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>*leaves boomers net worth intact while pricing multiple generations out of ever owning a home*
This nigger will slurp every stock market crash to keep boomers rich.
>"I'd say if you are a homebuyer, somebody or a young person looking to buy a home, you need a bit of a reset."
what did he mean by this
what does J Pow have to do with this? 70% of Americans were already living paycheck to paycheck.
this fucking peice of shit ruined me
Boy he gonna bump that number up to 99.9. aint nobody gonna live a free man. A sacking will be a death sentence dawg
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>reset your expectations and get in the pod
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>whadda ya mean?
>you don't wanna buy the home I bought for $20k for the reasonable price of $8.7M

So at what stage do we flee into the woods to build cabins and form paralel societies? I think I'd rather brave starvation and hypothermia than participate in the housing ponzi at this point
>build cabins
Didn't they change zoning laws to prevent you from doing exactly that?
Because people who know how to build cabins are useful and don’t need to escape from society into the woods with some poor faggot internet cuck.
Boomers always win. Even when they're all dead, they'll still find a way to fuck young people for their own benefit.
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>irrational seethe and namecalling
>the idea of societal non-participation throws him into a tranny rage
Construction workers are indeed valuable. Too bad we pay them scraps, and they should want to flee innawoods more than anyone. Stay angry mortgagecuck
Their fav deal. Hopefully I get that Dplay jackpot and can price him out of his granddaughter after
The most hated generation of all time
It's OK, they get their share from the boomers when they die.
>flee into the woods to build cabins
That is illegal and unlike other things will be policed. The woods are owned and they don't want you there. Best you can do is start settler caravans and buy stretches of land with large groups and restart, except you lack the will, the skill and the shared religion/culture to make it work. So no Amish solution either, so you better gamble on some shitcoins and hope you get lucky.
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it's funny watching the same people who were bitching about how low rates caused inflation, now bitch about not having any purchasing power
Look how mad glowniggers get at the idea of societal non participation.
>poor faggot internet cuck
Said the overweight cheeto dust fingers nafo troon clacking on his plastic keys. You'll die in a ditch from patriots
Living in my car for a year is plan C, but it's still a plan.
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Boomers are losing the opportunity to use an internet casino like flip.gg instead of driving for hours to their closest physical casino lol
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>mfw i realize the reason why so many people had to resort to jobs like "farming airdrops from the unicorn chain" or "dca memecoins" or "animating for nft projects" is because the economy is so fucked that crypto projects are literally the only way out of this

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