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Recession for crypto
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Bullish once Trump gets elected. If he doesn't we're fucked
i still make money playing panda roll, if we REALLY were on a crypto recession this wouldn't happen would it? tsk tsk checkmate loser
there is no recession
check march 2020
This is just to keep you out of the game, anon. I'm stacking sats and daily using the Pinger App for a shot at AUKI's whitelist spot.
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is necessary, it's what made it possible for us to be above 50k even now
I mean, if that wasn't the case things like my Brainlet wouldn't exist
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just look at the alts going green bro, eth btc superverse arkham and even some memes giving green candles
buying those dips a month ago is so worth
>is necessary, it's what made it possible for us to be above 50k even now
good thing I buy dips as my method
is that shit ever goes above 100k we are set
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anon no matter what it is, you have to learn to spot the opportunities and start investing intelligently in projects like Superverse or Ripple, no matter where we are in the market.
even in bear market you can make profits, I agree with you
THIS, you can't wait for someone to tell you “it's bullmarket m8”
10x’d my portfolio in the bear market with short-term plays. Now, I'm hodling solid projects for bigger returns. The posemesh and DePIN sector will print solid gains.
>10x’d my portfolio in the bear market with short-term plays
unless you're shorting the market on leverage, you didn't 10x shit
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Bullish on qan

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