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I remember years ago when a lot of companies just out of the blue started focusing on DEI and diversity BS. Now it seems like they're all back tracking it at once.
Then I noticed that it seems like every once in a while a lot of companies will simultaneously come to the same conclusion at once and start switching behavior.
Memes about "da joos" aside (though I'm sure there's a lot of big noses involved) is there like some consulting firm that all of these companies listen to and take ques from? Or is it just a herd mentality thing where one company does something and they all follow suit?
The unseen elders
Seeing how things usually work in the west these desicion really are made in some consulting networks
What you're seeing now is what I like to call "peak DEI" peak because the most famous DEI hire which is Kamala Harris slimed her way as a presumptive democratic nominee without ever garning a single vote out of her own effort. By the way she will lose the election because she is unrionically the top signal for DEI. There's also alot of other indicators of the peak like the secret service director resigning and OPs pic rel. BUT don't be too exited. They're rolling back partly because of the push back but also to generate support back into institutions like the military, fed, and the government itself. They need fresh meat in these institutions and support has wavered in the last 10 years.
not just 1 consultation firm but likely a network of consultation firms that at first managed to extrapolate some sort of results to back up a hypothesis on a small sample group, but then as they tried to replicate those results onto larger groups it didnt show the same results. so now they have gone back to the drawing board so to speak. now they need to come up with some sort of new or alternative hypothesis if they want to get more grant money for their research. that is usually how bursaries and science work.
Jews are paper handed lmao. The moment it cuts into their gains they reverse policy.
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They will NEVER DEI. All they are doing is rebranding DEI, and engineering new ways to implement it without letting whitebois ever slip through the cracks again by claiming to be gay, black, or female. They will now require pictures for any application, and will automatically delete your application via AI if it detects you are a white male.
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Never end*
they didn't change anything, retard
Go woke go broke was the saying from day one of this shit. Its so massively unprofitable to cater to the most broke and retarded demographic while isolating the demographics with the most disposable income. If it wasnt for credit card debt and stealing most black people would not be able to make ends meet. And theres probably over 100 million illegal immigrants just fucking around doing whatever the country is unironically about to collapse south america style
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OP get familiar with a concept called dialectics this is a textbook example of using one extreme to move further toward a goal that was actually somewhere in the middle and so on and so-forth.
From what I have seen it also is kind of like a religion. A lot of weaker lower status people love to cling onto the idea of ‘taking back control’ etc. being told that it’s racism or sexism or something else that’s causing their life to suck rather than factors they can control. White women suck it up the most as they are easier to brainwash and pump full of emotional descision making, through history women have survive by taking on whatever views the tribe wants, for eg a tribe gets taken over, they usually survived and went with the new men etc. So the media and every outlet saying these new values is kinda like a tribal shift, you have to agree with this stuff to get along here type of thing. Then there are the sheep’s in the middle too concerned with their own little problems that they don’t really see the big deal untill the hit a breaking point where something very obviously doesn’t make sense or directly and negatively effects their life. This is where it is at right now is the peak of the pendulum swing before it comes back
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It's not a meme.
>is there like some consulting firm that all of these companies listen to and take ques from
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It's literally the jews, no it's not a meme, it really is them. You take it as a joke because you have jew fatigue which is understandable, but it really is just the jews playing antichrist and playing with the goys like tigers play with their prey.
Aladdin(tm) by blackrock to be more precise
Blackrock. Blackrock kept ESG ratings which caused companies to meet diversity quotas to stay attractive in ratings for investors. They scrapped the ESG ratings and now companies see no reason to participate anymore. And gone is the woke. It will probably make a comeback as soon as the labor market is sufficiently weakened by the lay offs.
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The companies make their decisions on the basis of what will get them investment (many would be bankrupt without investment and subsidies). I know it's a meme but they are literally told what policies they should have in order to secure investment. And yes, it really is as simple as jews. I don't know why people look for some overly complicated hidden hand conspiracy theory when all you have to do is open your eyes, look at the media, israel and international jews control your government, your money supply, and by extension your economy.
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The world economic forum, combined with the media sets the policy guidelines for corporations and executives to follow. The United Nations sets the political policy framework for all governments to follow.

This globalization framework functions as a one world government as all nations move in lockstep to the wef/un agenda

This benefits all countries and parties, as all the elites in the world are enticed by the wealth it brings

I don’t understand who comes up with da joos horeshit because this is all public information. But most people are illiterate so they become superstitious.
Schwab is literally a Rothschild kike you complete idiot. And so is his vile underling who is soon taking over. What a coincidence.

