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For the past two months everything has been falling apart and I've been waiting for Kaspa to drop, but nothing is happening. Do I have to buy at the current price then?
No, you can watch it crabbing until it breaks ATH
Kaspa doesn't care, Kaspa doesn't give a fuck
Kaspa goes where it pleases
Kaspa will never drop as long as Israel keeps printing free money.
Cool, just like the chosenite attitude towards the Goyim!
This is a very thinly veiled shill thread but unironically true lol
chart is not looking good bruv
Post good looking chart now faggot
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>larping as bitcoin
I have some KAS on TradeOgre.
Bitcoiner arguments apply to kaspa because kaspa can do what bitcoin does (be a decentralized store of value/digital money system and settlement layer) but it can do it sustainably, whereas bitcoin must abandon its current value propositions and become a custodial, permissioned asset in order to scale long term. Kaspa’s position is just stronger because it can uphold these value propositions and isn’t forced to relent on them over time like with bitcoin
The main problem with Kaspa is that it isn't Bitcoin
Currycel spotted, only jeet copers use "bruv" on the internet I know because I am a jeet. Die of curry aids fuck you
Just buy and aim to sell next year. Did the same with KAS and other L1s like QAN and ZANO.
That's not a problem, it's an advantage
Well, it's not going up either. It will crash just like the rest of the market sooner or later.
We've seen time and time again that KAS does not move with the rest of the market so the real answer is that people don't know what's going to happen
after my extensive year research on charts, i can surely say that the price will either go up, down, or sideways saar....
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Imagine being this anon when Kaspa was 0.01...
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This will be $jeoing737 after elections, mark my fucking words biz
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Cryptocurrency backdoors exist aIongside keyIogging software to allow bad guys and glownies to access offIine walIets whenever they want to.
Same problem here. i'm trying to stack up my bags but looking for a better entry. I'm hoping I don't make this mistake with Supra when it has its TGE
Imagine getting banned talking about it here at .00xx
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Guess we'll go up
not buying some kike's bags
sorry ummm, not going to do it is all
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