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Russians are whining about their economy again
Meanwhile Russian economists are accidentally falling out of windows again
same problem as everywhere else
corrupt central banks with access to the money supply.
Any big brains can explain why it seems like people from such different countries and economies have the same problem? I mean, apart from the happiet countries in the world like Norway or Switzerland, it looks like a an average young man from Rome, Osaka, Moscow and London have the same problems. Totally different cultures and different economies. It shouldn't be like that but it looks like it is.
>russian economy
as a spaniard i only feel disgust about russians, they can root in fucking hell for all i care
i'm playing my pet hooligan while those fuckers get absolutely rape by american drones
Oh no.
You're in a unique position to abuse Spanish squatting laws and russian inability to sue or protest. There are confiscated russian yachts docked in towns near Barcelona, feel free to squat in any of those.
Stay for 48 hours and it's yours.
There are at least five in Tarragona.
Was wondering the same thing…
I thought le based russia is super strong fighting globohomo. Why are they getting assraped by brown shitcels, struggling to feed their families, living in a fucking shithole buying chink garbage for enormous prices? Last i heard russia was stronger than ever, did pol lie to me again? What happened to trad values and comfy life in the paradise on earth that is Russia?
>sell their labour at prices too low for Europe
well yes because Russia is not Europe, it's a third world shithole who could be much better off at the moment but no they had to push evil NATO who never had any intention to attack or do anything to Russia btw but they just had to be paranoid mongrels. get raped by pajeets, chinks, mudslims and kikes now you AIDS infested faggots. fucking top 3 in HIV infections preaching traditional Christian values. actual lower tier subhumans than S*rbs
Banks giving out loans has to be abolished
They've already started doing it in London. Can't evict because owner can't show up to court in person.
Butthurt pole spotted
>my pet hooligan
I just watched the trailer. Degenerate nigger rap slop. You don't need to be droned you're already dead.
/biz/ is dead. These disgusting replies are /int/ and /sp/ tier.

Not being able to break out of your strata in Russia is by design. The last time the lower classes got a ton of wealth from oil in the early 2000s it caused the protests of 2011-2013 which the government realized was a mistake. Reminder that historically revolution is more likely to happen when things get better not the other way around. Tyrants are tyrants for a reason because they keep the rabble down with an iron fist and don't let the rabble get too strong. The longest ruling autocrats were the most bloody and brutal. Putin knows this because he openly admires Peter the Great.

Also things will get worse because they are spending all the money on the war, this makes the GDP look good and the plebs have been conditioned by media to think high gdp = great economy/society (not just in russia even in the west), I'm also unsure they can increase their oil capacity without US/European help last I checked but as I said not sure, ukraine is going hard on their oil refineries. Their economy and military is also suffering because of sanctions believe it or not even though the media again is kind of clueless but what they don't see is that Russia needs a ton of sophisticated machine parts that mostly come from Europe, its too intelligent and artisanal for Russia or China to replicate, and its a chokepoint to a ton of military and other industrial stuff for the economy, at the moment they are probably sourcing from grey/black markets but say in the case of artillery you can see they are having to buy high dud rate artillery from north korea instead of stepping up their own production. Again media is in the dark about this because its nerdy engineer shit, its the sausage factory/behind the scenes but there will be a crisis when they run out of soviet shit. I also think Trump if elected won't stop giving aid to ukraine (rather it will be IOU stamped on it) but the reasons would go over the post limit and I'm getting too off topic
not a pole but yeah im so butthurt struggling big time living in a 1st world country with rising wages and booming economy very jelly of the AIDs ridden Christian Chaturbate capital of the northen hemisphere with average wages lower than fucking Bulgaria and Lithuania
Anyone have data on Russian crypto purchase volumes over the years?
good post. sometimes i feel bad for the russian people. quality white people with lots of genius minds. too bad they're getting slowly but certainly fucked. doesn't matter what happens in Ukraine, the average normie Russian loses even if Russia wins.
What does Russia even win in Ukraine? Unless globohomo is hiding fairy godmothers in a secret under facility it's not worth it.
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These are the VISUALLY and recorded confirmed loses of Russia and Ukraine in ONE DAY
You tell me how the hell is this sustainable? And im not talking about men getting killed, Russia doesnt care about that, but nobody expected almost 3 years of the 3 days special military operation. Its a fucking money sinkhole.
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Still mad at myself for not buying Rheinmetall stocks at the outbreak of the war
so whats the source on that pic since there is clearly more to it
also odd esl use in there, some sentences i cant really make sense of or they are omitting some details for brevity
>Telegram account: @zhivoff
racism (antisemitism) outside of /b/ is bannable offence
thanks op, that added context makes the pic in op a lot more clear
>OP reddit moment
Putin is a WEF member just like all of them
Yeah how can Ukraine be winning so hard according to all of MSM while actually losing more and more land every day? Either they're lying to you or I guess they're just trying to lose on purpose, for a joke
Fuck off, zigger. When they run out of inmates to send into the grinder, you'll be next.
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>drop a random pin in moscow
>no garbage, presentable white people walking around
>now drop a random pin in minneapolis
>either zero people or groids, garbage and grafiti everywhere