Are you a MIGAtard by any chance, to discuss the WEF while denying the jewish connection? Lmao.
The Pindar has spoken.
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this is wrong though... tech companies have been firing their us staff recently to hire cheap southeast asian labor. they are pretty brown the last time i checked.
Schwab is German fagboi and not from Jewish orgin. And your saying all ethnicities move to the tune of the Jew? Wow! Then that’s an admission of inferiority. The Jews must be the supreme human. Or gods chosen people as they like to claim.
It’s too late. The support for those institutions is gone and once lost will not come back. Millennial boomers like myself who lived through 9/11 and remember the unity and patriotism of the aftermath, but also remember the lies and deceit and now know the truth, we will never ever trust them again, and we will teach our children and grandchildren not to trust them either.
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DEI is a law, actually. It's trickling down from the govt that they must bring in DEI.
A lot of herd mentality. No one wants to be the odd man out. With that said we have a problem and that is that "DEI" is basically mandated by US law after the civil rights legislations of the 60's, anti white racism is basically baked into the corporatocracy and while it's nice to see extraneous DEI departments get btfo the discriminatory hiring/firing shall remain.

In some ways, I wonder if the biggest issue are the minorities themselves, or women. Women control HR departments. Women push female resumes to the top of the pile first. Unilaterally, this happens everywhere. They're like their own little group of Jews.
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When Identity is a Product, it becomes a Commodity, a Consumable with a shelf life, and past it's expiration date, can be simply added to the content of a landfill.

Incorporating the recognition of (and assumed appreciation for) Identity in Public Relations and Marketing does not have to be genuine, but merely profitable. As all consumer products and services must be.

It's not in the service of Agape, but Infinite Growth. Sign Value does not have be Meaningful, but merely appear to be order to be Functional. To serve a Function.

It does not have to be Rational, merely Operational.

And by adding the drama of Politics and it's resulting Division into the construction of Identity as a Product, harvested from the real world, processed, refined, distilled, reassembled, labeled, packaged, marketed and distributed and stocked to be advertised back to you, in order for you to buy it, consume it, and embrace t it as organically, objectively yourself or someone else,

You are not only conditioned to buy a cartoon version of yourself, or the idea that you are not who you are without purchasing it,

you are not only buying into what your antithesis is advertised as,

but also acting inside of a false construct that was only designed to generate wealth from your own hysteria, confusion, your fight or flight responses, and the overall idea that people are stupid and are perfectly predictable and deterministic machines.

While everyone screams at each other, fights with each other, kills, rapes, go on shooting sprees to avenge themselves against the trans / black / jewish / liberal / muslim / etc enemy?

People who have also reduced themselves to machines, in order to maximize their own self interest and at a minima of expense, and thus act neither morality nor immorality, but a completely psychopathic amorality see only the damage they are causing to the human condition as further opportunities for increased rewards.
They just realized that by forcing diversity, they can earn more money by lowering salaries.



The point of diversity is to confound and discourage. Either they can't deal with the repercussions of that and find themselves vulnerable or they've gotten what they wanted from homosexuals and so on and are happy to continue the Hindooization of tech without the DEI label
What is this from?
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they also influenced my daughter to race mix. now I have a mulatto grandchild that I say in my head, "we are NOT the same," everytime I see him.
you said it yourself. don't get distracted.
this. imagine believing "corporate ideology" is a thing. it's all part of a campaign, and now the economy isn't good enough for the capitalistic elites so they simply discard this bullshit and jump onto the next fad.
This is obviously not your daughter (I hope) because that's an instant disown. Mixed whiggers are so fucking ugly jfc.
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It came from me.

You want sources, I spent the last hour trying to find this:



Here's about a tenth of everything else I've taken into me that all of that came from.








Blackrock and Vanguard allocate their trillions of dollars worth of investments in companies primarily based on their ESG scores. The implementation of DEI policies gives a very favorable ESG score.

If many companies are abandoning or cutting back on DEI policies at the same time, that means there has been a shift in Blackrock and/or Vanguard ESG policies
>there has been a shift in Blackrock and/or Vanguard ESG policies

Interesting. It would be really interesting to see those actual policies.
It's interesting you bring up academia. Looking into it I notice a couple of states; Florida, Texas, Utah eg, have made laws banning DEI efforts and as such a couple of universities have been laying off a bunch of staff. Perhaps DEIs recent decrease in influence in academia has effected the enterprise space that looks to academia for guidance.
Trump is considering Larry Fink for the role of Treasury Secretary. This is purely speculative, but this shift could potentially be Larry's way of trying to appease Trump in order secure the role
Oh Fucking Hell.
>>58781271 (OP) #
About 90% of companies are still keeping their DEI initiatives. This was posited by a survey featured and maybe conducted by Fortune. It is by no means a paradigm shift that is shifting the paradigm shift.

its so you will fight in the upcoming war
they take their que from black rock, this is old read about it in David Byrne's book the Evolution of Money, though he doesnt talk about up coming war
DEI sucks and is beginning to cripple our country, but the most dangerous DEI is unironically military DEI.

The US military has a DEI issue at an insane scale and one day it will be deadly.
It’s not for the reason you think anon. Their jeet CEOs just want to fill the places to the max with H1b currycels. It’s actually a worst case scenario.

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