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But what if this isn't capitalism, anymore?
Yet it's not socialism, either?

What if the current economic system we're inside of should actually be recognized as a new form of Feudalism?
The current economic system is comprised of both the worst aspects of capitalism and socialism to best benefit the Jews
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Hear me out, though.

The classic european model was that you have a sovereign, with his legitimacy coming by divine appointment from god. To then impose god's will over his realm and for this, a court is assembled that is comprised of lords who, in their service, are appointed to and a granted a fief to rule over on the monarch's behalf. And that fief includes with it, as property that is bound to servicing that land, Peasantry. With whatever the lord does to his realm being of no concern to either the king or the rest of the court for so long as it produces value for the kingdom, and the religion is maintained that legitimizes the king as god's representation on earth.

And so the peasantry cannot escape their condition by moving between domains. Nor will their cries be heard from the crown's castle. And there is noone to stop the lord's knights from having their way with the women and children of your village when they are let loose in punishment for insufficient harvest.

Now replace a few words.

King with State.
Court with Markets.
Lords with Executives.
Fiefs with Industries.
God with Profit.
Religion with Growth.
Peasantry with both Laborer and Consumer.

It's pretty safe to say at this point that the universally recognized idea of what capitalism Was, as some fair contract between labor, business, and customer, or poor and rich, is a contract that has been broken.
It is no longer in practice.
This and it’s always been like this
If you’re stuck on durr capitalism vs socialism, you just fell for Jewish tricks and a false dichotomy
I would tell you what we're in now but I don't wanna get banned again for saying it.
>capitalism is fair contracts
I don't really think "fair" is part of it, it's just a system which allows for individuals to own property and produce goods for sale. And because this right is granted to EVERYONE, a natural state of competition emerges. "Fairness" is just the end result of some period of competition where the parties involved naturally end up on agreeable terms. These terms are "fair" in the sense that they're agreed upon, not in the sense that they're moral or just simply because they are a result of capitalism. I don't think it's productive for any of these discussions to focus on which system is the best from the viewpoint of being "fair". Basically any system ever devised has some degree of competition in it. The more competition that exists, the more leverage actors have to create agreeable terms. But a truly "fair" or "just" system is utopian and frankly unrealistic. People get too focused on making sure everyone is 100% happy when that is simply not possible outside of a post-scarcity society. And if people are even just 99% happy, they will fight for a better system to push things even further in their favor. This endless tug of war keep going until all competition is eliminated (post-scarcity or annihilation).

What I mean is, there was no golden age of capitalism that was "fair" and perfect for everyone involved, and it's counterproductive to think of it that way. Same goes for feudalism or communism, we shouldn't chase some dream of finessing these systems to be orderly little machines. There will always be strife, just don't find yourself at the bottom of it.
I like how when the consequences of capitalism start showing their face, the retarded faggot cucks question if its actually communism. Marx warned us over a hundred years ago. Its now time to face your consequences, whicb is living as a serf in this techno-feudalistic hellscape you allowed to be imposed on you. You deserve to suffer and be exploited mercilessly
But communism killed millions
1. Not true. 2. Capitalism has killed billions since its inception. You just have the luxury of not witnessing the children in the congo piling on top of eachother and dying to mine your lithium. This will be you one day. Capitalist scum have figured out now that not only can they manufacture all their shit overseas, but they can also import millions of jeets to drive wages down in the west. It only gets worse from here, good luck
Fucking finally does somebody mention Yannis Varroufakkis.
>worst aspects of socialism
nigger you're not in the gulag
fuck off to north korea then
Did capitalism ban combustion engines and force us to buy 300kg slabs of lithium mined by kids?
Consider marketing, public relations, and lobbying.
These happen under socialism to a worse degree
It's capitalism.
Libertarians will seethe and bitch about how it's not capitalism and how real capitalism hasn't ever been tried before (just like communists) but they're kidding themselves. In their demented minds the only way TRUE CAPITALISM will ever exist is only in a perfect vacuum when every person magically owns an equal amount of resources, makes equally rational choices, and all agrees to obey the NAP.

