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I was really hoping that Harris was going to give a good speech at the Bitcoin Conference and say something good, maybe make some promises that are good for crypto
I really wanted to vote for her but I just can't vote for the woman that says bitcoin is for criminals and is the VP of the administration that has been attacking crypto
I'm no MAGAt but I'm going to have to vote Trump
Any Burgerzraeli not voting to make crypto great again is beyond help
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RFK jr. accepts Bitcoin as donations.
He really likes Bitcoin. Probably more than Trump.
Yeah but he isnt going to win is be? Not going to waste my vote on fools hope.
RFK is like that one girlfriend who will suck your dick daily and tell you what you want to hear as long as it means you'll give them attention every couple weeks.
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>Government approves Bitcoin ETF
>Government holds Bitcoin
>FED Fiatchuds tell Harris to say BTC is for le criminals then pulls her by her pigtails and puts hundred dollar notes in her G-String
>She doesn't even know what she's saying, she's just parroting words like an MK-Kitten
this is why americans always end up with 2 choice.
they're too retarded to be able to choose better, so much for muh first world country
lol so she went to a crypto conference just to shit on it? Fucking based Kek

Glad I had the foresight to cash out last week

Enjoy your negative returns on btc for the next three years lads KEK
No people said she was going to go but she didn't go
Ah ok thanks for the clarification
If you're voting for Trump it has fuck all to do with BTC.
Wrong. Unlike op, I hate both harris and trump. I will vote Trump solely to pump my bags. Fuck you
>Harris was going to give a good speech at the Bitcoin Conference
my man, that was fake
An NPC, glowie stooge, former prosecutor DEI hire brown woman was never, ever going to endorse Bitcoin or crypto lmfao. This is the definition of an institutional acolyte.
That's the only reason people vote anyways unless you're a faggot liberal who votes to save trees that end up turning into my dollars anyway
Donald Trump is a fascist
bot moment!
Trump = bearish for btc
Harris = bullish for btc

Only high iq will understand
>believing anything trump says during a presidential campaign
Fuck off retard that’s literally how every European system works too
>oh no this party we don’t like is gaining too much let’s form a massive coalition of the other parties to outdo their votes!!
Most recently afaik Sweden and France
I think most people would prefer RFK over trump or Harris but they’re too afraid of the other side winning because they used their vote for ideals instead of strategically but… At least in the US your vote matters.
$USD is literally for criminals.
99% of it exists entirely just for criminals.
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(1/2) He is pretty transactional and it costs him nothing to be bitcoin friendly. There are pro-bitcoin voters but there are no anti-bitcoin voters. There are already people in his party who are obviously genuinely pro-bitcoin, like Thomas Massie and Ted Cruz and Cynthia Lummis. For him it was a small pivot, and he probably has numerous friends and family who approached him to explain it. His VP pick is a millennial who owns over 100k in bitcoin. It was probably someone in the Trump family who a made a point of incorporating bitcoin into the Repub party platform (see pic). He is going out of his way to pander to bitcoin people when he didn't need to. Bitcoin/crypto friendly legislation has already been passed in several republican states. It aligns with other goals they have as a party.

All industries who politically want to get their way, take this same approach of being transactional instead of having a loser's mindset and expectation that they can't lobby to get what they want. It would be stupid and cucked if people in the oil industry for example decided to be skeptics that Trump doesn't mean it when he says "we're gonna drill baby drill". He wants their vote, he is aligned with that anyways. And you miss every chance you don't take.

For Harris it would be a massive pivot to become crypto friendly instead of hostile. It would be a huge pivot for her party, her more leftist wing of the party in particular, and for her as an individual who has championed commie nonsense like the Green New Deal and extreme tax rates in the past. Their statist hubris and ideological inertia got in the way of them becoming more crypto friendly first.

Whether Trump follows through on everything on the campaign trail is a moot point, his administration would nonetheless obviously and easily be the more friendly one than Kamala's. More friendly both in terms of tax and regulations, just as the Repub party already has been at the state level.
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(2/2) You are a fool if you don't see the analysis of this checks out and need it all explained for you. It is midwittery to take a contrarian opinion and overthink it. Being the biggest low energy fedora-tipping black-pilled cuckold in a conversation is what's cringe. Bitcoin chads are playing to win so we're going to take reasonable chances like picking the capitalist over the communist, when he has gone out of his way to bend the knee and it was quite plausible that he would do so anyways. We already have bitcoin friendly governments like El Salvador and Argentina. It is only a matter of time before we get more. The dominoes will continue to fall. You're some nocoiner fag and will seethe about our successes. Other governments are changing their tune already as well, and this will be accelerated after Trump wins. It can't be stopped. A year or two ago, defeatist losers like you would have said it would be impossible to get two different major Presidential candidates showing up at a bitcoin conference to pander to us in the year 2024. But odds are the contrarians are probably just leftists who don't believe their own bullshit anyways, and are just seething their fellow libtard ideologues look so backwards on the topic.

>Electing communists is bullish!
Did you get this idea from the tofu eating methies on twitter or something? Even if you make an accelerationist argument it is still a cold take.
It’s bullish because people will buy btc as safe haven while trump wins people will use the “bullishness” as exit liquidity
I think the bottom is in gentlemen
I think I'm better off buying a lottery ticket.
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Fuck MIGA, but if Kamala really said that at the conference I guess we’re making greater Israel then.
So you're going to waste your vote on Israel... instead of increasing the demand for 3rd party candidates.
Good job. It doesn't matter if Trump, kamala, or Michelle wins.
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Too busy for this
I'm still pressing buttons to get money on flip.gg
Why would Kamala sign up to be booed off the stage? Dems don't leave controlled environments.
>bitcoin is for criminals
>actually nurtures crimes in her country and practically all democrat run cities are inhabitable at this point
>more inflation and government debt spiral is a given
unironically harris is bullish for crypto
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Why yes, I just bought £600 of BTC and only paid, like uh 6.5, of your filthy English pounds to get it on me old perso acocunt, innit?
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Fucks sake, I've ended up with 146.77M $CWIFs..
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I mean, bro. If you're not buying #BTC right now , you're not doing it right.
Anyone else’s parents and siblings convinced the world will end if Trump gets elected
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Lol, whatever happens, crypto always bounces back. Bitcoin was under $20k a few months ago, and now we're up again. If I could, I'd scoop up more BTC, stack some KAVA for the staking rewards, and load up on Push Protocol for on-chain comms
cringe fucking meme, go back to Twitter/Facebook boomer
Desperate attempt to make people splitthe vote between him and Trump kek.
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>the government promises the tokens will have value and scarcity
The nsa created the sha encryptions, there are backdoors so they can resell your cold wallet to the next victim of the pyramid scheme, they cash out and you end up with tokens on a screen
Prepare for incoming deflation
>hey guys the controlled opposition said the thing i like is bad hahah so it must be good, uh my bags dude you could be a millionaire.
>b-b-but he is going to lose anyway
literal loser behavior, I am voting for RFK, dont care. No one voting for him cause they are losers? ok he got my one vote at least.
ok loser, still voting RFK, because he is my guy.
I just wanted to say crypto is really fucking boring now. With the exception of 2-3 coins that ran hard in March, this bullrun has been shit and boring.

>I really wanted to vote for her but I just can't vote for the woman that says bitcoin is for criminals and is the VP of the administration that has been attacking crypto
Did she really say this? Lmao. What a dumb bitch unironically.

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