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And I have been suffering in silence ever since
At this point, I wish I never discovered crypto or any other investment for that matter. I have lost at least 200K Euros of my hard earned money, but in theory I could get it all back since I haven't sold anything.

The future seems bleak. Any words of advice?
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my total losses are actually much larger, I have deleted some assets completely from the portfolio because they were total rugs, so total is not minus 180somethingdollars, it's more like minus 225k euros

anyway, based just on my 2 major holds, bitcoin, and polkadot, do you think I can ever make it out of the hole?
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DOT is an umpumpable piece of fecal matter, smart money already sold DOT at the top and bought other coins since then. BTC is your only redeeming asset. Sell everything and cash out, market is probably dead and alts are going to take a huge dump but no one want to accept it. Use that money to invest in some real life business, work hard, pay your taxes, and minimize losses, instead of being glued to a screen 24/7 just to be anally raped, financially speaking. There are tons of other things you can invest besides crapto. Hold your BTC for maybe 10 more years, though. This is financial advice
Kek you fell for the meme of shitypto I see

It’s just a pyramid scheme
Get rid of dot and buy kaspa
>I got into crypto at the top of 2021
wait so you were here when both pepe and apu launched and you didn't made money with that?
literally how?

all alts are garbage
You have continued to buy to reduce your average buy-in, right anon?
You're mostly okay, even though you fell for some shitcoin and scamcoin memes, because you have a sizable chunk of Bitcoin too.
Your DOT is going to keep being bad, as intended, and you're going to see BTC becoming an ever growing percentage of your portfolio, until it's literally the only part that matters.
If you decide to sell all your non-BTC stuff to anticipate the inevitable, just please don't buy more shitcoins with the proceeds.
Well yes top buyers have been punished
kek what kind of idiot do you have to be to still hodl dot
$marv holder here
can confirm we are so fucking back on the memecoin section
if you got burnt and are still here you have my utmost respect. seen my portfolio do a 10x and slowly lost it all over years. sometimes i punched my pillow like a little kid. now i keep it cool and watch for opportunities. fuck bagholders, drop the junk when it’s time. good luck YAGMI
Jews have your money now ahahaha
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Only by when there’s blood in the streets, and everyone is getting liquidated and going bankrupt. Then, pack your bags and enjoy the sound of the money printer.
It’s cool to feel pissed, frustrated, or even down, I was the same when it was dipping hard, but I told myself that it's gotta bounce back eventually.
so I threw some coins into diff staking pools and Filecoin on Parasail, the first DePin restaking platform to stop stressing about selling.
Same, joined in 2021 I have $93 to my name right now irl keeps beating my ass and I've missed every major meme coin pump. I've only ever seen 5 figures twice and I didn't sell both times because I thought it would keep going up and I watched both bags go straight to 0.

The cold hard truth is people like us aren't meant to make it. When you spend so much time and energy and fail at every turn while newfags who joined a week or a month ago hit 5/6/7 fig portfolios talking about how easy it is, you realize then and there that this is a scripted simulation and certain programs(humans)will simply not achieve things other programs did. Trying to go against this is futile.
wow that made me feel better about my losses thanks anon
Seems like it doesn't it. Fucking weird

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