In the real world, multinational corporations hold all the power. The state is completely subservient to corporations. Even state-provided services are almost always contracted out to corporations.
>muh regulations
Are lobbied into being by corporations
>muh corporations can't monopolize/subject people to rules if it weren't for the state apparatus
Of course they can. History is filled with privately owned towns, militaries, etc. No libertarian can meaningfully distinguish between a corporation owning vast resources and enforcing what happens on its own private property and the current US government. You could even conceptualize the current US government entirely within the libertarian world view. There is nothing ideologically preventing a corporation from owning land, determining its own system of governance, writing a body of laws, interacting with other corporations, and deciding what its employees can or can't do on its property. There is literally nothing about the current state of affairs that is contrary to libertarian ideology.
>muh taxes
So what? What in libertarian philosophy prevents a corporation from deciding that it will charge the people born on its privately-owned land a regular service fee to maintain that land and admin costs? Nothing. Don't like it? Tough shit, you're residing on someone else's private property and not abiding by the rules of the property owner is a violation of the NAP. Off to McPoundmeintheass Prison.
we're in a quasi neo feudalism for sure. you wouldnt believe how many stuck get 'stuck' in middle/upper middle class because they dont have the balls to push for something higher once they have a certain level of comfort. i know a guy who became a fucking PE TEACHER at a HIGH SCHOOL just like his old man because he couldnt be bothered with something like law or accounting.
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>he doesn't realize he's in the virtual gulag right now
You’re just thinking of the worst socialist examples and all of those countries have capitalist aspects except North Korea and Cuba to smaller degrees.
Sweden has socialist policies and does them correctly
This is the comfiest gulag I’ve ever seen.

But to OPs point what we have is some kind of corporate cronyism. I don’t know what the real name of it is. It’s the swamp. Unelected bureaucrats who are bought and paid for by corporations and lobbyists.
What we are in now is what I like to call "Shadow Corporatocracy" or "Democratic Cronyism"
The State since its inception has been a large hodgepodge of interest groups vying for control, with democratic values instilled in order to give a pretense for self rule. Elites have and always will rule the state, its now simply a question of who those elites are and where they are, as they've shifted from Kings and Priests to Financiers and modern day Oil Barons (in some cases literally).
With the advent of political lobbying (which is legalised political bribery, sanctioned by the government) the elites are determined by a psuedo-plutocratic system where they each compete and bid for regulatory capture as common shareholders of various world governments.

Whoever has the most money, has the most control; and the state is just a weapon to be wielded by tyrants.
As it always has been, as it always will be.
Until Christ returns amen.
It's hard to think of a world like this if I've never experienced it, it's almost like thinking of a new color, I mean the only thing I know is just watching Spike's chart until my eyes bleed, I don't do magic
>This is the comfiest gulag I’ve ever seen.
That's what makes it so effective.
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It's quasi-socialism. They accomplished much of socialism's goals without outright seizure of the means of production. They captured some economic industries outright (healthcare, education), half captured others like housing and agriculture. We are all taxed to unprecedented degrees now and they decide how to redistribute that as they see fit, which is a form of soft command economy. Regulations have never been higher across the board. And now we have a Keynsian central banking system which essentially directs the headwinds of the economy, more soft command economy. We are quasi socialist, 100%.

Republicanism is a short bridge to socialism, there's a reason why they were fighting side by side vs. the monarchists/fascists in Spain and there's a reason why "Socialist" isn't a dirty word in Republican politics but "Fascism" is.

>corporate cronyism and the fusion of the state and megacorporations

This is socialism. The megacorps become the state, the state becomes the megacorps, the little guys get fucked, economic freedom ceases. See: >>58782183

This doesn't happen because of too little state activity, but too MUCH. Money uses the state to capture the country and the economy, it's creep.
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"(Politics) cannot be allowed to change economic policy."





Since Varoufakis's concept is pretty much 1:1 with my own question in the OP, I'm going to leave these here.
it doesnt matter if its communism or capitalism only the ones at the top live a nice lifestyle of course capitalism is better than gay ass communism the ideal lidestyle is being a neet that makes millions at home in capitalism
except you can move between fiefs in capitalism. you can get a degree at 50 years old and change fields, start a business on credit or on savings and you can change lanes
I wasn't talking about the labor you produce.

