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My 25x long on eth got liquidated. I lost it all.
welcome to the club. i once had 600 eth and now my portfolio isn't even worth 20
I lost 400 eth
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smashing success, congrats to all eth holders
january 11 was bitcoin etf launch day. now look at bitcoin's chart
Next time do a futures martingale anon
Why the hell would you gamble over 1 million dollars? In guessing this is a larp
You made two mistakes. Using leverage and believing in a centralized shitcoin. Ive been burned leverage trading but ive never bought a shitcoin.
I lost 360k gambling shitcoins in less than 36 hours
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try again
Same shit happened to me after I tried trading the initial ETF news. Still painful thinking about the 15 eth I lost to a couple jeetwicks. Expensive but Important lesson.
don't open a 25x long if you don't want to get liquidated.
Thanks for playing, better luck next time.
there are days where you shouldn't get out of bed, touch your phone or think about doing anything, I had a bad day and panic sold a lot, and to this day I still use Spike to recover everything, I feel you man
600 ETH in your wallet, or 600 ETH worth of an illiquid shitcoin that you were a top 10 holder in?
Avoid lev trading rn, anon. DCA into solid gems like TON, QAN, and PROPS. Just spot and chill, senpai.
Time to go to bed and wake up a happy man, knowing your hodlings are safe in vesta, kaspa, reserve.. Oh wait kek
Trying to get rich quickly is easier way to get broke.
No it didn't.
No you didn't.
>being a crypto cuck

Should have bought and stake EOS instead.
I'm waiting for all my bags to die, I'm not even looking to recover, the only thing I saved was the money from my $kendu, but the rest is not worth it now, I just want to feel that I lost everything to give closure to this stage of my life
the only way you make 1 million dollars in ETH is with the same gambling ethos that makes you lose it all.
You should use your money to buy DePIN gems, as it's a popular narrative. Dyor on the peaqosystem, and you’ll see what I mean.
So true, leverage trading is like driving a car with no brakes at full speed, one wrong move or surprise event and it’s game over.
That’s why I stick with spot trades on Bitcoin, Solana, and Filecoin.
I also stake the ones that can be staked and restake a few of my DePin tokens on the Parasail ecosystem
>25x long
25x long is straight-up insane. Even a tiny dip can get him liquidated and wreck his whole stash.
holding Sol, Push, Near, and Rndr is way safer. no liquidation drama, just chill and let it ride.
dont worry theres worst, i had a 3300 ETH folio and now its barely 32 kek
leverage trading is a scam.
you degens will leverage millions on a single exchange and then cry when they front-run and liquidate you LOL
Qan is a better bet

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