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I got rekt. See highlighted comment. That was me. I was closely following Benjamin Cowen and basically shorted the entire move until 50k. I eventually closed my short and became sidelined because Ben said we would retest the lows, ETF is a nothingburger, recession soon, etc. I believed it all.

I've been depressed for months. I was able to do some trades and eventually broke even but I feel miserable to have missed the bull. I also had a lot of capital (enough to make it) but fucked up because of that balding retard. Fuck me
>I was closely following Benjamin Cowen
Stopped reading here. Hope you learned a lesson, Bobo.
You've still got time. AVI is here for you.
Anon there even tried to warn me, but I thought a bull market starting now was just wishful thinking with interest rates being high, inverted yield curve, etc. I also listed to Gareth Soloway which fucked me up even more.

Sad part is that I've been here since 2021. I was bullish on AI alt-coins but didn't invest in them because I thought it was too early to experience the bull (I was convinced it could not happen until late 2024, following the 4-year cycle).

I don't know what to do at this point. It seems risky to go in now. Btc isn't going to give crazy returns from here, and the hype of AI tokens seems to have subsided, so I am not sure what's the best move from here. I am a sidelined idot for now
Just buy spot and hold stupid. Ofc we are going to 6 digits some time

And just to clarify: the OP in that pic isn't me. I am just the highlighted comment, replying to the thread.
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>but fucked up because of that balding retard.
No. You fucked up because of yourself.
Do your own research. Stop relying on spergs and celebrities.
>Do your own research

Funny thing is my own research contradicted what Ben was saying, but he brought up a bunch of charts, said he's been in crypto since 2015, has a PhD, etc. I assumed that I must be in the wrong then -- who am I to go against the crypto expert
Trust yourself over a pile of useless credentials or ngmi

Remember he also sleeps on a floor mattress and doesn't have a hot wife
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>who am I to go against the crypto expert
Know thyself.
That is all.
Gigantic fucking retard. Gigantic stupid fucking retard. Stupid stupid stupid stupid.
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>since 2021
You made 20k and were bragging, you pathetic poorfaggot. You are maybe the last of the cancer newfaggot redditors. Please fucking leave so we can finally be gone of your kind.
>Wahhh I missed making 50k on the bullrun
Get a job cunt.
I know. I'm done with these retarded "analysts." I feel like a complete retard, but I was also listening to Capo too

I know. It was mostly due to inexperience

No, I made 20k just shorting in the summer of 2023
How much did you lose all together
Troll post; nobody picks the 3 worst analysts to listen to

Blindly following Alessio Rastani will actually make you money
I am at a break even now because I switched over to long positions in February

I wish I was joking. I completely removed all bullish analysts from my sight because I had the idea that they only wanted other people to pump their bags which is why they are bullish. Like in 2021, the bulls got people rekt, while the bears were the ones who said to secure profits, don't be greedy, etc. I was forever stuck in 2021
I would say take ur position and throw it in bitcoin but take like 1-3k and do a shitcoin casino challenge to trade up to 100k so you can have some fun. There's definitely still life left in this run.
I too am a perma bear but I don't fuck with shorts, one day. The collapse will happen eventually... two more weeks
I would kill myself honestly bobo
You probably lost your future
Your exit to poverty
Your exit plan and early retirement
All because you were a greedy bear.
Life is not worth it without Bitcoin. You should Kys.
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>OP loses life savings
>Recommend him a scam coin to lose his life savings again
Nice try Pajeet
Is AI still worth a play? I messed around with the bsc casino back in 2021 and had a blast. Even the most obvious scams were doing 5x but now it seems like shitcoin gambling only loses you money

I'm going to short shitcoins when I see peak euphoria. That's pretty much a guaranteed return
>I would kill myself honestly bobo
I did become suicidal, but I'm too much of a pussy to actually kms. I'm at a break even, so I'm not at a total loss, but it's still pretty awful since I've been watching the charts since btc bottomed out in 2022
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Benjamin Cowen told you to sell all your shitcoins and buy bitcoin he was right. Then he said bitcoin will outperform all your shitcoins except for my chosen shitcoin which happens to be apu so he was right again.
>followed a jew
>who am I to go against the crypto expert

My brother in christ, we went through an several crashes and millions of dollars stolen because of these scammers kept parading their credentials to get people to believe and trust them. Celsius Network is one of the biggest examples. Everything anyone says when your money (or even life) is at stake is up for scrutiny. Even if they were right 100 times before.
amazing how many of you idiots blindly follow others
same, but i wasnt schizo enough to short it
now 30% invested mstr, the rest in cash sidelined waiting for muh recession

I'm relatively young and somewhat impressionable. I had a 2x leverage long open on bitcoin at 19k and closed it because my brother-in-law said the banking system is about to collapse (this was during the March 2023 regional banking crisis). He works in banking, and I had the exact same logic, "Who am I to know better than Mr. Banker?" It ends up being nothing, and bitcoin then shoots to 30k after that. I was so angry. And what did I do after that? I started following Ben. I always had doubts in myself and my own ability. If I had followed what I believed to be correct, I would have had over a million (I had my hand on the mouse ready to go into a bitx, the 2x leveraged btc etf but didn't because someone else said leveraged etfs all go to 0).

It's been a rough ride for me. I never anticipated performing this poorly for this cycle. I guess I am just destined to never make it
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I shorted $jeoing737 this week and got a 3x
maybe you're just dumb
>blabla woe is me
who cares faggot
get a grip on urself, stop living in the past, stop listening to nasally voiced finfluencer jews
liquidity and price action is the only thing that matters for buttcoin
anyone presents you with a rivetting narrative? = call him a swarthy faggot jew
So instead of joining the bulls during the bullrun, shorting the double top or shorting this dead cat bounce right now you're here a year later still bitching and crying about some ejew? NGMI
Honestly, thank you for this. I grew up in a pretty much all-female household (dad was working 24/7) and was only ever put down and discouraged by my mother and sisters, so I developed a mentality of doubting myself whenever I think for myself. I need to move forward from here. Wish I had someone like you guys as an older bro

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