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>inflationary infinite supply
>constantly setting $ on fire to subsidize fake low fees -- UNSUSTAINABLE AS FUCK
>can't run your own validator because those idiots thought it would be a good idea to scale based on hardware
>worst ties with vc world
>offline every month
>monolithic outdated l1 with stupid consensus, can't even store all data on-chain
>toxic 12 yo zoomer culture
>only memes, copycats and jeet rugs
>not a single institutional player want to build on top of it

yet it seems like they successfully brainwashed every single person in crypto WITH 0 EFFORTS AND NO FIGHTBACKS AT ALL, like if a mass lobotomy just were forced on this whole space on a given day

they're even eating ethmaxis alive on a daily basis on ct, owning every single narrative WITH ABSOLUTE THIN AIR AND NOTHING TO SHOW OFF once you take a further look






from cypherpunks with top tier ethos to some 13 yo zoomers flexxing hatcoins

from devs holding some compsci phd to spoiled kids holding retardios and mlladys


HOW??? HOW?????????? HOW THEY DID IT??????

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I fear, if this shit somehow gets an etf, its literally over for crypto :(
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I sold some SOL a while back, is there any point buying back in now?
SBF worked with the DNC to launder money, he had ties with pumping Solana with consumer funds. This is just the next iteration of 2022 and FTX, the DNC needs money to run their propoganda machine this year so its time to let the coin pump.

That being said, at least the devs let their scam coin pump, unlike shit that is actually used like ETH and Chainlink, they actually care about making their holders rich.
Crypto investors are retards at average and they managed to make the best advertizement
shitcoin casino is mainly why and memes have been flying while "utility" plays have been going nowhere. The money flows to whatever dogshit yields gains.
CT is pretty fake though and artificially propped. Many accounts are botted and a lot of influencers dont even have their teeth in the game or are paid for by shitcoin devs. If whales decide to switch to another chain then influencers will move there like a flock of sheep there is no loyalty in crypto (and why would there be?) its only grifting for the highest payout
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Another safemoon in the making
let's just say Alameda was not the only piece of shit VC squad on that chain. turns out you can get away with the exact same shit as Sammy boy if you keep a low profile instead of antagonizing people on Twitter and running an apocalyptic sex cult
It's this season's BSC. Cry more and miss
People itt still sperging about le hecking sbf ftx alameda KEK
its because of bitcoin dude, ask yourself with the same level of scrutiny towards a chain nobody is using other than utilizing centralized exchange's servers to actually buy it
Bullshit it mooned in 2021 already its not even new
Just bought more
good for you, store it on a cex!
I dont know i dont get it either. How the fuck is this piece of shit so well marketed and known? Its bizarre. I guess SBF picked it as a winner so now loads of kike VCs are invested in it and want to pump it
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>How the fuck is this piece of shit so well marketed
how all the redditors bought ada back then a few years ago when its tps was literally sub1? :D
This guy is right(plus the jew vc):>>58779943
They dont care, they not even know what is the core principle of crypto, man I miss 2016!
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adapt or get left behind
anon I(have more than 70 iq)
most people are retarded. MOST.
Never forget that.
Retardio, that's how.
Narratives follow price movements. Normies saw line go up and got on board. Simple as that.
As for why the line went up, well I can only guess the shit show going on behind the scenes.
It's the new ADA. With the different is that this actually works except when it doesn't and shuts down.
The crypto market is such a clown show. It doesn't matter if your product is shit or you have no product, you get to be in the top 10 by marketcap.
i even see boomer fund investors on youtube talking about solana now.
>worst ties with vc world
these are the ones that make line go up tho
solana is the clearest example that neither tech nor usage metrics matter at all for the pa
its all manipulated by whales to extract value from retail
always was always will

hence why the milady kids will generate more line go up than the compsci phds
When I saw that Solana had a pajeet co-creator I knew it was fucking terrible
And yet you have nft games still being released and paying money on sol, or hosting their tokens on sol (panda roll) incredibly powerful shit, i guess being shitty and having basically 0 fees really counteract each other or something
Nobody said it was "new". The shitcoin volume it attracted ytd is what I meant, mainly due to pumpfun. SOL will continue to moon too for this reason (and the coming ETF) short-mid term
/biz/ is about making money
If you have a lot of money to spend, yes.
Otherwise just stick to some solid memecoins.
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$0.01 tx fee
1 second or less to send
all the gains have already been made. what are you counting on? $1000? you won't even get a 2x from here. I was shilled this at $20 last year and it went to $200. 10x and dumb niggers say the "upcoming" bullrun. it's already over. if you can't wait for sol to crash you dont belong in this space.
>eth mcap = $386b
>sol mcap = $81b
We’re here to surpass a boomer coin fucko, if you’re not in on the ride move away. If you don’t think the vc jews won’t pump this to eth levels then you’re pretty fucking naive.
if that were going to happen it would have done so in march when all the dumfuk celebs were promoting it. or was that the first sell off to you?
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vc chads aint as naive and retarded as you, as long as bitcoin still has momentum and the ETF rumor is still in the air they're not going to dump sol, it's simple as that. Don't seethe when you get left behind the same way you got left behind when you got shilled at $20.
>he determines a billion dollar mcap coin's performance over celebs shilling
lol, retail has no power over crypto anymore it's all vc and institutions now this cycle.
>left behind
I dont care I already made it nigger. I dont rely on shilling crypto to put food on the table rakesh. ill buy sol when it crashes again just for fun. and if you KNOW that sol is going to continue higher post screenshot your bet on polymarket. or do you just hold spot?
>I already made it
sure you do, browsing a dying board in a dying website lmfao.
I'm not a degenerate
>hold spot
ofcourse, that's enough for my six figure portfolio.
>thinks making it means never going on message boards ever again.
FYI the real world is pretty fucking boring and full of friction to have meaningful discourse in.
>six figure portfolio
whoppeee dooo nigger calm the fuck down

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