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Money is flowing in faster than I can responsibly take care of it.
250k in brokerage
Large home entirely paid off
Now I'm selling my old home and raking in around 150k pre tax windfall.
I already Have 20k in each of my kid's college funds. I am in the military so most of my income isn't taxed. I'm not sure if I'm missing anything else. Should I drop another 10k in each college fund to avoid taxes? How does this work? I have too much money, and nothing I want to spend it on, yet I don't want to just lose it to taxes since I might need it later or it would be better off locked away for use for my kids. I considered just dropping it all into brokerage, but somehow I get the feeling there are other ways to utilize it to avoid taxes. I could contact a financial advisor, I'm already given one(?) by having so much money in my bank, but they aren't very helpful.
Please send me some
It would be irresponsible of me as I have children that depend on me. I made this of re-enlistment bonuses, and buying a house during covid that appreciated from 200k to just over 350k in 4 years. Now I'm an LDO, just from having good evals as I'm too scared to have people mad at me so I work extra hard. Just broke six figures and I'll be entirely honest, I'm a total fucking moron and have no idea what is going on. Yet somehow, I'm one of the smartest people in the military and they trust me with reactor stuff. It would be scarier to believe that I'm actually smart and everyone else is just that much dumber.
Sorry, I'm a retarded teenager I don't really know have any advice
Good job anon
larp. military fags are all poor as fuck
Oh. Its okay. I have pretty much zero life experience so I don't have any life advice for you, yet somehow, I feel like I should at this point. I guess what I can tell you is that the military keeps you so comfortable that you never have to grow up, so your maturity and responsibility level never increases, and you end up like me. I want to do better, but don't know how outside of the limited scope of my job! I don't know anything else such that I can compare it to.

ETN re-enlistment bonuses are capped out, 100k pre tax. You can receive it with a STAR re-enlistment just after nuke school, so about 2 years into service. You make E5 the moment you show up to a sub, and are then making E5 over 2 pay with BAH, which you can pocket most of if you have roommates or a girlfriend/wife that works and pays part of the bills. On deployments there really aren't any liberty ports, every port is considered a working port so there is no time to spend money. Even when not on deployment, I spent my entire time on 3 section duty. Money piles up fast, BAH was increased to a hefty amount post covid yet my mortgage didn't increase, and any money I didn't use was just dumped into a brokerage account. I made E6 by year 5. I finished my bachelors on shore duty and had some pretty great interviews with my LDO community officers so I got picked up a year and a half into my second tour.
You can google anything else you need to based on that info if you want. I'm not lying, but you can fantasize whatever you want and call me a faggot, I'll 100% be your faggot OP if you please just help me with some genuine advice.
Over 30 and not even a million yet. Shameful
Hire me to paint you masterpieces. I'm the greatest living painter. When we are both dead, your grandchildren can sell sketches for millions. 50k a year, you get 50% of my paintings.
I do feel that way from talking with my now peers, but most of them had plenty of grooming from their family or the naval academy. I just want to do the best I can man. I asked one of the academy grads with a nice car, but it seems his parents just handle everything and he just shows up so his parents can say they have a son in the military? I miss watching anime with my buddies on crews mess and talking about silly shit. Socially I don't belong here, and it makes me pretty sad, I'm a very simple person. Maybe I should buy a farm, but I didn't grow up on a farm so I have no idea what goes on there either besides what I've read...
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My wife just told me that all the house sale money falls under capital gains exclusion on primary residence, so its all cash no tax.
Its one thing to just be a loser as expected, its another thing to have so much opportunity that 100 years from now, my great grandkids look back at me with shame for fucking up such a ridiculous financial advantage.
AVI is the way. Mainnet is coming very soon. Thank me later.
Buy more land, make a laundry / diner / farm whatever. Be self sustainable, make a business or two thats "its good for it to succeed but if its not then oh well". Make that land work for you, so you can give it to your kids when they need it / when you almost die of old age.