no amount of line go up can justify what has happened
You complain about nonwhites in russia but we in the west have far more percentage wise
>somehow russia loses 5 times the amount but ukraine is starting to beg about peace
To the front with you, ukraine needs men
>drop a pin on historic capital
>drop a pin in 400K Minneapolis shithole
>compare the two
You were dropped too weren’t you..
I thought Putin Russia was Le based and redpilled.
Cry harder. We are the dominant race of the world. Feels good man
hohols have wandered out of their hugboxes again? back to the trenches pigglets!!!!
>beg about peace
ELS moment
This, don't notice how every european nation has the same problem with ethnic replacement and economic stagnation, pay attention to the circuses (not bread, that's too expensive). Your side is the savior of civilization, the other side corrupt and evil
You have no idea how beautiful my guillotine is going to be.
They're going to make paintings of it that rival the popularity of the Mona Lisa.
Yes I know the Mona Lisa is only famous because it was in the news for being stolen, so will my guillotine. Someone will steal it and make it even more famous when it is found and put back to work on the men who stole it.
Demographic collapse is a global phenomenon.
Give it 40 years and you will have nigerians complaining about the same stuff.
Too many people, too much centralized wealth, land, opportunity and intellectual property keeping any good incentives to excel from the lower classes. Its not that complex, really. Normally we'd have a 'bust' cycle to the boom that wipes out all the people or the wealth or both, either a huge war, an economic collapse, a famine, whatever, but the establishment in most nations are fighting hard to keep it from happening.

Norway and Switzerland and their ilk are partially protected by virtue of being population-light, tightly controlled bubbles cordoning themselves off from most of the rest of society, but when global markets collapse or we enter WW3, they'll feel the burn as much as anyone. Norway's only got 5 or 6 million people in the entire nation, we've got single cities larger than that in America by population, and that means comparitively few mouths to feed, more direct control over their institutions who can't as easily obfuscate blame, and more money per-capita in that closed system, but once the world collapses, anywhere still inhabitable will be flooded by tens of millions of refugees fleeing war/collapse/hunger.

Being the one guy with 'good' fiscal behavior won't save you from an institutional collapse that spans the globe, sadly. The only things that fixes this in the long term is either allowing the collapse to happen, or peacefully addressing the centralization of wealth and opportunity by attacking landlords, corporations, banks and rent-seeking behavior with legislation that makes it more difficult for them to hold onto wealth without reinvesting in the communities around them. Probably the first is more likely than the second.
Good post.
It really shouldn't be hard to make owning more than 4 homes a burden. 4 is more than enough for any single individual or family (husband and wife). And it should be illegal for corporations to own any single family home.

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