If you buy a cellphone, it's either apple or samsung, either apple's os or android (google's). If you're on social media, you either produce data for x, google, reddit or facebook and everything owned by facebook. If you buy a chevy or ford, either sells the logs from your car's systems to any company insuring it, the policy itself being underwritten for any of 3 or 4 of the largest insurers, any credit or debit card you use goes through either Mastercard, Visa, American Express or Discover/Capital One, and almost half of the food you might consume comes from either Nestle or Tyson, if you listen to radio, your station of choice for your area is likely somehow still owned by iHeartRadio (Clearchannel), and your computer either runs on Windows or Macintosh, with every program, piece of software you use being determined by what that OS supports.

The products and the services you pay for, or use for free (You are the Product) are the fiefs for whatever industry you are interacting with through them.

And the most profit you can generate within that fief comes from you acting inside of a completely enclosed ecosystem. From having your needs met from entirely in-house, and without any concern for your wellbeing, mental, physical or emotional.

You can still be a doctor all you want, but your smarthome will never be fully integrated until you've purchased every smart appliance LG offers.
bleak and true

the real freedom is somehow living deep in forest away from society. That's the only way left on this planet. They want to assimilate us all. I lately live in the UK and I can tell you this whole country is you feel you are watched everywhere you go. They really got the fiefdom down pat due to 1000+ years of it. It feels like a prison island. US watches you too but there's still more places left to hide, so to speak.
It's communism, anon.
I can tell you with certainty that living in the woods isn't quite the answer.
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It turned into feudalism the second the feds allowed uncontrolled migration through us borders to intentionally lower wages.
Is there an answer? More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that humanity is walking a never-ending path to hell powered by technology. The more advanced we get, the more advanced evil gets. I used to scoff with everyone else about all the old geezers who have proclaimed all throughout history that the latest generation is lazy and entitled and will be the downfall of civilialzation. But as I've gotten older I've realized that they've all been right every time.
>Is there an answer? More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that humanity is walking a never-ending path to hell powered by technology.
Whether or not the answer would succeed or fail is beside the point.
Technology, like economics, like politics, like so much else?
It's a moral choice.
We arrived at this point because the banality of rationalism convinced us to accept an Amoral condition. To serve Amoral functions within that condition.

There was this one Alan Watts I watched some time back (before AI started to get out of hand) where at some point in his lecture he speaks of two types of Bhuddas. The first disappears from the world, withdraws, he vanishes. Which is pretty much going out into the woods and not coming back. That's safer, but it's also folly. You've achieved a connection, but like a short, you don't complete the circuit, you don't serve as a conduit to send the charge you've received outward and onto someone else. But the other bhudda he described does go back out into the world. They keep up appearances, but they don't play the game in earnest. They're out to peel people off to the side and lead them astray from the slaughterhouse, "If you feel like this shit is fucked, then maybe I have an explanation, do you wanna hear it?"

It'd be a lot easier to be that first kind of bhudda, guru, whatever you wanna call it, you just clock out of the world wait for it to fry.
But that second one sounds like it's at least an attempt and something to kill time with, don't it?

>I used to scoff with everyone else about all the old geezers who have proclaimed all throughout history that the latest generation is lazy and entitled and will be the downfall of civilialzation.
We haven't really changed all that much. A change of hairstyles, fashion and who the president is, which war, and this could've been a mid-00s video about Iraq or Afghanistan.
Since commies are hyper-retarded idealists, they would likely say yes. They define everything they feel bad about as capitalism, ie saying that capitalism has killed "billions" bc they ascribe literally every death from war, disease, famine, and natural causes to capitalism, since if they had their gay space commie utopia as they imagine it, no one would ever die again.
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I prefer not to think about it, thinking only depresses me, why do you think that just seeing $marv's smile was enough for me to hold it? I need some dopamine.
>country is in top 10 free market economies
>muh socialism
it is and it's called Judaism

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