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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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What happened this time?
they all realized crypto was less of a ponzi
cashing out to buy eth etf
We are going to war soon. Get out while you still can.
When is soon and with who?
me, toilet, taco bell
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does it matter to the jews? I dont think so, but number MUST go up!
By 4th quarter this year. World war 3. China, Russia, Iran, India and North Korea vs NATO Alliance
HAH, cant wait and then have all the shit the boomers have been doing the last 2-3 decades comes and bites them in the ass and no one wants to go to war for them.
imagine not having at least 50% of your net worth in star citizen ships
Vesta green could come in handy over here quite nicely
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ohnoes, nobody wants to die for israel anymore :(
>He lump sum bought YESTERDAY
I've been bogged.
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npc realizing the lie of the modern world preparing for their rightful return to BBC, the prodigal son free to suckle in the stable free from all personal insecurity
You wouldnt catch India working with chinese in a million fucking years.
They will legit bomb each other before any war breaks out between NATO and russia
Bro, I'm already in here.
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India will poop china if you know what I mean! SUPERPOOWER!
(awful vocal fry) "We did it Joe"
webm made me laugh
>the fake money ponzi is less of a ponzi than the “buy parts of shitty companies” ponzi
50% in SC ships
45% in CS2 cases
5% in TF2 keys
>Amazon logo
what do they mean by this
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Looks like the BIGMIKE insidoor prophecy is being fulfilled. My bags are packed and my body is ready
A trillion dollars isn't even much money anymore
uniswap is more useful than uber
makes more money
has more users

uber has closed sourced stats, pure fraud, company virtually bankrupt
how DAOs operate are what normalfags think trad-companies work
>buy a share from a DAO
>can vote on decisions
>can propose changes to a vote
>can delegate voting power to a person/ entity
>vote pricing tracks the value of both the environment in which the DAO is in and the value of its treasury

meanwhile in real companies
>you stock isn't even held by you unless you DRS
>custodians can sell your "shares"
>you can't vote on shit unless you have a fuckhuge portion
>can't delegate shares
>companies have no treasury, can't vote on what to do with the money, CEO can essentially steal it all with no questions asked

your system is made by jew niggers
you are a jew nigger
cooling off before the next leg up, strap in marines
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saving gains on monero
People realizing AI is trash, electric cars are trash, the internet is trash.
Microsoft and Tesla earning calls,
Neither were great but not horribly bad, so people panic sold.
two more weeks
All China has to do is promise to give them Pakistan and they'd have all 1.4 billion jeets on their side.
It was google, Microsoft is next week.
I never see you faggots asking 'what happened' when the market flies up on no news.
Ww2 Americans sided with Russians. Sometimes uncommon alliances are made.

Descentralized ride sharing wen? L2 ETH fees are low enough now to justify this sort of service.
India hates China
Biden's still alive
Nothing ever happens
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just when i thought my bussy couldn get fucked no harder, the cock goes in deeper and faster then ever before
wow I just shorted x20 on leverage haha oh wow I'm so lucky
its always the crypto schizos that have no idea how the stock market works.

How does uniswap make revenue if it doesn't offer anything to the general public? Crypto doesn't bring in money for their economies. It just takes them out. The only narrative for crypto is hoping that physical currencies lose value. People turned to crypto during covid due to fear that the world would go into a financial crisis. Post-covid, people have realized that there are other alternatives to crypto. If WW3 is going to happen, more than likely the average person will turn to some physical asset. Only the early adopters of crypto will continue the narrative that a certain coin is necessary because its easy money that offers no substantial service to people.
Bruh you lost?
Top kek

I'm here on timeout.
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Soon? Have you not been paying attention? Assassination attempt on Trump, “accidental” global windows outage, and Biden was forced out by his handlers. It’s already begun.
return to normal (liquidity price)
All the quarterly reports have been shit, rates are still through the roof, people are realizing AI and crypto are meaningless buzzwords in their current state, worldwide instability, and now doubts that Trump could even win the election.
the price went down bro, wtf do you mean?
Btc price goes down.
Time to sell my underperforming stocks to buy crypto.
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what happens every single fucking time my dude, you should've bought this run's gem (ethereum on solana) because alts are only for bullruns and a bullrun this is not
India happily stabs both sides in the back while buttering them up at the same time depending on which side benefits them more at any time. They can't be trusted.
Even in videos I can smell their stink. Indians are just special like that.
Since nobody seems to know the truth, I'll spoonfeed the anons who don't get it.

