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I thought of a solution. What if we all sell our tokens and put it into the one I own? Then I'll be able to make my money back and you guys might get a little bit of money out of it?
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its time to go back to the wage cage
i thought crypto was a hedge against the stock market? why the fuck is it dumping with stocks?
>a hedge against the stock market
not anymore thats for sure
maybe if you're shorting
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should be in $wall sir

they launched a dank meme wall

dank meme token is dank
looks like lil bro didn't spent a dime on $marv
sorry for your loss my dear
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accumulate more retard
alts are same price or lower as when Bitcoin was 25k a year ago.
keep buying.
if you sell now, you will rope.
This. Niggas be forgetting what happened when the btc etf first went live? Y’all niggas got some goldfish memory or some sheeeiiiit
Stop looking at the fucking charts for a second dude, the more red you see the worse you'll feel, I had to stop looking at $Spikey's so I wouldn't lose my mind in the process
He is probably not paying attention to the market. I expected the dump and used this opportunity to buy more METIS, MYRO and QAN.
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I sold everything just in case, I will come back with kendu inu only if we stay at 60k for at least 2 weeks, I want things to be calm to make my next move
not my problem
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Go with lowcaps like Baby Apu moon or dust fren only way
What altcoins are you holding that have been struggling? If you hold DUA, you’re in a safer position. Its price might be down, but it’s a long-term bet.
>maybe if you're shorting
Made some stacks shorting Pepe and Myro. Gonna wait for more dumps, then grab some Al tokens, XRP, and Push Protocol for on-chain comms
>ts time to go back to the wage cage
I saw this coming and switched my assets to stables, diving back into content writing since my colleagues are making it big with Hydro. When the market chills out, I’ll be back in the game.
this will only get you rekt
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I’m not holding any Dua at the moment, but I’ll be stacking up on it soon as a reward for staking Nuklai
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mine isn't
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How? Even some of my shittiest coins are doing fairly well right now ($SUPER for example, up 9%). Care to drop a list of what you've got? Because things aren't that bad today
so what's the joke here. did you pajeets just take two different memes to mash them together without much thought or what.
Wow this board truly is dead lol
Good for you. Try not to get too comfortable, you'll regret it.
>things aren't that bad tod-ACK!
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Excellent idea! Post your project's address so we all can see what it is and add it to our blacklists- I mean send the money over! Let's do this anon #LFG! #BUIDL!
i've been telling every single nigga i can about 4chan x and its intuitive word filtering list thing but not many pay attention i suppose. literally just add words you want to be hidden automatically and that's it. add whatever flavor of the month shill project you want and it'll be hidden automatically.

this board is very, very different when you do that.
They aren't. Those shits in your screenshot are irrelevant as fuck, of course they aren't doing well no matter the current sentiment.
You are not immune to anarchist propaganda. Bet you also think Bitcoin is a revolution against banking as a whole. Lmfao
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Five days ago:
>Bitcoin 68k
>Ethereum 35k
>AVAX 33

>Bitcoin 68k
>Ethereum 32.5k
>AVAX 28.50

If this keeps happening, all the alts, including ETH, are going to zero.
Our Kek who art in memetics

Hallowed by thy memes

Thy Trumpdom come

Thy will be done

In real life as it is on /pol/

Give us this day our daily dubs

And forgive us of our baiting

As we forgive those who bait against us

And lead us not into cuckoldry

But deliver us from shills

For thine is the memetic kingdom, and the shitposting, and the winning, for ever and ever.

Praise KEK
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Bobo pretending to be mumu. Kek, you bears are desperate for an entry point. Just compare to the prices 30 days ago.
Then there will be days when alts just pump like crazy and bitcoin crabs
>hold eth
>wait until wednesday
>dump money into the memecoins that did good last weekend
>wait until Friday
>20% gain here and there
>hold the losses until they recover
>dump the shit that obviously won't
>sell everything back to eth when you see some retard spike the price(because you bought popular, established shit because you aren't retarded)
I'm back out now, $200 this week.
I'm a poorfag, you get what you get.

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