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Awesome, let's hope it lasts till I get paid.
Its sexy, my peepee hard af!
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>stock market meltdown
>*checks price*
you laugh today but bitfuck will catch up and crash to 12k
it needs to drop 50% I want to see finance fags offing themselves, and boomers jumping out of buildings as their 401k gets liquidated and the value on their multiple homes loses 30%
Im a tradlet i just started with future trading, im doing ok, im up 100
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>FED cutting rates
>Unemployment gradually going up for over a year

These two things tell you were in a fucking recession. Not some 2022 recession that the media can sweep under the rug but a full blown either 2001 Dot Com crash or 2008 financial crisis. We'll see in a few months which one happens
The opposite of what I expect FUN chart to look like by the end of summer
that would be awesome. Its about time these boomer fucks felt some pain.
Does 3% really count as a crash?
Crashing is a present tense descriptor, it technically started last week
Sweet! I always wondered what the millennial experience was like but I was born 20 years too late.
but im shorting btc as well
not really but it's quite a large daily drop anyway, last time this happened was late 2022, for nasdaq 2% either way is already quite a lot and 3.5% is really rare, if its sustained over the next days with further losses its a bit of a crash yeah
I bought some more.
It dumps for no reason, it goes up for no reason. So all I have to do is buy when it dumps, and sell after it went up for a while.
It dumped in 2022 because the Fed finally put the foot down on 0% rates.
This dump is completely organic. Companies are missing earnings expectations on all sides.
Y’all see how good Joe Biden was for the economy? He got sick and decided not to run again and the markets crumbled. I guess Joe Biden and the Democrats were our friends afterall folks.
Doomers are always wrong
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that graph looks like a hand
sold XRP to slurp a few stocks, feels good man

My experience was hiring freezes and layoffs everywhere and the people lucky enough to keep their jobs all looking down on me.
it has begun
I'm a cryptofag but will transition to boomerstocks after this bull run.
Is now the time to start averaging in to the S&P?
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I'm gambling on flip.gg
I'm actually winning, maybe I have to stop...
I hope my workplace finally fires lazy fucks.
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Doomers are hilarious
I don't think meltdown means what you think it means anon. Sometimes number go up, sometimes number goes down. That's the way it works. Down today, up again next week. Even if it continues downward for a while and digs a painful little trench, it's not a concern. Sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, the stock market will eventually recover from whatever downturn occurs. Should the day come where we witness complete irrecoverable collapse....well...we will have bigger problems than stocks, and I hope you own food rations, guns, and ammunition.
>millennial experience
America was still reasonably white in 2008 and high-trust. This time, you'll get the combination of a depression with 80 million unwashed third worlders and many millions of homeless drug addicts being denied their fix

How's your Enron stock doing?
Wait until you realize this happens every 6-10 years and its not unique to millennials.
Wrong as always poltard
Either provide an argument or go back to /k/, nafo troon
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>sold xrp
It's the dotcom x15 and 2008 x25 at the same time
It's going to be an unprecedented crisis

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