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>old people who work, only work because they want to!
Should be illegal to earn a salary past 70. Either you've made it or you're a loser for life, either way gtfo the job market.
What went so wrong?
If he's a long time McDonald's employee he doesn't deserve to retire. If he's 82 and missed cheap housing and the myriad of investment opportunities including 50-60 years of compounding s&p 500 gains he also doesn't deserve to retire.
>Lived through the greatest economic period in history.
>Could've paid for college with summer jobs and owned a cheap house by 30.
>Literal tutorial mode
>still fucked it up
Don't feel sorry for these people.
Most boomers would actually die if they retired, old people dont have the ability to use their brain for hours a day researching information online, interacting, thinking hard about topics and issues, and most of them have been sedentary for their entire life, so they have 0 ability to exercise

The only way most boomers can survive and not just have their brains turn to shit is to continue working, its all they know, work.

My dad retired at 64 and the entire family noticed a rapid decline in his mental and physical, all he would do was sit and watch TV all day, sure he'd do some yard work here and there, do some things in the garage, but thats it, most of his retirement was sitting on the couch watching TV.

We all encouraged him to go find something to do outside of the house that would keep him busy, even if it was volunteering.

So he started volunteering at the local council, and he ended up getting a paid position, and hes working full-time now. The mental & physical decline he had suddenly ceased and hes no long declining like he was before when he was at home all the time.

All he has known is work all his life, no hobbies, no interests, nothing, work is all he knows. For many people from my dads generation, they don't know what to do besides work.

Not saying YOU have to do this, I can personally keep busy without working, because all of my hobbies & interest are pretty much work, trading stocks, crypto, researching all kinds of information online about a variety of topics, lifting weights, cardio etc - both mental & physical... but most people dont have this, most people need to be told what to do or have specific set tasks where they go and do X work at.
>was too stupid to save a retirement during the world's greatest economy ever

His dumb fucking fault
>thinks theyre going to retire
>thinks this wont happen to them
says the guy who thinks the internet has always been around and investment opportunities were always a click away
Tbh my grandparents on my mothers side are 86 and they were both factory workers and they own a multi-million dollar home paid off, and have 6 figures in savings. They never invested in anything other than buying a house with their factory worker incomes. They didn't even go to school. They bought a house in factory worker port area, and they stayed there when the factories at the port got shut down, then the area turned into a beach side paradise for the wealthy and they never left
My parents are both in their late 60s and have plenty of savings and dont need to work, but still do. They keep hoarding money out of an extreme fiscal conservativism and fearfulness. In my mom's case especially, she works because it is her entire personality. She has no real friends or hobbies. Not sure if most women are this way.

They fail to realize that time is a much more precious resource than money.
A properly functioning society takes care of old people as a societies past is just as important as its future. Unfortunately our society is a broken turd so people don’t respect the elderly any longer.

"Retirement" is just a number. You can reach it at any point. All it takes is saving, investing, growing a support network, and hitting the magic number. If this faggot didn't, it's his fault. We ruined our economy for the sake of people like this. Now there are ponzi schemes like SS robbing us all.
So you had to make a phone call, not a high barrier to entry.
Wont happen to me I'm holding bitcoin bro
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I know that I could make it just playing fps on superverse, but my old hands cant keep up with all the fucking good for nothing teens that spend hundreds of hours a week playing, damn, all my life wanted to live off playing videogames and now that it is possible I'm old... oh the irony
spotted the basement dwelling zoomer
Maybe he should've got a better job.
These old fucks disgust me as a young alpha male. It's against every law of nature to have these old geriatric fucks sitting in their mega mansions they got for 10k and a firm handshake while the supreme physical specimens like myself are fighting for scraps in the economy they destroyed. I think ima cop them keys old nigguh lemme borrow that shit real quick.
> I think ima cop them keys old nigguh lemme borrow that shit real quick.
haha it will probably be easier to pull off in the future too, as old people become more isolated. you could find a new retirement home every few months
gtfo old man
vault 104
git gud
They don't respect the elderly because the worth of an individual lies in their capability to produce wealth, and influence wealth creation in others, alongside their capacity for maintaining their wealth.
If you as an elderly man or woman lack these qualities, you are just as worthless as the average NEET.
>nothing could possibly happen in the next 40 years that could devalue or replace bitcoin
skin color, phenotype, race
kek kys zoomer scum.
I guess when you get to that age you feel a lack of purpose, I would be the same way, most likely with good savings from my dogs and my $brainlet, but still I think I'd like to do something other than rot in my house
Maybe don't waste all your money on masks and goggles? He probably wears gloves all day too
Are you that intentionally dense or just pretending?
I'm sparing my judgement of him and other old bucks like him because working at McDonald's is a worse punishment than anything I could say.
There's a reason handguns are affordable on the secondhand market.
lol, I retired at 25
kek my dad retired a few years ago and has plenty of money to live a comfortable life but he was simply going crazy and getting depressed, didn't know what to do with his life without working.

So now he works 3-4 days a week again. I will never understand boomers.
>working for multi-billion company is le bad
back in those days brokers had boilerrooms of people that telephoned you to get your money invested and altho the process itself was more difficult they would handle all of that from a single phonecall
but zoomers these days dont even known talking over a phone used to be a thing, do they even know their own primary device actually has this functionality

No, these people just lost the game of life. There's nothing else that screams "I fucking suck and lost the game of life" than being poor, destitute, dependent, without children or a support network at age 80. Like what the fuck were you doing during America's golden age? Retard

If you don't name and shame these people the cycle keeps repeating, everybody puts shit off and lives short sightedly
I'd rather be a poorfag destitute than being subservient to mr sheckelberg in exchange for money and social prestige a.k.a being a glorified slave/wagie. Fuck the (((game of life)))
t. NEET chad neeting for 2 decades
This is my parent's situation as well. They are mid sixties and my dad finally retired after being an extremely hard worker his entire life. Fortunately he isn't a TV watcher but he is going to go crazy spending all day alone with my mom, so they already signed up to go to Africa for 3 months to help niggers with some Christcuck charity. I do wonder what else they will do besides traveling to fill the time.
Lol. The world has essentially been made such that the vast majority of people no longer succumb to the elements. The saying

>respect your elders

Only ecisted because getting to old age used to be a difficult thing to do. It no longer is difficult to do. There is no reason to respect somebody for simply being old. Either you made it or you didn't. In no way shape or form should this 80 year old walmart employees be taken care of due to their shit choices in life.
>wanting to work
do amerifats really
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I mean, sure whatever. they're still right though
Future of no coiners
lmao clean it up wagie
Do you really still have to wear a mask in Cuck Vegas?
No, that died in 2022 because tourism was dying.

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