Basically, play life like you play strategy video games, because you can afford it
50/50 VOO/NVDA set and forget and dont touch it until you desperately need to which it sounds like you wont. enjoy your appreciated $ when you need access to it. keep maxing out retirement accounts/IRAs and look into backdoor ROTH. Not sure how it works as I've never tried but a lot of high networth people do it for tax reasons
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Look up ISO20022 and Bank of International Settlement's sentiment on them. In summary, all central and commercial bank's within their domain (almost all) will have to hold a significant portion of their AUM in these coins.

Coins are as follows:
-XRP (Supranational settlements)
-XLM (XRP lite)
-QNT (Permits smart contracts from different chains to interact)
-IOTA (ETH competitior, for industry)
-HBAR (Already utilized in some western militaries)
-ADA (ETH competitor, for recreation)
-ALGO (ETH competitor)
-XDC (Tokenization of Real World Assets, Finance, Utilized in some U.N. branches)
-XVG (TPTB approved Privacy coin)

It's important to consider that, while it is snubbed by most, is that fiat globally is undergoing heat-death and will eventually keel over. Money as we understand it will change. While there may still be a dogecoin, for example, and your house will still be in your name, institutions have chosen ISO20022 to transmit value AND data in one. This evolution cannot be stopped.
if you have 100k+ that you dont want to risk: lock in 2 to 10 year treasury bonds
if you have less than 50k that you are willing to risk: buy VOO & ETFs
if you have more than 100k that you are willing to risk: buy an existing profitable small business with SBA loan
wow anon, for a moment i thought there was a bug on my screen
Interesting post, have anything linking this standard to those coins though? A hunt through the rather hard to parse ISO20022 website finds very little mention of cryptocurrency.
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Take your wife to Hawaii Then get a 5% yield savings account? I keep waiting for the market to flip so I can buy the dip.. So far its been a loser move and I should have timed the Joe Biden dip and balls deep in SP500. But I remember ENRON and BTC stinks. Market looks cycled. I would rather take a gaurantee'd 4% and watch this market cycle than be in when it does.

Due to inflation Ive got a toe in hotels and a small hedge in sp500 so I can say "at least I was in a little bit" if I cant time the market.

My guess is they tried the money printer already this cycle. Now its all about lowering rates to lend more from the money printer...As soon as I go balls deep they will drop the hammer..the market crashes and my money is fucked for the next 16 years. I already know its rigged like this and Im the greedy pig they want to slaughter.
It's true that middle class NPCs lose their purpose when they are not heavily in debt. Idk nigger maybe work towards financial independence? No idea why the fuck bizlets even chase money when they can't enjoy life's hedonistic pleasures. Your wife is cheating on u btw
2 more weeks
LINK is doing what all these coins are trying to except its real
The ISO20022 standard, inherently, is an interoperability of traditional finance and blockchain, limited to the listed coins. I'm not sure why the ISO20022 website itself would not simply list them, however, here is confirmation from Binance as to which coins are ISO20022, with the addition of XVG.

Binance took a lot of heat from governments over privacy coins, which is probably why its not mentioned. Here is a source confirming XVG ISO20022 status in June 2023: https://dapp.expert/news/verge-xvg-has-become-the-ninth-cryptocurrency-to-comply-with-the-iso-20022-standard
Be wary of anyone advising Link. Link is a CCIP Oracle service for SWIFT, which is defunct when ISO20022 comes into effect. The tokens themselves do nothing aside from proof-of-stake and should be viewed as shares that don't represent ownership in the company.

Link also pays people to be "Chainlink Advocates", effectively online door-to-door salespeople from 3rd world countries selling worthless tokens. Screenshot for proof.
You could buy some effereums
buy litecoin ser. big conference on rn
Open a cosplay/maid cafe (that is, have both employees dressed up as well as providing the opportunity to patrons to dress up after giving small deposits or with a membership system)
This implies these coins made themselves compliant and any future coin can. I don't see any suggestion that institutions would actually use them.
Why would anyone want to go to Hawaii? Its hot and gross. If we vacation anywhere it would be somewhere nice and interesting, like Iceland or anywhere else nice in the US such as northern Minnesota.

I have to look up what any of these things even mean, but thanks. I feel these are serious responses, so I will research them seriously.

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