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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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I cant even buy tuna cans because they doubled in price. Shit.
How are people getting by?
not at all desu. I see the prices of everything have gone way up and occasionally get pissed about spending $20 on a sandwich made by a retarded zoomer making $20 an hour that still expects me to tip 20% ... but it honestly hasn't affected me that much. I make decent money and am glad for it. idk how poor people are holding up, its gotta be rough.
Found an old receipt in some old jeans I'd not worn for about 12 years.
Let's just say we are being shafted beyond what people actually realise.
everyone is making more money now thought too. $20/hr sandwich makers wouldn't have been able to beat $10/hr 12 years ago. its probably the lower end of the middle class that has had the most wage stagnation desu. skilled labor that never really paid that great. cops, EMTs, teachers, etc. everyone else has significantly increased their income
I stopped traveling and going out to eat at resturaunts. I make six figures and I'm still barely keeping up with my savings goals of $2.5k a month.
>How are people getting by?
Said goodbye to the city and moved to the rural Southwest. If I get laid off they were gonna lay me off to replace me with Indians anyways, regardless of being remote or in-office, and at least out here I have way lower CoL.
>everyone is making more money now thought too
No they're not lmao. Businesses are cutting corners left and right and making fewer employees do more work.
If you don't have a 3 million USD net worth by the time you turn 30, then get used to being a slave forever.
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>everyone is making more money now thought too
y-yeah, me too
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My net worth has inflated. It's been hovering between $1.8 and $2.4 million since the start of the year.
You're about 2 years too late to be making this thread, prices have barely risen in the past year. I'm seeing supermarket food prices deflate.
Not where i live, things keep getting more expensive.
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>lease expires in 3 months
>haven't gotten a single callback from mcjobs
>too retarded to understand investing
>too stupid for college
>injured myself lifting and can't do construction or anything laborious for hours
I want to kill myself but I'd probably fuck it up
if I end up homeless I'm probably just downing a fifth and laying on train tracks
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I just dont buy tuna, allergic as shit to it, instead grow my own veggies and only buy organics from my local groceries, its been years since I dropped being a wagie and only make do to lots of staking and web3 gaming on super, not saying that this is the way to do it but... I'm just on another level
>2.5k a month
checked and let me tell you that your efforts to save are pointless. you're better off debtmaxing credit and gambling the proceeds on longshots or shoplifting in big cities. You are way more likely to hit 250k with these activities in less than the 10 fucking years it takes to accumulate it from your six figure job. holy shit that is depressing. the prospects of waging has never been this bleak. id rather be a bum than grind my ass to save that paltry amount per year.
and me too! right guys?
nice, then why lose time shitposting on biz?
if someone is making money I wanna join, please
I too am a firm believer that not a single one who "makes it" is here or ever was, biz is like financial advice limbo
more like purgatory
I dont play games on that shit, but I do daytrade in tokens, its kinda allright
One, I don't consider myself made quite yet
Two, once I do make it, I'll be shitposting on /biz/ 24/7
It has not affected me at all. In fact my gibs increased so much I'm better off than 5 years ago.
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of course it affects me, thats why im putting a small % on superverse or other related gaming coins, trying to save something in us dollars its literally worthless at this point, why do you think btc price went absolutely nuts last bullrun
Gibs have gone up by 10 or 20% at most, while food has in many cases doubled
the only thing i can afford now are luxury vacations. thank god they haven't inflated much
so, you basically swaping your worthless $ for a worthless token lol
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It would be much better if you put that small % on btc instead of that
Food is heavily subsidized here. It's more expensive but not that much. My rent is still the same (fully paid by the gov), my electric bill is the same (after peaking for a while). Only thing that's worse for me is silver but if I reduce the range to 4 years it's about the same, too.
Hey, attached pic is $marv
Hi $marv! Tell Pepe I said hi!
>How are people getting by?

I live at my sister's. I have siblings here and we contribute to rent. Almost everyone in my neighborhood is living with their relatives and I just ignore all the vehicles on the side of the streets.

At this point I don't care about a white suburban gated community. I work at a warehouse and they always need people.
Pfft. You don't get out much do you?
Enough to make a million look like a small thing, I just hope it doesn't affect my strategy too much for when I have to let go of my $brainlet
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im worried about my family

i dont need to cover anything to account for inflation because i have money and financial security, but my mom is old and she has a broken leg so she cant work for a couple of months, i've been trying to get her to do the "farming airdrops from social media and the unicorn chain" because i figured it was easy enough, its not hard and it just takes a lil' bit of time but to no avail, she just gets confused with crypto, thing is i dont have enough time to think about a way to help her make her own money and she doesnt want me to give her money because she feels useless and like a burden but as things are going she will have to cope and let me help her financially

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