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Your done ching chong. You have too much debt invested in nonproductive empty apartment buildings.
tf is this shitcoin'
post the ca
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The one ending in










>bought some
>set a sell order for half at double the price
>wake up
>price is in the shitter
>resigned to have lost the initial
>check the order
>fullfilled 100%
Too bad I haven't gotten onboard before it actually pumped
So, are we actually serious about this thing or was it just a quick pnd?
Those who grabbed it at 25k are probably serious about it hitting at least 250k
It already did that.
I know, that's about the time when I got my initial back.
Of course ads running, dex just got paid for and updated, website made, recruitment started all in a day after. Top holder is a millionaire who hasn’t budged, there are several top holders with huge wallets, none budging.

Peepu will pumpu.
Probably not
digits and OP dies, splattered by a forklift during his 14h shift on a construction site.
>Checks chart

Something tells me I'm gonna lose all my money on both this and Apui.
What's that, the pump and dump nature of it?
Seems to be slowly retracing. Murikans are waking up?
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Thoughts on Peepo with the $PEPO ticker?

Seems to be stable at $1.3-1.5m market cap
some of you guys trade the dumbest shit with peasant money...its a little bit sad desu. hope you get some wins and can level up before the music stops.
Honk is the better buy.
the apu whale is still in there...does he even remember buying this thing?i think he just wants it to complete his frogfolio
Hopefully it'll go up soon. Apu seems to be retracing back too.
What's the whale's wallet?
It's the largest holder on peepu, look it up on dex
Ah, ok, seems like he's inactive.
He’s active and the team is in contact with him so I’m not worried, yeah he’s not gonna buy up 20% of supply
tg muted nice rug
that's the old one
the cto tg is peepucto
Any hopes for this shit and Apui? Bought around 100k mc and 500 mc and i' fucking down
I mean, probably. Very well might go back to 150-200k mcap within a week.
I'd rather wait for supra than check this out.
just wait for america to wake up, we will hit new ath today and will continue pumping for the entire weekend
Well, it seems like the floor is stabilized at 40k mcap at least. At least it's not a base shitcoin, eth shitcoins usually go higher.
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imagine buying a cabal meme coin, by the time you hear about it you're literally exit liquidity.

get with the game:
Honk is a derivative of Peepo though...
Imagine shilling this dogshit
Piece of shit, do something already
Ok i gave up on peepu altho i'm holding
Sers i boughteded more Apui instead
looks boolish atm
800+ people in the tg
people raiding + memes
$350k marketcap
easy 5x from here if you want to get out fast or 50m if a miracle happens
>800+ people in the tg
Why can't peepu get that. Fuck me.
too many copycats and starting from zero with any shitcoin is too hard
Wasn't apui also launched two days ago?
yes but somebody on twitter said Santiago aka pajeetius was the dev and he jeeted at 40k mc so it's a cto now
i guess his reputation made some degens to track his wallets and support this shit in hopes of being the next Peipei or whatever
I see. Oh well, now both have a chance. I see peepu going to 500k eventually
I was wrong, peepu is dead
apui is back on the track
Finally got out of Apui with a small profit. Now I'm just waiting for this to 2x so I can get my money back here too.
I hope it would go up. No idea how though, maybe if some whale pumps it
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There is only one...
Praised be Kek!

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