The US economy post COVID is a gigantic bubble made of inflated currency, eating away at the lower levels of the economic strata's purchasing power, of which the entire system relies upon as the main movers and shakers of the economy. If you follow the money of where the vast majority of the money went, it wasn't to those 2k bidenbux and trumpbux checks, it was to major corporations with long term repo contracts.
If you weren't holding stocks and bonds during COVID you missed out on some of the biggest share buybacks in recent history, with this inflated currency, effectively transferring wealth on a gigantic scale underneath the noses of those being stolen from via inflationary measures instead of via taxation; and as the US currency is the global reserve currency, this fraud isn't just a national issue... It's global
A heist in the trillions, about 20~ or so actually, commissioned by Schwarz-Petra, the East India Company and a number of various other corporations unimportant enough to remain unnamed, go look for yourself; lobbyists are public record, and their funds come from somewhere.
Problem is, they stole too much money to make it unnoticeable from the people they stole from. Royally screwed the pooch and got surprised when they got caught.
Mass capital flight is already underway, nobody has any money anymore, and the zombie 493 hasn't outdone inflation over the last five years, approximately 2.7% of its total value and missing out on about 65% of expected growth.
Regardless of who becomes president in November, the economy for the short term is FUCKED, and the FED is being forced to raise rates otherwise inflation will get significantly worse at a very rapid rate.
If you have the currency and are currently based within the USA, draw up a 3 month escape plan to a 3rd world nation in East or SEAsia.

Enjoy the show Anons, don't forget, play responsibly.
Captcha: WGXY
sp500 2% down. Nigga chill out and zoom out.
We have been in an almost straight pump since last October
while it is probable that not all of the information that you stated is correct, there does seem to this 'idea' of a looming economic crisis in 2025. albeit, the main difference being that the 'doom' predictions are now stemming from some idea that the US has royally fucked itself for good 'this time'.
we have been here before, time and time again but what comes of it? usually some more debt, more inflation, and things kind of 'carry on'.
regardless of what will happen, it seems that it would be a decent idea to take precautionary economic measures. from the small amounts of info that i have gathered it seems that being 'defensive' is a good path to take right now. but what does that mean? invest in companies that always do good during a depression? energy and food production? does one move out of USD? buy precious metals, bonds? crypto? there isn't a clear cut answer yet but i am sure that more information on what to do will trickle down soon.
some claim that the US dollar will lose its reserve currency status, and no other will take its place for some time.. years? fuck knows
others think a short term collapse/ civil war , or some other war.
or maybe nothing at all and business as usual
thanks for reading my blog
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Ran out of space on the why of SEA and East Asia, as China is totally fucked long term as well.
Google the term "population decline" and note the countries with the lowest ratio of people being born and cross reference this with population "pyramids" that unnaturally bulge towards the centre, and you will see the utter mayhem that awaits them in the next fifteen years. The Tiger is old and decrepit, the Rising Sun only seems to get dimmer and dimmer as the days go by, and the only economies sustaining themselves at the moment are tiny nations with no power projection.
Overall, governmental liberalisation has also struck the region, thus moving there will be less of a shock than somewhere such as the new wild west in the Sahel and the horn of Africa or somewhere directly liable to get drastically worse than the USA due to their intimate connection with the USA as a market of which to sell in.
In the same time that SPY has risen 68%, gold futures have risen 62%.
the SP500 is up in dollar value, down in real value.
The US alone was fleeced for about 8.7~ trillion alone. https://www.covidmoneytracker.org
What you're supposed to do during situations like these really boils down to three things, build up dry powder for future investment when prices drop, evacuate from potentially unstable currencies into long term stores of value of which are highly liquid (i.e. real estate, precious metals, stock in energy companies and the various military industrial complexes of the world) and finally move from a bullish style of investing into a bearish style, doing more qualitative analysis instead of quantitative analysis due to the fact that trends are by in large negative due to the exaggerating effect of algorithms on market sentiment.
I'm no permadoomer, and collapsitarianism is retarded. The information presented should be taken with the prerequisite knowledge that eventually things will "kinda" bounce back, eventually.
Im 50% in Lego. Im worried about the other 50%, what should i do?
China, proxy war though, like the Cold War
i remember obama calling his wife michael, but what's up with the big mike talk exactly?
I choose to believe this.
Here’s a BIGMIKE megamix
DLT offers such infrastructural improvements over legacy systems that you'd have to be retarded to think they won't be widely used. Determinism is a feature of DLT, public and private, and as such indivudal chains cannot natively interact, which necessitates some middleware that allows users to maintain the same security and reliability assumptions as those of the base chains. In order for said middleware to maintain these assumptions, it would require its own native token that game-theoretically incentivizes users to operate in an honest manner. Hypothetically, if such middleware were to gain traction with most of the major financial institutions, and those institutions began moving their operations on-chain, then usage of the middleware network (which requires its own token to function) would be bullish indeed for its token, especially if there were a mechanism by which tokens could be locked up and therefore taken out of circulation in return for yield paid for by the operators of the network who need to use the token as collateral. If only.
Semiconductor companies underperformed, which caused people (and market algorithms) to panic sell anything involving AI and crypto.

