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What the fuck is wrong with women? The practise gf just spent an hour bickering with me about what restaurant we should go to on our next date. She gave me an option of 4 different places and I just picked a random one because I feel like a faggot if I have to think about it any longer than a couple seconds. Then she starts going all "but this... but that..." and it's like why the fuck did you ask me in the first place. You just want me to pick the most expensive restaurant don't you, you vapid little whore? So you can show off and pretend to your friends that you've made it when you're living off MY FUCKING DIME!
You should feel embarrassed for making such a terrible thread.
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that's what they were trained to be like by media
This retard has to practice having a girlfriend.
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>practice gf
>fielding her opinions
>paying for her dinner

You were NEVER going to make it
Don't be mean. Poojeets desire love too.
At least he has one.
And when he takes off the sub 4 training wheels he can upgrade to a cute 7.
Have sex incel.
Only if it's from Tyrone, or maybe a gigachad Chang.
Men and women cannot have a healthy relationship unless the woman is dependent on the man for survival. That's the situation that we were evolved to live in.

Modern society makes the government the provider and protector for/of women, massively altering the power dynamics between the sexes.
I'm married, wouldn't recommend it. Why are you bootlick, btw?
I fell in love with my practice gf
When I turned the light on, mine turned out to be my sister
Bro women are evil
Can't practice with 'em, can't practice without 'em am I right fellas?
>paying for women
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>The practise gf
I don't know if this counts as a skill issue or flexing money
in any case, you only need to be nice to have a girlfriend, now if she turns out to be a crazy bitch or someone from the streets it's not your problem, leave your money for savings or investments, I mean, I wouldn't be holding my $brainlet if I saw women as human piggy bank
Dangerous territory fren, she is doubting you are the man she thought you was. So she creates these situations to see if you are. And you coming here seething proves you are not. She has bitched you down. You were mean to call her out and put your foot down. But you didn't so now she will continue with this behaviour until you do respond. If you don't, she will continue destroying your mentality until you're a husk of a man then dump your ass.
Get practicing nigger. You can't make this mistake in the real game.
if you having girl problems i feel bad for you son
i got 99 being a bitch ain't one
hit me!
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You just referred to someone as a "practise girlfriend" you deserve to suffer you vain little faggot
Where'd all you bluepilled fags come from?
>Where'd all you bluepilled fags come from?
I came from the place where I lived past the year 2016 and got out of this dumbass red/blue matrix you retards live in. If you don't understand how OP is the exact same kind of vain, vapid garbage as his girl by using her like this then you probably have the same problem. They're perfect for each other. He's just even worse than her because he can't even do anything about it but whine on the internet and flaunt how fucking impotent he is.

He doesn't need a practice girlfriend, he needs to stop treating people like commodities and also grow some balls
Shutup retard nigger
>Showing feminine traits to your gf
Yeah, she is getting creampied by BBC at the next available opportunity.

Best post itt
Choke on my dick cheese incel
practice gj so you ignore the bickering or say you chose so its final.
or this
>She gave me an option

And here's where you went wrong. You lead, anon. You pick the food spot. If she doesnt like it she can seethe and cope.
you can't have a 7 if you had a sub 4
andrew tate fan spotted, this implies OP is brown.
Wtf is a "practice gf"? If you're dating, you're dating. Or are you talking about some horrible AI gf nonsense
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Do you retards really not know what a practice gf is? When did this board become so full of newfags? Have we reached the bull market top already?
did you really let your practice girlfriend "give you options"? lol, lmao

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