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Short description
>This project shall look into various possibilities for collecting information to set up an asset registry which may afterwards feed into a future policy initiative. It shall aim at exploring how to collect and link information available from various sources on asset ownership (e.g. land registries, company registers, trusts and foundations registers, central depositories of securities ownership, etc.) and analyse the design, scope, and challenges for such a Union asset registry. The possibility to include in the registry data related to the ownership of other assets such as cryptocurrencies, works of art, real estate, and gold, shall also be considered.
Yeah but apparently Brexit was a bad idea.
Why do Eurosheep want the EU as a governmental body that presides over their actual nations again? What's the argument they are indoctrinated into believing as to why it is essential?

I'm asking as a burger who loathes the federal government and knows my state would be way better off as an independent nation not tied to other shit states under a parasitic federal government that barely even pretends to represent the public.

Was it pitched like "hey lets be like the United States of Europe but even worse and more communist than the USA" or was it pitched like "you are a nahtzee if you oppose the EU shutup and eat bugs".
It wasn't pitched at all. If ever a nation voted against entry into the EU they would just smash them with propaganda through the media and redo the vote until they voted correctly.
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Monero fixes this.
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We don't, Brexit was the first time the EU accepted the result of a referendum. Every other vote just gets ignored or repeated until they get the desired result.
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Even a country considered positive to the EU as a whole, Sweden, only scraped by on the barest margin when we voted to join in the 90's. At this point most people won't oppose it simply for the freedom of movement it offers as well as a hefty amount of sunk cost fallacy, no matter how much it fucks us over as a society (unlimited gypsies, organized crime, immigration, making a net loss as far as monetary contributions go by propping up deadbeat east and central European countries, etc).
It was never accepted. We have harmonised our regulations and taxes with the EU since the vote, this is one of the reasons the Tories were destroyed, due to betrayal. An actual Brexit won't happen because it would mean separating ties with the actual people who own the EU and Britain; the jewish-american global empire.
Through decades of propaganda the EU as an institution has achieved the same sort of religious reverence to progressives as things like vaccines, global warming, lgbt etc. So for a large chunk of every population there is now a real psychological derangement when it comes to the subject of the EU. It is impossible to have a rational conversation about membership the same way you can't talk to them about "trans" people or whether green laws are actually green.

When I was a kid in the 80s and early 90s Europe was a serious intellectual subject everyone was having in the UK on the left and the right, weighing up pros and cons. That has all gone out of the window. Now if you oppose the EU you are racist and ignorant, and this is probably the most anti-EU country in all of Europe. It's probably much worse in places like Germany and France.
A weird mix of propaganda. Media calls Europe recently a country. They say England left Europe. And they imply this country has a rightful claim to conquer every country up to the border of Russia including Belarus.
The arguments are
>muh power on the global stage
>we can better ((resolve crisis)) like fighting against russia or this climate thing
>without EU we would have wars in europe
And I bit of yeah it's inevitable go with the times chud
implying the UK won't come up with its own gay anglican version of same. it's their MO
are they wrong? Europe historically has been in a constant state of internecine warfare until the late 1940s
Yes there was no reason in Europe for war anymore, it even was partitioned between Russian and usa influence anyway. Usa and Russia would not have tolerated infighting. And in modern times it's even more absurd to have a war I know Russians and Ukrainians but that's unthinkable here. Nukes prevented a big war, modernity a small war.
>are they wrong?
Yes. The whole world has always been in a constant state of war. It's not as if this was a problem only found in Europe. Every single piece of dirt on the planet has been conquered countless times by some war mongering cunt or another. The thing that stopped war recently was Pax Americana, and that's going away. The EU did fuck all to stop war in Ukraine. In fact one could argue it was one of the causes of that war.
the european union is a good idea in principle. the problem is the current people running it
They're laying the groundwork for a "wealth tax." This will come to every country where people don't wake up and fight it.
World War 1 was 100% contrived and didn't need to happen.
It’s insane just how incredibly Jewish things have gotten
Pretty much every European (possibly US as well) institution is like this. Post-War it made sense and was led by people with actual agendas based on actual principles. Cut to now and it's a blob of patched together maybes and people who do anything to please their donors and focus groups.
they still have wars and will have wars. Kosovo, Ukraine and who knows in the future...
sure, but now Germany isn't bombing France for the nth time
It was in 2021. Nothing happened since. What the fuck are you even done posting this ? What are you trying to elicit ?
Those are all really bad delusional arguments. Which is what I figured from my cursory knowledge of European politics.

The European population being weary of war due to the price of previous World Wars, is itself enough of a deterrent. It's a much different time. The citizens are not more deranged in a pro-war sense than the political class, it's the opposite with the EU and NATO political class being more likely to provoke or drag themselves into an unnecessary war from the point of view of the populations they rule over. Centralization of power is never a good idea, just a red herring when it comes to the subject of avoiding war. Otherwise it might follow we need a one world government to avoid WW3. But there is no timeline in which a one world government would not be a totalitarian dystopia completely incapable of representing 99% of the planet. Its out of the frying pan and into the fire, except the fire is real wheras the frying pan is an illusion in people's heads.
This is good for bitcoin
You mean Monero
Which book is that from?
never going to happen

but all the non-Whites continue to expose themselves seething about Europe

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