assume so? as that's good for the sdl stakers, they get priority and they get a cut of the link and metis staked... so the more staked the better
then anytime they want to stake they can do so immediately
well lpl doesn't exist... but they have redeemed... same supply, if you didn't sell then got same amount of sdl as lpl
actually more as there's another airdrop coming which will reward those who staked
Nice try fuddie but we have IDs here
I’m certain you guys have brains like fucking goldfish.
Think back to how much link was lost due to people staking through services like this and bancor and a whole long list of other shitty protocols.
Stop giving these fucking criminals your link and trust nothing but official staking, otherwise you will 100% lose your bags
6.7% split between all SDL holders. Not to mention not all of the apy is in link. The majority of the apy is in SDL token, which is complete dog shit. Thats not even taking into consideration that chainlink is another cycle away from having anything of value.
Generally I agree with this, especially when the yield that is promised is higher than the "native" yield of whatever asset is at stake because there is no free lunch. There are some legit yields but they are mostly from lending which is at an explicit risk, especially a liquidity risk. But yeah when I hear "7% APY" and I know the OG is 4.2% or 5% without that node cut, then it just means there is some risk in that system that is not accounted for, same thing with Bancor.
6.7% is the apy for stLINK, not SDL. and it's paid in stLINK.
the rate is higher because node operators have a separate pool with a higher reward rate, as set by Chainlink Labs when they created the staking contract. the stLINK reward rate is a blend of the node operator pool rewards and the community pool rewards
i noticed that you didnt correct me on chainlink not producing anything of value this cycle. Since SDL is a derivative of that then SDL is just another shitcoin stacked on top of the king shitcoin that is chainlink
so then you were completely wrong in your statement about returns? well done
in terms of value, it doesn't really matter as staking doesn't have anything to do with that
cll is using 1.9m link of their supply each year to distribute to stakers, they have 400m link left
it's pretty much a free lunch as it all comes from chainlink's treasury. better for it to go us than sold into the market
the rate is higher as it also draws link from the allocation of 15 of the top chainlink nodes
>staking doesnt matter
>im happy with my gibbs
faggot the gibbs are diluting everyone too. And staking does matter, its the only thing that does matter and the fat ass wants to do everything else but that
Check the secret and uber based LPL chuddie kiddo discord anon you'll be pleasantly surprised

LPL huh how you doing based LPL chuddie kiddos
dude how retarded are you? in no way in chainlink ready for real staking, that's years off
chainlink is ADDING SEVENTY MILLION TOKENS a year to the supply and you're worried about less than 2m going to us... retard
thank you for conceding my point. if staking is years of then there is no reason to buy chainlink and the shitcoin variation the is SDL
why is supply still at 1B, same as launch in 2017?
i thought you guys said the pool was closed
uhh obviously there is... speculation and eventual adoption
do you really think eth is worth $3k? no, it's speculation and name recognition
i am more than happy waiting given the names that chainlink is working with
sdl is a good hold as it gives a % of stLINK fees, just look at lido and reth. if/when chainlink takes off, a LSD is going to be important
that's total supply, i'm taking about circulating supply
it is as long as a sdl staker has some link queued
m8 you speculate to make money. there is no upside to holding chainlink or sdl this cycle
chainlink is long-term bag. we don't know when it will move but we know it will, otherwise you wouldn't have posted 5 times in this thread
have lots of other bags to sell in bull market though
will sell some sdl in peak bull though, i bought a lot around 10 cents
>long term
you really are going to lose it all m8
the first step is to forgive yourself
you were young, you were greedy
take some good profit over the next 6 months-1 year and move on
one speculative asset shouldn't be fucking you up this much(i t. sold half my link bag in 2021)
i don't understand. stakers lost a lot of money (dollars) so far. why would anyone want this? is it the build rewards? you have to give it to the marketing genius that came up with that carrot. exactly what retail crypto idiots want, gambling on shitcoins, but without becoming a competitor selling away the liquidity of link tokens the marketing team advertised so hard for. genius
i got rugged by linkpool too. im just doing my part and letting everyone know what both sergey and johnny had done faggot.
do you have any lpl or sdl now?
Once a based LPL chuddie kiddo always a based LPL chuddie kiddo stay based and LPL pilled fren
nope. i consciously choose to not get involved with projects that steal from me. you called me greedy buy you're the one who is controlled by greed by buying SDL

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