There's a correlation somewhere but I'm too tired to look it up now.
This but unironically
That war would end in less than a month.
Goes down another 30% by end of August, screencap this.
kek, I like how it takes two fucking Yuropoor cops to pick up and drag a 4'9'' potato.
Christ, I can grab her with one arm and sling her over my shoulder like a hunter bagging its prey.
Thats literally an easy W for NATO. Like, its over in a few weeks and Western domiance over the planet forever is guaranteed. Why would these shit nations do this?
This doesn't hold water because the data side of AI has been making huge strides and achieving big milestones. Filecoin, One of the top rated platforms recently secured a huge funding from Grayscale and that bullish effect is spiralling downwards to affect the smaller cap projects affiliated to them. It's looking good from this side afaik
SP500 market cap is 10 times gold's one.
You dont measure fiat value against gold idiot
Nothing. Stock is purely speculative. It goes up and down so Jews can multiply their money
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>Assassination attempt on Trump
Dear God I'm going to have to hear this retard and his followers milk the fuck out of that bullet tickling his ear (but nothing about the man who died or his family) for the next 4 years aren't I?
Why are Indians so gay
How are you sure they're not gonna keep all that funding for themselves?
Why would you think boomers want war? Boomers did way more to stop war when they were your age than you ever did or will do. They marched against war. You sit in your mom's basement and weep over Black lives.
NATO would probably win out in the end but it definitely wouldn't be a walk in the park. We've basically lost our industrial capacity, we can't even build enough weapons to keep supplying Ukraine. Ukraine war has also created a Russian army that is deeply experienced in modern war tactics and strategies.
Market fakers realize that the pboc rate decision makes it impossible to hide the deflationary dead spiral in chinkland. Hold your tits, multiple pyramid schemes crashing in a few months and then inflation go weeee, because fucking nothing was learned
>wiped out
it doesn't just disappear, does it
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Someone brapped.
I really do not like ZionDon as a politician but it's relevant to everything.
I bought
Grayscale didn't give the money directly to their hands, they invested in their token system and in the ecosystem in general. Other lower caps will also benefit from this investments; for example, Filecoin recently incorporated Nuklai as an integral part of the ecosystem, whoever wishes to use Filecoin might have to also leverage on Nuklai's services too. This would also mean a positive price action.
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Seems like regardless of who wins the US election, both (or even all 3 candidates including RFK) will suck Isreal's cock and enter a proxy war with Iran. That being said, Israel and Iran are best buds and are only acting as enemies because it is beneficial for both of them.

What makes this even more likey besides Israel's internal division (which needs an enemy to be united) is a market crash and economic disaster in the US (which is well on its way) which also requires some sort of distraction. Nobody will have the time or energy to think about the economy, war- and fearmongering will be back on the menu just like with covid and Ukraine, no matter where on the political spectrum you are on.
When did this collaboration take place? Plus why was it quiet?
Is this another delusional narrative? Star ships???? Are we living in a circus now?
Do you mean the collaboration between GrayScale and Decentralized AI? That took place couple of weeks ago.
For the collaboration between Filecoin and Nuklai, that happened about a week before Grayscale joined the fray and it was all over mainstream media. Have you been in a coma?
What crypto are you buying? Just make sure it’s solid altcoins like DUA, NXRA, and SOL anon.
if i was some meaningless EU cop i would've tazed her, maybe she gotten some enlightenment from that, you never know.
/biz/ is always wrong. Always inverse /biz/.
Have they launched any joint products from their partnerships yet?
yes very organic
i fucking hate this shit
Wdym? Like whole foods organic?
Someone needs to sort their shit out.
I want my fucking money banking bitches
The partnership involves the D2D running of both protocols; users of Filecoin will also be leveraging on Nuklai's data management features and vice versa. It's a complementary/synergistic partnership.

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